Ubuntu or Windows 8

Windows 7. Got a new laptop with windows 8, and I spent an hour.... a fucking hour trying to figure out a way to bring up a set of pictures on say a memory card in the form of a slide show, where you can hit the right or left key and go through them. I still haven't figured it out. Pisses me off that you can't do this in the new metro bullshit.

Try it nut sack. When you open an image it takes you to the new metro bullshit. When you have an image open, tell me how to move to the next image without getting out of that window and clicking on another image in explorer. I'll give you a hint, it's not the right or left keys like it used to be. I might be missing something, but you obviously didn't read my post that well.



Try it nut sack. When you open an image it takes you to the new metro bullshit. When you have an image open, tell me how to move to the next image without getting out of that window and clicking on another image in explorer. I'll give you a hint, it's not the right or left keys like it used to be. I might be missing something, but you obviously didn't read my post that well.

Wow, way to be a total cunt to someone trying to help you. You obviously didn't ready my post that well. If you followed the instructions and browsed from the desktop, then you would have the solution to your problem. Here's some more screenshots for you.

Browse to the directory you want to open...


Click on the first photo you want to view, and Windows Photo Viewer opens just like it always has (you can of course change the program that the photos open with to whatever you prefer)...


Proceed to press your arrow keys and low and behold you will advance through the photos just like you always have.

Skype on the left. Taskbar on the left with a normal start menu, computer toolbar, etc. etc.

Erm, the other left.
I can't install Windows 8 x64. Tried it and when I boot the DVD the blue logo windows appears and nothing happens. Searched Google and it seems other people have the same issue. I am dissapoint.
Wow, way to be a total cunt to someone trying to help you. You obviously didn't ready my post that well. If you followed the instructions and browsed from the desktop, then you would have the solution to your problem. Here's some more screenshots for you.

Browse to the directory you want to open...


Click on the first photo you want to view, and Windows Photo Viewer opens just like it always has (you can of course change the program that the photos open with to whatever you prefer)...


Proceed to press your arrow keys and low and behold you will advance through the photos just like you always have.

Erm, the other left.

That's NOT the stock metro picture viewer brah. Open an image in there and get back to me. I just tried it again, and folders that are "imported" will work with the left and right keys. But if you stick a memory card in or something with images and try to go through them, you can't. Like you said though, the way to get around it is to change the default program.
That's NOT the stock metro picture viewer brah. Open an image in there and get back to me. I just tried it again, and folders that are "imported" will work with the left and right keys. But if you stick a memory card in or something with images and try to go through them, you can't. Like you said though, the way to get around it is to change the default program.

I see what you're saying. Yeah, I must have changed the default program the first time I opened a picture cause the Photos app is gay.
I've been using Ubuntu for 9 years now. The installation has never been easier and most of the time it'll automatically recognize most drivers. You might have to type in your password for a restricted driver, thats all.

If you don't want crap, change Unity to Gnome2 or Gnome Shell or KDE. Unity sucks.
I've been using Ubuntu for 9 years now. The installation has never been easier ...

I had to upgrade a Ubuntu webserver at work last week. Went ok, except that it asked about 50 times what I wanted to do with some menu.lst file that had changed. The same dialog every time, with 20 seconds in between. Also, nothing internet-related worked after the installation. Turns out I manually had to start the network manager service.

Needless to say, I was happy to return to my Windows station afterwards.
If you're going to try a Linux based OS here are some suggestions:

Elementary OS (simple)
Crunch Bang OS (for the techies) (lightweight)
Ubuntu Studio (media producing)
Arch Linux (extremely custom)
I had to upgrade a Ubuntu webserver at work last week. Went ok, except that it asked about 50 times what I wanted to do with some menu.lst file that had changed. The same dialog every time, with 20 seconds in between. Also, nothing internet-related worked after the installation. Turns out I manually had to start the network manager service.

Needless to say, I was happy to return to my Windows station afterwards.

Have you ever had to work with a windows server? ...
I had to upgrade a Ubuntu webserver at work last week. Went ok, except that it asked about 50 times what I wanted to do with some menu.lst file that had changed. The same dialog every time, with 20 seconds in between. Also, nothing internet-related worked after the installation. Turns out I manually had to start the network manager service.

Needless to say, I was happy to return to my Windows station afterwards.

Wait wait wait, dialog? Your webserver has a UI?
I left out Windows 2000 because it was a different animal and not many people used it on their home computers from what I remember.

I thought it (Win2k Professional SP4) was pretty solid and the OS had finally come into its own as far as networking goes. I was dual booting that and SuSe Linux back then.