US debt default coming?

It's like pointing to a paper cut on a man that has been shot in the head 5 times and going... "man he'd be a lot better off without that paper cut".

If billions in war spending doesn't count as one of your 5 head shots then what programs would? $100 million for NPR? $3 million for Acorn?

What you posted about was just the additional war spending. Overall military funding also gets used for the "wars on terror."


Look at those big blue bars. They amount to another $1.5 trillion. Not included in that graph is Homeland Security, Veteran's Affairs, health care costs for wounded soldiers...
So what do you suggest happen? You've said the same shit over and over again but provide no real solution to the problems.

Wrong. I have presented a solution in the past. That is still my solution. As for whether you consider it to be a "real solution," I have no idea. That depends upon how you define a "real solution."

smh at nonvoters. Ya'll ain't helpin' anything.

lol Yes, I am. ;)

At Moxie: Something tells me you're not a patriot. Shame on you.
I read that article on constitutional monarchies. Of particular interest to me since that is the system they have where I live in Thailand. The thing is, it doesn't matter what system you have if the majority of voters are just plain stupid, like in Thailand and in the U.S. (maybe everywhere, but I haven't lived everywhere else so can't say from first hand experience).

In Thailand the elected side (as opposed to the monarchy side) continuously finds ways to subvert checks and balances and loot the country. It keeps getting reset with a military coup every so often but things don't really change. The culture of corruption is always present, people sell the votes like in every democracy, and another corrupt government gets voted in.

I do lol at Americans who think their system is so great.
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Probably so. But after thousands of years of struggle for representative government not voting feels like not trying to get back up after being knocked down.

The world is coming to an end. Believe it. And it is all because of the Russians? no... wait, it is Y2k... ermm no... 911... no... hmm... chicken flu?... swine flu?... not there yet?... how about financial crash?... a tsunami?... ah yes, it is now going to be over because of Debt ceiling.

And for those who keep repeating about the size of the debt, put it in context with the size of GDP:
United States Debt Deficit History - Charts

People are too stupid and selfish to simply default. They would rather inflate and do the slow burn approach. People would much rather live to see another day than face the cold, hard facts. So QE3 here we come.

People don't have the balls to default. They will keep printing.


They are taking in SHITLOADS of money every single day in taxes. There is no shortage of money despite what this communist retarded criminal murdering pieces of shit the general population put in office say. No shortage what so ever, period.

And this:

If you were to follow a dollar as it changes hands over and over again you will see that with all the taxes attached to it its worth maybe 02 cents if even that.

People in general (no offense to anyone) are delusional in the sense that they would rather continue with rather than change, simply to avoid pain. Yet they dont realize that by doing this they set themselves up for big big pain. I wonder what would happen if everyone in the country agreed to stop paying taxes. lol.... would people do it?
[ame=]‪Economic Collapse 101 for Dummies - Welcome to the New World Order‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]​
Bringing up war spending misses the WHOLE idea of this financial crisis.

It's like pointing to a paper cut on a man that has been shot in the head 5 times and going... "man he'd be a lot better off without that paper cut".

you're of the reasons why the US is doomed to empire building/useless warring. that's how other empires died out. the amount of money the US spends on defense is retarded when you compare us to other nations. #1 2 or 3 expense (on something that returns so little + increases foreign resentment thereby endangering our lives) = a paper cut?

United States public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"During FY 2008, approximately 76.6% of federal spending was in the following categories: Departments of Health and Human Services (19.8%), Defense (20.3%) and Veterans Affairs (11.8%); Social Security Administration (18.2%); interest on the public debt (6.6%).[17]"

"Budgeted net interest on the public debt was approximately $240 billion in fiscal years 2007 and 2008. This represented approximately 9.5% of government spending. Interest was the fourth largest single budgeted disbursement category, after defense, Social Security, and Medicare.[91]"

look at this pie chart ffs (from a biased source, but if it's half that it's fucking nuts):

The Federal Pie Chart