United States 22.5 Million Businesses Data (Email, Phone, URL, Lat, Lon, Reviews)


Sky Marshal
Nov 9, 2009
Rating - 0%
0   0   0
General Information
Database Title: US Yellow Pages Dataset, 22.5 Million Businesses (Email, Phone, URL, Lat, Lon, Reviews)
Database URL: US Yellow Pages Dataset, 22.5 Million Businesses (Email, Phone, URL, Lat, Lon, Reviews)
Database Price: $279.00 / year
Samples or Demo: (Please see 'Data Samples' section)
Download Size: 15.72 GB
Number of Tables: 1
Primary Table Records: 22,506,313
Last Update: 2020-10-01

Data Description
Description: This is the United States Yellow Pages data set with a total of 22,506,313 businesses / companies. Each record comes with website URL (52.82%), email (24.38%), phone numbers (99.97%), latitude (94.42%), longitude (94.42%), street (94.69%), city, state, zip code, category, overall rating, BBB rating or license, cover image (15.37%), slogan (6.23%), general info, regular hours (44.71%), extra phone numbers (34.25%), services & products, payment methods, price range, aka, other links (
52.97%), other information, and reviews (reviewer/date/rating/text).

There is 1 table in this database.

Available Formats
Available Formats: While we do have a variety of formats available for our data sets, most popularly, MySQL, CSV, MS Excel, MS Access, XML, please see reach us for actual formats available for this database.

Purchase & Download
If you are interested in this database, please sign up on our site and subscribe to a plan. You will be directed to PayPal to make the payment. After payment, you will be immediately and automatically granted access to our API for the entire dataset.

In case you need a full DOWNLOAD of the dataset, contact us on the website and we will help you with that for some extra fee.

Facebook Ad Account Rental Service

• Spend < $1,000 → Fee 6.5%
• Spend < $2,000 → Fee 6%
• Spend < $3,000 → Fee 5.5%
• Spend < $5,000 → Fee 5%
• Spend $5,000 - $24,999 → Fee 4.5%
• Spend $25,000 - $49,999 → Fee 4%
• Spend $50,000 - $99,999 → Fee 3.5%
• Spend $100,000+ → Fee 3%

✅ If your budget is stable and consistent, we can offer a fixed fee for easier tracking and reconciliation.
✅ 0% fee for the first 3 days of testing.

Telegram: @pphuong0101