TV Propaganda Exposed - Very Insightful - Worth Watching


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
Most of us know that there is alot of propaganda on TV, but this video delves into it in detail and exposes the 'actors' in the media:

[ame=""]The Truth EXPOSED pt1 - YouTube[/ame]

I have not finished watching all the parts but so far its really good.

Kinda crazy to see the social manipulation laid out like that. Not really sure whats real and whats not but its certainly an eye opener
I'm gonna have to say this video is BS. I believe there is definitely stuff going on behind the scenes, but using the same 'actors' is pretty pointless. I know there are plenty of talking heads pushing propaganda but these 'same people' don't even look remotely similar.

I really have no idea what conclusion the guy making the video is trying to draw. Most people that watch these television shows are very observant and much better than I am at recognizing actors. I'm sure they would notice if the same actor has been used more than once in real life. This video is really grasping at straws.
I really have no idea what conclusion the guy making the video is trying to draw. Most people that watch these television shows are very observant and much better than I am at recognizing actors. I'm sure they would notice if the same actor has been used more than once in real life. This video is really grasping at straws.

Not when you have different people watching the footage. Or when the footage is years apart. Who the hell remembers what the person giving the eye witness accounts looks like 2 weeks after watching it? Nobody does but you remember the message given. I just watched the rest of the videos and the guy has some pretty good documentation to support his case. Some of it is a stretch (lady gaga is jon benet ramsey?) but there are a bunch that are unmistakable. How can you think manipulating the media is beyond the realm of possibility?
Anytime somebody promises me an "emotional roller coaster ride" before their video starts, I turn it off immediately. That's one way I avoid being manipulated my the media.
Anytime somebody promises me an "emotional roller coaster ride" before their video starts, I turn it off immediately. That's one way I avoid being manipulated my the media.

That way you don't have to ever challenge your beliefs and can live a nice normal life
I'm 4:15 in, and what I've learned is that the creator of this video doesn't know enough about media to create something watchable.

He maybe a whack job, but he has the attention of some powerful people. And in that time 1.5 million people found it "watchable"

Edit: You have to at least accept the possibility that this kind of manipulation is possible. Do you think that everything you see on tv is true? The media is completly slanted. Why would it be beyond belief that people pushing an agenda would be on tv?
Are you telling me that if a lot of people watch something, that it somehow validates whatever it is they watched?

I'm confused, I'm pretty sure you insinuated I was living a sheltered life and blindly taking orders or something earlier, and now you are saying that "a lot of people watched this video, so it must mean something"...
Are you telling me that if a lot of people watch something, that it somehow validates whatever it is they watched?

I'm confused, I'm pretty sure you insinuated I was living a sheltered life and blindly taking orders or something earlier, and now you are saying that "a lot of people watched this video, so it must mean something"...

No you stated it wasnt "Watchable" i was simply stating a lot of people found it "watchable" nothing more nothing less.
I think that anytime a human being opens their mouth to speak, or puts pen to paper, they are pushing an agenda. Check out "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman, or read anything by Marshall McLuhan if you'd like a more in-depth exploration of mass media, and it's potential to manipulate.
I have to agree with Ice. I certainly am not closed minded and agree with a good amount of 'conspiracy' stuff, but this video is horribly put together and has very weak factual support besides 'hey look I can photoshop this face to almost look like this other guy's face.'

Don't be so open-minded your brain falls out.
I have to agree with Ice. I certainly am not closed minded and agree with a good amount of 'conspiracy' stuff, but this video is horribly put together and has very weak factual support besides 'hey look I can photoshop this face to almost look like this other guy's face.'

Don't be so open-minded your brain falls out.
this isn't even about being open or closed-minded. this guy assumes something from the start, ignoring alternative propositions - the definition of close-mindedness - then finds evidence fitting that thesis like a puzzle piece.

[ame=]Open-mindedness - YouTube[/ame]
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I watched episodes 1 and 2 and I didn't see the same actor twice...except for maybe one time. And yet even though I didn't believe everything the guy was telling me, I still feel fucked up for having seen it.

The question that kept going through my mind was...what would be someone's motive for reusing these actors over and over in different scenarios, other than, "the less people involved, the better the chance this remains a secret"?
The 'actors' look similar and some of them was really far off especially when he talked about lady gaga, I lol'ed. There were 2 or 3 cases which I could see that the actors are the same. I wouldn't completely dismiss the videos as it really needs only be one case of seeing the same actor to know this exists.