UK General Election

God this thread has got me so fucking depressed.

Why the FUCK are people so FUCKING dumb to constantly fall for stupid socialist and communist policies. Democracy is fucking dead in the world.

Of course its not dead, it's just that if you are middle class you will inevitably be in the worst possible position, people at the top will be happy rich and leading, people at the bottom will be happy living off benefits and voting for communist and lefty policies.

I guess it is inevitable that the masses will be manipulated and lead by a group at the top who call themselves lefties and "for the people".

The only thing we can possibly do is be part of the people at the top.

I feel sick.

the whole western world except for some single states are becoming police states. What has happened to us that people now accept giving up their privacy for fake freedom?...

London was fucking scary. CCTVs everywhere.
the whole western world except for some single states are becoming police states. What has happened to us that people now accept giving up their privacy for fake freedom?...

London was fucking scary. CCTVs everywhere.

According to this web site, in 2007 the USA was as much a leading surveillance society as China and Russia and of course the UK.
Even the hero/fiancier of the US left is warning of Europes colapse / Global Economy - Soros warns Europe of disintegration . Unless Europe (and the US for that matter) kick the socialist/communist out of power, they are in for a shitstorm. One can only hope for another Thatcher.

P.S. What group do you think will take over when Europe bites the dust? Can you say Sharia Law?
God this thread has got me so fucking depressed.

Why the FUCK are people so FUCKING dumb to constantly fall for stupid socialist and communist policies. Democracy is fucking dead in the world.

Of course its not dead, it's just that if you are middle class you will inevitably be in the worst possible position, people at the top will be happy rich and leading, people at the bottom will be happy living off benefits and voting for communist and lefty policies.

I guess it is inevitable that the masses will be manipulated and lead by a group at the top who call themselves lefties and "for the people".

The only thing we can possibly do is be part of the people at the top.

I feel sick.

I can't say I've read the entirety of the Communism Manifesto but I fail to see how any of the policies being proposed by the major parties could be called Communist. Unless you mean it figuratively, in which case then some of their other policies could just as easily be described as fascist.
I think he's very clear, intelligent and entertaning, which is more than you could say for Gordy or Dave Cam.

I was out of line resorting to cheap insults, he's no more of a twat than the others really just a single-issue politician who I happen to disagree with on his only real policy.
Even the hero/fiancier of the US left is warning of Europes colapse / Global Economy - Soros warns Europe of disintegration . Unless Europe (and the US for that matter) kick the socialist/communist out of power, they are in for a shitstorm. One can only hope for another Thatcher.

P.S. What group do you think will take over when Europe bites the dust? Can you say Sharia Law?

Ok. Let's ignore the rate of Muslim immigration and conversions in Europe and the feasibility of the Muslim population ever getting high enough to actually change a government and look at Sharia law from a more abstract point of view.

As with other extreme religious doctrines it is right wing with a very strong focus on harsh punishment for what it regards as crimes.

It is feasible that Europe might embrace some elements of it as parties to the right gain votes, but I think fortunately we a well past the point where we would consider draconian measures such as reintroducing the death penalty.
Interesting debate last night. Great to see agreement on the right of the electorate to recall MPs.

Good to hear Brown commit to electoral reform too. The end of the two party boys club might well be in sight.
Even the hero/fiancier of the US left is warning of Europes colapse / Global Economy - Soros warns Europe of disintegration . Unless Europe (and the US for that matter) kick the socialist/communist out of power, they are in for a shitstorm. One can only hope for another Thatcher.

The socialist (based on two years of watcing you post it's clear you don't have a clue what socialism is) ideal is an inevitability, just like evoltion. This is, of course, assuming there is still a species left to evolve after you right wing hate mongers get done killing everything.
The socialist (based on two years of watcing you post it's clear you don't have a clue what socialism is) ideal is an inevitability, just like evoltion. This is, of course, assuming there is still a species left to evolve after you right wing hate mongers get done killing everything.

Dear god...
Lib-Dem or Green FTW. Cameron is gomer.

Small steps...

Best hope this time is a hung parliament -> lib-lab gov -> electoral reform

Then might see a few green mps (along with UKIP & BNP unfortunately) and conceivable to see Greens part of a ruling coalition in next decade or two.

Greens are too protectionist on trade for me but do have some very good policies and about the only ones genuinely committed to ending our reliance on oil.
The socialist ... ideal is an inevitability, just like evoltion.
1. Social evolution doesn't have an end point until we're extinct (which the socialist ideal would guarantee).

2. Socialism becomes increasingly more irrational (unable to act logically) the closer it comes to the ideal. In a sense, as one got closer to the socialist ideal, one would be less able to achieve it.

3. Nothing is inevitable. Even Marx understood that.

4. It's not possible to believe in both the theory of evolution and the socialist ideal simultaneously without creating a contradiction.
Best hope this time is a hung parliament -> lib-lab gov -> electoral reform

Then might see a few green mps (along with UKIP & BNP unfortunately) and conceivable to see Greens part of a ruling coalition in next decade or two.

The Greens have no chance of getting a few MP's, Caroline Lucas has a minor shout of getting one in Brighton, which is of course more likely to be receptive to the green message, but other than that they've got no chance. They have long been beaten out of their title of the 4th party by UKIP / BNP.

The BNP have a half chance of getting Barking with Griffin standing, but it's unlikely. While they want seats, really they have put their two top guys in the two seats where they have a chance of winning the council, which is Barking and Stoke. I really can't see where UKIP are going to get anyone in.

I'm very happy about the Greens having no chance though. While they may want to end our dependency on oil, have you actually read their manifesto? They are more fascist than Griffin could ever hope to be. Nothing more than a bunch of eco-nutters.

The only real politician I like is Clegg actually, I just happen to wildly disagree with his (and your) stance on the EU. How he can be in favour of further integration into an undemocratic institution that costs us billions and takes away our sovereignity is amazing. Other than that I like him.

So essentially, there is no one to vote for.
The Greens have no chance of getting a few MP's, Caroline Lucas has a minor shout of getting one in Brighton, which is of course more likely to be receptive to the green message, but other than that they've got no chance. They have long been beaten out of their title of the 4th party by UKIP / BNP.

The BNP have a half chance of getting Barking with Griffin standing, but it's unlikely. While they want seats, really they have put their two top guys in the two seats where they have a chance of winning the council, which is Barking and Stoke. I really can't see where UKIP are going to get anyone in.

I was actually referring to if/when we adopt a system of PR, but UKIP have a good chance in the Speaker's seat where none of the main parties are standing.

Anyway... today's the day. Let's see how this shit plays out.
Normally I'd hope for a Tory majority but this time I think electoral reform might be more important. If the political class is more irresponsible than the voters (see EU, immigration and general lawlessness) perhaps a system that allows for more political entrepreneurship and single issue parties could be useful. I'm not british and don't follow Uk poltics closely tough. So don't take me to seriously.
The socialist ... ideal is an inevitability, just like evolution.
The world has been, is and will remain chaotic. History will probably continue to make ideas involving inevitable outcomes look stupid.
I was actually referring to if/when we adopt a system of PR, but UKIP have a good chance in the Speaker's seat where none of the main parties are standing.

Anyway... today's the day. Let's see how this shit plays out.

I lol'ed at this today in the NY Times:

"In Mr. Cameron’s Oxfordshire constituency of Witney, two men clambered onto the roof of a polling station in a village hall , drinking Champagne from a bottle. One of them wore the blazer and straw boater hat associated with the upper crust. They held up a poster that referred to Mr. Cameron’s expensive private school and his political party, proclaiming: “Britons know your place. Vote Eton — vote Tory.”

Cameron isn't that bad at all. Wish we had more of a moderate right in this country, IMHO

He seems to have worked hard to not delve too deep into the whole class warfare stuff....