Ubuntu or Windows 8

Windows 8 is fucking gay. I formatted one of my computers, installed it, then formatted it right back to W7.

Windows 8 is fucking gay.
You will have to wait till early 2014, because that is when these phones powered by Ubuntu OS will start shipping.
If you wont miss your apps that are windows only then you should go to ubuntu. Although you can run a few windows programs through WINE
Windows 8 is basically Windows 7 with a bunch of behind the scenes optimizations and thousands of people angry because they don't have button that they never used (maybe rarely) in the first place. I see a lot of bitching like all MS did was take out the start menu and replace it with metro, but that's just a part of it.

It boots crazy fast if you have an SSD, and still faster than Windows 7 without one. The hardware recognition and automatic installation of drivers is really good. It was pretty good with Windows 7, but in Windows 8, it'll find and get you drivers for almost every device in or attached to your computer including networked printers when you install it.

Honestly, I really don't know what the bitching is about. Maybe it's because I used Launchy for years and never really touched the start menu in the first place. Unless you have some software compatibility issues, Windows 8 is great IMO. It's basically Windows 7 but better. And if you really need a start menu, there are multiple replacements.

Ubuntu was also pretty good the last time I used it. It's not as pretty as Windows or OSX though. If you've never installed linux before, I would highly suggest you play with it on a livecd for awhile before you install it, and once you decide to install Ubuntu, I would dual boot.

Also, give yourself 3-4 days to get adjusted to using Ubuntu if it's your first time using linux. Finding/installing all your drivers, figuring out how your workflow is going to be, and finding program replacements and fonts can take awhile. Just expect to fuck up something really simple to fix a few times and try not to get frustrated (google is your friend). AMD drivers used to be a bitch (particularly the video cards) as were some wireless cards, but that's mostly been resolved. I would look up your laptop and make sure all your hardware is supported as well as things like hibernation/sleep mode especially if it's older.
Windows 7 is nice and Ubuntu is awesome!

Windows 8? It is the new Vista
Windows 7. Got a new laptop with windows 8, and I spent an hour.... a fucking hour trying to figure out a way to bring up a set of pictures on say a memory card in the form of a slide show, where you can hit the right or left key and go through them. I still haven't figured it out. Pisses me off that you can't do this in the new metro bullshit.
Windows 8 is fucking gay.


win8 is super gay

What's so gay about it?

Win8: really, really gay

Care to elaborate?

Windows 8? It is the new Vista

What makes you say that?

Windows 8 is basically Windows 7 with a bunch of behind the scenes optimizations and thousands of people angry because they don't have button that they never used (maybe rarely) in the first place. I see a lot of bitching like all MS did was take out the start menu and replace it with metro, but that's just a part of it.

It boots crazy fast if you have an SSD, and still faster than Windows 7 without one. The hardware recognition and automatic installation of drivers is really good. It was pretty good with Windows 7, but in Windows 8, it'll find and get you drivers for almost every device in or attached to your computer including networked printers when you install it.

Honestly, I really don't know what the bitching is about. Maybe it's because I used Launchy for years and never really touched the start menu in the first place. Unless you have some software compatibility issues, Windows 8 is great IMO. It's basically Windows 7 but better. And if you really need a start menu, there are multiple replacements.

Exactly what he said. Windows 8 is just like Windows 7 with tons of performance improvements and a different start menu. If you're really that hung up on having the old start menu though, you can get it back easily.

My day to day computing experience is pretty much exactly the same on Win8 as it was on Win7.

What is so gay about that?!
Windows 8 is basically Windows 7 with a bunch of behind the scenes optimizations and thousands of people angry because they don't have button that they never used (maybe rarely) in the first place. I see a lot of bitching like all MS did was take out the start menu and replace it with metro, but that's just a part of it.

It boots crazy fast if you have an SSD, and still faster than Windows 7 without one. The hardware recognition and automatic installation of drivers is really good. It was pretty good with Windows 7, but in Windows 8, it'll find and get you drivers for almost every device in or attached to your computer including networked printers when you install it.

Honestly, I really don't know what the bitching is about. Maybe it's because I used Launchy for years and never really touched the start menu in the first place. Unless you have some software compatibility issues, Windows 8 is great IMO. It's basically Windows 7 but better. And if you really need a start menu, there are multiple replacements.

I don't really see what all the bitching is about either. It has improved speed and features over Windows 7, and the new full screen start menu works great if you give it a chance.

I picked up a new phone running Windows Phone 8 recently too and love it.

Windows 7. Got a new laptop with windows 8, and I spent an hour.... a fucking hour trying to figure out a way to bring up a set of pictures on say a memory card in the form of a slide show, where you can hit the right or left key and go through them. I still haven't figured it out. Pisses me off that you can't do this in the new metro bullshit.

Open your Start Menu, right click, click all apps in the lower right corner, click on computer (right click on it to pin it to the start menu while you're at it if you like), you'll be bounced to explorer on the desktop, browse to the directory of photos you want to view and look at them like you normally would. It's not hard.

Want to make things even easier, make a shortcut to computer and put it on your desktop, and make a toolbar for computer and add it to your task bar, then you never even have to click on the start menu to get to it. I've been doing this since XP.
Why the fuck am I forced to Skype in one window?

They should call it Window 8 and not Windows 8

You aren't forced to use Skype in one Window. Go to the Skype website, download it, install it, and run it.

My Skype is in the background here with many other applications... exactly the same as Windows 7...

Why the fuck am I forced to Skype in one window?

They should call it Window 8 and not Windows 8

You're not forced to do anything ya numpty. Download, install and run Skype like you always have, from the desktop. Just because they added the option to run "apps" from the new start menu doesn't mean that is how you must run your computer now.

My desktop...


Skype on the left. Taskbar on the left with a normal start menu, computer toolbar, etc. etc.
Open your Start Menu, right click, click all apps in the lower right corner, click on computer (right click on it to pin it to the start menu while you're at it if you like), you'll be bounced to explorer on the desktop, browse to the directory of photos you want to view and look at them like you normally would. It's not hard.

Want to make things even easier, make a shortcut to computer and put it on your desktop, and make a toolbar for computer and add it to your task bar, then you never even have to click on the start menu to get to it. I've been doing this since XP.

Try it nut sack. When you open an image it takes you to the new metro bullshit. When you have an image open, tell me how to move to the next image without getting out of that window and clicking on another image in explorer. I'll give you a hint, it's not the right or left keys like it used to be. I might be missing something, but you obviously didn't read my post that well.