Unarmed black shot in the back by white cop

He's being charged with murder with clear evidence. Just another criminal at this point.

Al Sharpton will be back though.

There's going to come a point when the world just don't give a shit and assume they are getting gunned down in mass because they are doing shit to get gunned down? White, black, doesn't matter.

Desensitized to the whole ordeal, and it will no longer generate pageviews.

Run from the police, face the consequences. I don't remember the last time I ran from the cops, let alone while they had a pistol pointed at me... do you?

Hopefully that time is soon.

I'm more curious why he isn't standing trial for the bullets that didn't hit the kid. Who's house did they end up in? That dude didn't go down til the last bullet from a 9 or a 40 (if not a 45), not exactly sharpshooting.
This cop is a racist, plain and simple, he could have just called backup to track him down, but he decided to shoot him in the back, what a bitach.
Surely as a cop he knows not to interfere with a crime scene?

Playing devil's advocate. It starts off with something being thrown to the ground, and at 2:00 you can see him picking up what could possibly be a taser from near the guy's hand (it seems to fit into his belt, and would match with the officer's story in the linked article). If it was, then he was armed, and he's just assaulted a police officer, and could now potentially be running to put distance between them for when he fires the taser.
Unarmed black shot in the back while running from a white officer:
South Carolina Cop Shoots Unarmed Black Man, Walter Scott, In The Back *Unedited Footage* - YouTube

South carolina - April 7th
Officer has been charged with murder
South Carolina police officer charged with murder - CNN.com

One of these days (5, 10, 20, 50 yrs from now?) they'll come out with a non-lethal phasers-on-stun type weapon that has none of the limitations of a taser (ex: no need for a wired connection since it's a stun beam that can accurately hit its target many many yards away). Public outcry of police brutality will be solved overnight ;) Watching star trek too much I guess...
Surely as a cop he knows not to interfere with a crime scene?

Playing devil's advocate. It starts off with something being thrown to the ground, and at 2:00 you can see him picking up what could possibly be a taser from near the guy's hand (it seems to fit into his belt, and would match with the officer's story in the linked article). If it was, then he was armed, and he's just assaulted a police officer, and could now potentially be running to put distance between them for when he fires the taser.

Enlarge the video and watch in HD. At the 18-19 second mark when he breaks away, you can see taser cables already attached to him. Makes sense, the cop said he used his taser on him. At 20 and 21 seconds, you can see the taser being drug along the ground about 10 feet behind him. He took the taser alright, only because it was attached to him by the cables and when he ran it was yanked out of the cop's hand. He couldn't have fired it again. The cop gunned him down without justification.
"Unarmed man shot by cop"

Violent psycho cop shouldn't even have used a tazer. It has to be possible to restrain a 50 year old man without using serious force. He was running because he didn't want to go to jail for missed child support.

Case points:

1) Excessive use of force by police in the US
2) Excessive US punishments for non-violent crimes (including drugs)

What is not a thing worth nothing is the racial makeup of this incident. White and asians seemingly also get shot by cops in the US all the time.

Woof! Woof! Drool! Drool!

People are acting like Pavlov's dogs, don't make it this easy for the powers that be to create a race war.
"Unarmed man shot by cop"

Violent psycho cop shouldn't even have used a tazer. It has to be possible to restrain a 50 year old man without using serious force. He was running because he didn't want to go to jail for missed child support.

Case points:

1) Excessive use of force by police in the US
2) Excessive US punishments for non-violent crimes (including drugs)

What is not a thing worth nothing is the racial makeup of this incident. White and asians seemingly also get shot by cops in the US all the time.

Woof! Woof! Drool! Drool!

People are acting like Pavlov's dogs, don't make it this easy for the powers that be to create a race war.
:thumbsup: one of those rare occasions I think I've ever agreed with one of your posts :D
Cops are just people. And most people are tribalists. It follows that white cops are going to look at non-white perps through a harsher lens.

That lens is particularly harsh for blacks. Here's why...

Most people confuse correlation with causation. (Sometimes, it almost seems like a national pastime.) They consider the percentage of black males incarcerated in the U.S., compare that figure to the percentage of white males incarcerated in the U.S. and wrongly conclude that blacks are more likely than whites to commit crimes. People neglect to consider the reasons behind the differences in incarceration rates.

Again, cops are just people. They make the same mistake. They're not the brightest bulbs. Unfortunately, that mistake informs their view of others.

Blacks have good reason to fear cops. They have historically been treated more harshly, both on the ground and by the justice system. Some run. Totally understandable, even if ill-advised.

Are cops racist? This guy seems to think so.

I think the real problems are a natural tendency toward tribalism (not the same as racism) and cops' expectation that they're unlikely to suffer consequences for their actions. As the author of the linked article says,

The problem is that cops aren’t held accountable for their actions, and they know it. These officers violate rights with impunity. They know there’s a different criminal justice system for civilians and police.

The good news is that it's getting a lot harder for cops to (literally) get away with murder. States are trying to make it more difficult to film cops' shenanigans, but those laws are doomed. And of course, a lot of cops try to take liberties with current laws to avoid being filmed.

In May, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit wrote that, “reasonable restrictions on the exercise of the right to film may be imposed when the circumstances justify them.” Those factors could include officer and suspect safety, or the ability of law enforcement personnel to control chaos at the scene.

Younger people - let's say under 40 - now tend to look at cops with suspicion. They're going to continue to film them and upload the videos. And while it seems as if the novelty of watching a cop murder an innocent man is wearing off, the underlying suspicion against cops is growing.

It will continue to grow. As it does, their support will erode.

Old people still trust and support cops. Young people, immigrants and blacks tend not to. Not anymore, at least. Once the old people pass on, I'm betting that most of the support for cops will come from the white Christian community.

For better or worse.

One last note. Here's a very cool look at the discrepancies in race among police departments in various cities.


With exceptions, law enforcement is still a white man's game.
Cops are just people. And most people are tribalists. It follows that white cops are going to look at non-white perps through a harsher lens.

That lens is particularly harsh for blacks. Here's why...

Most people confuse correlation with causation. (Sometimes, it almost seems like a national pastime.) They consider the percentage of black males incarcerated in the U.S., compare that figure to the percentage of white males incarcerated in the U.S. and wrongly conclude that blacks are more likely than whites to commit crimes. People neglect to consider the reasons behind the differences in incarceration rates.

Again, cops are just people. They make the same mistake. They're not the brightest bulbs. Unfortunately, that mistake informs their view of others.
very true. I met a cop at a party. 20 yrs on the force. he pretty much reiterated this view, i.e. "percentage of blacks incarcerated proved that blacks were more prone to violent crimes, etc". most cops don't have a doctorate (or a degree) in sociology or criminology. not even sure if they get properly taught about such things at police academy, i.e. don't jump to narrow-minded conclusions re: race vs crime rates. but i'm guessing even if this stuff was taught, once a rookie cop joins the force he'll end up listening to those seasoned veteran cops (like the cop i just mentioned).
They consider the percentage of black males incarcerated in the U.S., compare that figure to the percentage of white males incarcerated in the U.S. and wrongly conclude that blacks are more likely than whites to commit crimes.

Agree with most of your points, but the data doesn't support this statement. By every statistical measure, black males (particularly young black males) commit violent crimes at a far higher rate than every other demographic, and it ain't even close.

I do think it's important to separate out violent crimes from things like drug offenses where a lot of other factors (including tribalism or racism or wealth or just proximity to high crime areas) can have a significant affect on arrest rates. It's not at all surprising that arrest rates aren't equal amongst blacks and whites for things like drug possession, due to the difference in neighborhood policing in urban vs suburban or rural areas. So a disparity in nonviolent drug arrests by race is likely and it's certainly understandable why that would be seen as unfair.

Violent crimes however are far more likely to result in an arrest regardless of the race of the suspect. There are exceptions to everything, but for the most part, if there is evidence that you committed a violent crime you will pretty much always be arrested for it regardless of race, gender or neighborhood.

Absolutely none of that justifies a murder though.
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Agree with most of your points, but the data doesn't support this statement. By every statistical measure, black males (particularly young black males) commit violent crimes at a far higher rate than every other demographic, and it ain't even close. .
well, you need to filter those results based on demograhic and psychographic factors as well. for instance, what's the overwhelmingly prevalent demo/psychographic background of WHITE criminals? they're usually from broken homes, poor ruban communities, etc, etc. probably around 15% of the white U.S. population fit those specific characteristics but 60% of the black population fit this. but you RARELY see black criminals who are college educated, or from black middle class families where their parents were college educated and live in the 'burbs. you rarely ever do. kids from good backgrounds (black or white) RARELY commit violent crimes. if they do commit a crime, they'll commit white collar (non-violent) crimes instead. :p