UK General Election


New member
Apr 9, 2007
Ok, I know a lot of peeps here aren't that interested in what goes on in other countries but for us in the UK and those who are interested it would be good to discuss this.

It's general election time here in a few weeks and it's the closest it's been for decades. Really not much between Labour and the Conservatives in the polls... or in their policies.

It does seem like there is a very real chance of a hung parliament, which I personally think would be the best result.

If that happens then we'd either get a minority government and another election soon or a Labour-Lib Dem coalition which could really bring about change on issues such as electoral reform (fixed terms, some sort of PR) and maybe even stuff like drugs policy and renewal of trident where the Lib Dems have a different position to the other parties. Plus I think Vince Cable would make a much better Chancellor than Alastair Darling or George Osbourne.

Locally, it's a strong Tory seat here with Lib Dems second. I'll vote Lib Dem as they have the best chance of beating my twat of an MP and they are (in my view) the least-worse option.

This gives a good indication of where the parties stand on the political spectrum:


I really don't agree with your assertion that a hung parliament is the best solution. There's not much that gets done by the government at the moment, but two opposing parties going at it is going to achieve even less.

Having said that it might further weaken Sterling which will be good for my pocket, so bring it on. I'm moving abroad soon anyway.
Either way - you guys will be doing better than us here in South Africa. We've got this clown running the country (When he's not too busy taking yet another wife or working on fathering his enormouse tribe of illegitimate bastards)
The fact that Britain has social medicine and more programs, with higher taxes seems to kind of go against the spectrum analysis
Labour have properly fucked the country and are no more left than the conservatives. I'll be voting Tory because i don't want to pay even more fucking tax under one of the other parties. This country is already a fucking joke of a police state with unbelievable wastage going on at every level.

Fuck all the fucking quangos off, sack shit loads of civil servants, throw all the nanny state paper work required by the police and all other necessary services in the bin, stop taxing fuel and fags like there's no tomorrow, stop paying fat lazy cunts to sit around watching Jeremy Kyle... Job done. See i should run the country. :)
The only thing I can possibly hope for in ruined Britain is that the Tories forget about the whole nanny state mentality, and in 4-8 years people might start taking responsibility for themselves, and every politician's answer to every question won't involve "poor people". I'm fucking sick of it.

Just my corporation tax this year will be more than the average salary in the UK, and no-one ever fucking mentions the entrepreneur who actually creates value.

And you can't even fucking emmigrate anywhere, the entire world is communist shit.

I'm voting tory but don't expect very much from them. The country needs another Thatcher not some retard lefty pussy like Cameron.

btw I think that diagram is complete bullshit. All of the parties are on the left.
The UK is well and truly fucked and the bunch off tossers we have looking to take control are only going to stick us in a bigger hole.

Heres how we fix it.

1) No job? - get one or lose benefit after 90 days, restrict net connection to education and job sites, teach woman how to cook, clean and have look after people
2) No Job? - Surrender your passport and no 2 weeks in Benidorm with my cash
3) Little Whore - Just cause your 13 and shagged the local junkie does not mean I should pay for you. Let the family pay or put the little fucker up for adoption.
4) Tax - Dont let our future leave the country. max 20% tax up to £200k then 5%
5) Junkies - free anthrax laced shot of heroin
6) Fat - Smoke - Junkie - Drink? Pay as you go NHS if associated with your own doing
7) Old people - After all the Junkies are dead we have more cash, double the pention
8) Immigration - Deport anyone caught of any crime, live by our rules and values like we do yours.
9) Education - Were up againt the world in a digital age, make sure little cunts go to school or else!
10) Vote for me!
The UK is well and truly fucked and the bunch off tossers we have looking to take control are only going to stick us in a bigger hole.

Heres how we fix it.

1) No job? - get one or lose benefit after 90 days, restrict net connection to education and job sites, teach woman how to cook, clean and have look after people
2) No Job? - Surrender your passport and no 2 weeks in Benidorm with my cash
3) Little Whore - Just cause your 13 and shagged the local junkie does not mean I should pay for you. Let the family pay or put the little fucker up for adoption.
4) Tax - Dont let our future leave the country. max 20% tax up to £200k then 5%
5) Junkies - free anthrax laced shot of heroin
6) Fat - Smoke - Junkie - Drink? Pay as you go NHS if associated with your own doing
7) Old people - After all the Junkies are dead we have more cash, double the pention
8) Immigration - Deport anyone caught of any crime, live by our rules and values like we do yours.
9) Education - Were up againt the world in a digital age, make sure little cunts go to school or else!
10) Vote for me!

But what about the poor? The disadvantaged? You must consider the poor because they are really fucking important. You must take care of them as they are poor. You are at an advantage because you are successful. WHAT ABOUT THE POOR? (just a normal quote from the weekly question time on BBC).
I really don't agree with your assertion that a hung parliament is the best solution. There's not much that gets done by the government at the moment, but two opposing parties going at it is going to achieve even less.

Having said that it might further weaken Sterling which will be good for my pocket, so bring it on. I'm moving abroad soon anyway.

My main reason for hoping for a hung parliament is that is is the best chance for electoral reform.

Although labour have a referendum on it in their manifesto the Lib Dems have backed it for a long time, so a Lib-Lab coalition seems the most likely way to achieve it.

We need fixed terms to stop governments trying to time elections to their advantage and we need a more representative system than first past the post.

I disagree that a hung parliament won't get anything done. Many other countries, such as Israel, always have coalition governments and function as well as the UK. Having to give concessions to small parties often results in more radical actions than a larger, more mainstream party could undertake on it's own for fear of alienating voters. Not that I agree with how this has played out in Israel but the principle is sound.
The UK is well and truly fucked and the bunch off tossers we have looking to take control are only going to stick us in a bigger hole.

Heres how we fix it.

1) No job? - get one or lose benefit after 90 days, restrict net connection to education and job sites, teach woman how to cook, clean and have look after people
2) No Job? - Surrender your passport and no 2 weeks in Benidorm with my cash
3) Little Whore - Just cause your 13 and shagged the local junkie does not mean I should pay for you. Let the family pay or put the little fucker up for adoption.
4) Tax - Dont let our future leave the country. max 20% tax up to £200k then 5%
5) Junkies - free anthrax laced shot of heroin
6) Fat - Smoke - Junkie - Drink? Pay as you go NHS if associated with your own doing
7) Old people - After all the Junkies are dead we have more cash, double the pention
8) Immigration - Deport anyone caught of any crime, live by our rules and values like we do yours.
9) Education - Were up againt the world in a digital age, make sure little cunts go to school or else!
10) Vote for me!

You do live on button moon don't ya!

Are women allowed to vote (for you of course) after they've finished the cooking and cleaning?
But what about the poor? The disadvantaged? You must consider the poor because they are really fucking important. You must take care of them as they are poor. You are at an advantage because you are successful. WHAT ABOUT THE POOR? (just a normal quote from the weekly question time on BBC).

He wants to double their pension. Haven't ya noticed it's the old and poor that get all the attention.... they are the ones that bother to vote.
He wants to double their pension. Haven't ya noticed it's the old and poor that get all the attention.... they are the ones that bother to vote.

Ah come on. There's just lots of them, I vote too.

In terms of policy, an easy fix for 99% of societies out there would be that only taxpayers vote. Even better only private sector tax payers.

Unfortunately I think the chavs would be out on the street rioting and destroying the country.

Democracy is great for getting what leaders want, since the mob can easily be manipulated, and at the same time they feel like they have a choice.
You do live on button moon don't ya!

Are women allowed to vote (for you of course) after they've finished the cooking and cleaning?

OK, possibly my answers were a bit sarcastic but have grounds.

I have a share in a business owned by a guy who writes answers for PM question time, He recently came up to Scotland and I took him around the city and into some of the very poor areas as he wanted to see the sites.

I took him to a very low income area just outside Glasgow which I worked in a few years ago. He told me on the way home it was like something out of the 1900's and never knew poverty like this still existed in the UK.

As for old people, if they work hard they deserve a good retirement. If they dont work, leathel injection at 65
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Compared to what i see as the average American mentality, here in Britain, there is a lot of "can't do" attitude.
In terms of policy, an easy fix for 99% of societies out there would be that only taxpayers vote.

I assume you mean income tax as otherwise you aren't eliminating anyone who buys anything and pays VAT.

Actually, talking of tax. I think income tax should be capped/slashed/scrapped and VAT massively hiked to compensate.

Tax consumption, rather than production.

Might stop the 19 year old girl with three kids on benefits from buying those new shoes if she pays 70% VAT on them... then again, no it won't. Primark will just get their sweatshop kids to work for less.
Might stop the 19 year old girl with three kids on benefits from buying those new shoes if she pays 70% VAT on them... then again, no it won't. Primark will just get their sweatshop kids to work for less.

OK, along with chip and pin etc they should add "working status" to the new ID cards. To make a purchase you need to swipe your photo ID. If your a sponger then back to Tesco value
OK, possibly my answers were a bit sarcastic but have grounds.

I have a share in a business owned by a guy who writes answers for PM question time, He recently came up to Scotland and I took him around the city and into some of the very poor areas as he wanted to see the sites.

I took him to a very low income area just outside Glasgow which I worked in a few years ago. He told me on the way home it was like something out of the 1900's and never knew poverty like this still existed in the UK.

As for old people, if they work hard they deserve a good retirement. If they dont work, leathel injection at 65

But why should we pay for it? State pensions are the biggest part of the benefits system and the most illogical. If someone has worked hard all their life they should be able to support themselves when they retire.

I can't see how the country will be able to afford pensions when I'm that age and shit loads of old people have owned property that has gained more in value than will ever happen again so why the fuck should my money go to anyone just based on their age (and likelihood to vote)?

I'm not saying let people in poverty die (regardless of age or any other factors) but I wish they'd stop all these handouts like winter fuel payments, free digital TV, etc to people just because they are in a demographic that is more likely to vote.