Unarmed black shot in the back by white cop

well, you need to filter those results based on demograhic and psychographic factors as well. for instance, what's the overwhelmingly prevalent demo/psychographic background of WHITE criminals? they're usually from broken homes, poor ruban communities, etc, etc. probably around 15% of the white U.S. population fit those specific characteristics but 60% of the black population fit this. but you RARELY see black criminals who are college educated, or from black middle class families where their parents were college educated and live in the 'burbs. you rarely ever do. kids from good backgrounds (black or white) RARELY commit violent crimes. if they do commit a crime, they'll commit white collar (non-violent) crimes instead. :p

The statistic that matters most to cops is probably that blacks make up 40% of all cop killers, stats which have been removed from the report from which I also found this:

Of the 27 officers feloniously killed, six were killed in arrest situations, five were investigating suspicious persons or circumstances, five were ambushed, four were involved in tactical situations, four were answering disturbance calls, and two were conducting traffic pursuits/stops. One was conducting an investigative activity, such as surveillance, a search, or an interview.

If you were a policeman and almost all killed policemen are white and you stopped a black guy, knowing that he is several, multiple times more likely to kill you statistically, wouldn't you then perhaps be a bit more on edge?

He's being charged with murder with clear evidence. Just another criminal at this point.

Al Sharpton will be back though.

There's going to come a point when the world just don't give a shit and assume they are getting gunned down in mass because they are doing shit to get gunned down? White, black, doesn't matter.

Desensitized to the whole ordeal, and it will no longer generate pageviews.

Run from the police, face the consequences. I don't remember the last time I ran from the cops, let alone while they had a pistol pointed at me... do you?

Hopefully that time is soon.

I'm more curious why he isn't standing trial for the bullets that didn't hit the kid. Who's house did they end up in? That dude didn't go down til the last bullet from a 9 or a 40 (if not a 45), not exactly sharpshooting.

It's not like Bond with the Golden gun in the N64 game. Even with with several well-placed shots, a lethal shot isn't instantly lethal.
What if he's just a power hungry cop that has wet dreams about killing people that oppose his authority? Or do we just assume that members of different races automatically means racism? Just curious because this type of reflexive response has always been odd to me.

It would definitely NOT be racism if the colors were opposite. We all know that only whitey can (and automatically IS) be racist.
If you were a policeman and almost all killed policemen are white and you stopped a black guy, knowing that he is several, multiple times more likely to kill you statistically, wouldn't you then perhaps be a bit more on edge?
perhaps. so you're saying it's ok for cops to indiscriminately shoot blacks cause they're all on edge when dealing with black suspects. we should just brush such incidences (cop vs black suspect)under the rug cause they're all on edge. I see.
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you know what would be interesting is if one day a white cop shoots and kills a black cop/detective by mistake, thinking "wow a suspicious black person came around the corner" and bang. pure reflex. "didn't recognize him since it was dark outside", etc. "but he was black so I asssumed the worse". ofcourse the cop would never come out and admit to the latter since that would sound racist. but it would definitely get alot of ppl talking. heck, it doesn't have to be a black cop. it could be a black congressman, senator, etc. you get the picture.
What percentage of black/hispanic are violent criminals? A large percentage of sweet fuck all is still sweet fuck all.

Let's put it this way. If you removed all black and Hispanic crime, there would be very little crime in the US. Last time I saw the statistics, blacks committed more than half of robberies and murders. Yet they're only 12-13% of the population.

Just one example:

In New York from January to June 2008, 83 percent of all gun assailants were black, according to witnesses and victims, though blacks were only 24 percent of the population. Blacks and Hispanics together accounted for 98 percent of all gun assailants. Forty-nine of every 50 muggings and murders in the Big Apple were the work of black or Hispanic criminals.

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly confirms Mac Donald’s facts. Blacks and Hispanics commit 96 percent of all crimes in the city, he says, but only 85 percent of the stop-and-frisks are of blacks and Hispanics.

I love when people use false statistics to confuse the issue. You need to go and examine the brainwashing that occurred during so called slavery years.

You can condition people to expect less of everything. There are many ways you can control people from a distance. Here are some of the ones I can put out in public:

1 - First you create a false color line of the humans, and then make one negative and the other positive. Humans are not "black or white". Around me I see pink and brown people. But the words were chosen for psychological reasons. The word black when you research it actually means "dead", while the word "white" means purity. So to begin with, the labels are wrong, but created to keep one group in power for a very long time.

2 - The establishment of organized religion was created to rule the masses. Christianity was created from stolen story-lines of Egyptian Gods. If you care to do your own research, you'll understand the motives of those that wrote the bible and the Quran. But most people are too lazy to look up stuff, and just accept the official story-line.

When you research the establishment of organized religion, you'll understand why they gave us the story of one God, and the idea of heaven and hell. The people that created this stuff were wicked to the core, all you have to do is look at history to see their deeds. Imagine the millions of people killed in the name of God and religion? Religion is the drug of the poor, and your rulers do not believe in all that dogma.

3 - Those with open eyes can see that most of the recent disturbances were carefully orchestrated to distract the masses from what is really going on. If you look at the major events reported by the news media, 60% to 70% of the commentators are "CRISIS ACTORS" with paid views. When you see the same faces telling you what is going on, put your thinking cap on.

For those that say Brown Americas are to blame for their condition, you must not be privy to the brainwashing that took place many years ago. Contrary to what some might think, most of the so called African Americans did not come from Africa, but were living in this great land before "COLUMBUS" came in. Some might call them INDIANS, mostly same skin color.

What the power masters fear the most are brown people coming together to think as one. So to prevent that from happening soon, they agitate and inflame tensions, to keep emotions going in the directions they want.
Let's put it this way. If you removed all black and Hispanic crime, there would be very little crime in the US. Last time I saw the statistics, blacks committed more than half of robberies and murders. Yet they're only 12-13% of the population.

Just one example:

How nice of you to cherry-pick your statistics! Most of the drug users in America are not brown people, how come most of the people locked up are not pink?

Trust me, the crimes you cite are minor compared to the ones committed by the rulers of this great country of ours.

There are many other reasons why brown people are locked up in the millions in this country, and most of it has nothing to do with crime.
I love when people use false statistics to confuse the issue. You need to go and examine the brainwashing that occurred during so called slavery years.

You can condition people to expect less of everything. There are many ways you can control people from a distance. Here are some of the ones I can put out in public:

1 - First you create a false color line of the humans, and then make one negative and the other positive. Humans are not "black or white". Around me I see pink and brown people. But the words were chosen for psychological reasons. The word black when you research it actually means "dead", while the word "white" means purity. So to begin with, the labels are wrong, but created to keep one group in power for a very long time.

2 - The establishment of organized religion was created to rule the masses. Christianity was created from stolen story-lines of Egyptian Gods. If you care to do your own research, you'll understand the motives of those that wrote the bible and the Quran. But most people are too lazy to look up stuff, and just accept the official story-line.

When you research the establishment of organized religion, you'll understand why they gave us the story of one God, and the idea of heaven and hell. The people that created this stuff were wicked to the core, all you have to do is look at history to see their deeds. Imagine the millions of people killed in the name of God and religion? Religion is the drug of the poor, and your rulers do not believe in all that dogma.

3 - Those with open eyes can see that most of the recent disturbances were carefully orchestrated to distract the masses from what is really going on. If you look at the major events reported by the news media, 60% to 70% of the commentators are "CRISIS ACTORS" with paid views. When you see the same faces telling you what is going on, put your thinking cap on.

For those that say Brown Americas are to blame for their condition, you must not be privy to the brainwashing that took place many years ago. Contrary to what some might think, most of the so called African Americans did not come from Africa, but were living in this great land before "COLUMBUS" came in. Some might call them INDIANS, mostly same skin color.

What the power masters fear the most are brown people coming together to think as one. So to prevent that from happening soon, they agitate and inflame tensions, to keep emotions going in the directions they want.

I haven't read a bigger bunch of tripe on this site in quite awhile. Thanks for the morning laughs!
perhaps. so you're saying it's ok for cops to indiscriminately shoot blacks cause they're all on edge when dealing with black suspects. we should just brush such incidences (cop vs black suspect)under the rug cause they're all on edge. I see.

Where did he say anything even remotely close to that? Quit trying to put words in people's mouths.

I can almost hear the misfiring of your neural synapses.
You can condition people to expect less of everything. There are many ways you can control people from a distance. Here are some of the ones I can put out in public

Well it's just lucky you're here to lead us, the uninformed dirty masses, to the promised land of enlightenment.

Quick question though, why does the promised land reek of bullshit and hyperbole?
Where did he say anything even remotely close to that? Quit trying to put words in people's mouths.
lol, i admit it was a bit of trolling on my part ;) part of the reason why I did it was because the poster who responded to my post often resort to a red herring. Redirecting the argument to another issue and didn't really respond directly to what I was claiming.
2 - The establishment of organized religion was created to rule the masses. Christianity was created from stolen story-lines of Egyptian Gods. If you care to do your own research, you'll understand the motives of those that wrote the bible and the Quran. But most people are too lazy to look up stuff, and just accept the official story-line.

When you research the establishment of organized religion, you'll understand why they gave us the story of one God, and the idea of heaven and hell. The people that created this stuff were wicked to the core, all you have to do is look at history to see their deeds. Imagine the millions of people killed in the name of God and religion? Religion is the drug of the poor, and your rulers do not believe in all that dogma.
well, i'm not sure if I totally agree with the rest of your post, but I did read that Christianity was introduced and encouraged by plantation owners in the deep south. It helped keep slaves docile, gave slaves false hope and patience for the afterlife, a consitution for 'long suffering'. I mean, why did it take blacks so fuckin' long to riot? IMHO brainwashed by religion. (only my opinion here). compare this with how quickly the white establishment/population resorted to rioting and uprisings (boston tea party, war of independence, civil war, etc). you'd think such major uprisings and riotings by black slaves would've occurred much much earlier in history instead of waiting for what..over 150 yrs later (watts of 1960's, etc).

What's so perverted about Christianity is that for 150 yrs, it was rationalized and preached at the pulpit throughout the deep south that slavery was taught in the bible, therefore it's justified. And what's really sad is that you had an entire population of black slaves who were psychologically enslaved by this religion -- by a religion that rationalized their slavery. sick indeed.
For those that say Brown Americas are to blame for their condition, you must not be privy to the brainwashing that took place many years ago. Contrary to what some might think, most of the so called African Americans did not come from Africa, but were living in this great land before "COLUMBUS" came in. Some might call them INDIANS, mostly same skin color.

Are you saying that most african americans are really Native Americans or that they are from India? Or something else?

Or not making any sense at all?
Agree with most of your points, but the data doesn't support this statement. By every statistical measure, black males (particularly young black males) commit violent crimes at a far higher rate than every other demographic, and it ain't even close.

I do think it's important to separate out violent crimes from things like drug offenses where a lot of other factors (including tribalism or racism or wealth or just proximity to high crime areas) can have a significant affect on arrest rates. It's not at all surprising that arrest rates aren't equal amongst blacks and whites for things like drug possession, due to the difference in neighborhood policing in urban vs suburban or rural areas. So a disparity in nonviolent drug arrests by race is likely and it's certainly understandable why that would be seen as unfair.

Violent crimes however are far more likely to result in an arrest regardless of the race of the suspect. There are exceptions to everything, but for the most part, if there is evidence that you committed a violent crime you will pretty much always be arrested for it regardless of race, gender or neighborhood.

Absolutely none of that justifies a murder though.
