Tuts+, Lynda... OR

1. Are there any good resources to break down for me what different programming languages are used for?

Wikipedia will pretty much do it. Basically... Python (a language) with Django (a framework) codes websites. Ruby (a language) with Ruby on Rails (a framework) does the same thing. PHP makes websites. C, C++, Java, VB, C# are all for desktop programming. Javascript (along with all its frameworks, like JQuery), HTML, and CSS are all languages that are executed in the browser and are used for coding the actual frontend of websites.

2. From a purely "making money online" perspective, what languages have been the most beneficial for you guys to learn?

Python has been most beneficial for me. A lot of other guys will say Ruby but it's really the same shit. They are both really good scripting languages, which means they're "higher level" (all the boring stuff you would have to do in languages like C is abstracted away so you can focus on doing cool things). They can make websites with their frameworks, or they can make scripts for the backend, or they can even make desktop programs.
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Get an idea for something cool, then make it. You'll spend 90% of your time looking shit up and doing things wrong, but after a while you'll take a step back and see you're making progress. That's a damn good feeling. Then you just keep at it and eventually you'll have a finished product. The code will probably be ugly as sin, but it will work and it will be your baby. The best way to learn is by just fucking making something.

It is ... and just for fun I recently wrote a stats analysis page using jquery and ajax and php just to get my head around those technologies before I outsource the work, but it took me hours! I got there in the end but I am thinking a course would have saved me a shit ton of time and time is money brah.