Turns Out WaFo Members All Do Live in Shacks

Sure doesn't look like anything close to that from the picture (just look at how much space the garage takes up lengthwise).

But, some houses are deceiving from the outside.

Def. true ^^. Seen houses that look like 6-8k square feet on the outside that turned out to be literally 16,000+ square feet. Zillow.com bros.

Hey now, don't knock cheap housing.

I can get a 6,000 square foot house in my county for $145,000.


Where is this?

I've been looking to move with my new wife to a more affordable area/family friendly area than where I am now.
Sure doesn't look like anything close to that from the picture (just look at how much space the garage takes up lengthwise).

But, some houses are deceiving from the outside.

I've done plenty of work in this specific subdivision investigating/inspecting for banks - I promise the size is quite close. The number is from the actual auditor/county inspection where they physically measure the property.

Where is this?

I've been looking to move with my new wife to a more affordable area/family friendly area than where I am now.

Commercial Point Ohio. About 30 minutes outside of downtown Columbus (Approx drive time from the town to the Arena District).
Is anyone going to post the Alexa Smith on WaFo? This could seriously stir up some shit, Drew Meyers style.
It gets deleted. You're not allowed to post anything like that about a specific member.

Yeah WaFo is much more tightly controlled than WF/BHW.

Pretty much any time you disagree with Alexa Smith and she realizes she's been schooled she'll make sure a moderator closes or deletes the thread.
I'm sure we've all got better things to do (I know I do) but...

you know what would be pretty fucking cool?

If we created the greatest fucking sales thread ever for a free WSO and made a fake LP & Offer to go with it and get it approved get it approved. Then, on approval, swapped the offer out for an epic anti-WaFo-MMO ebook about how one should never, ever buy WSO's again, or, for that matter, trust anyone in the MMO space.

It would have to include all of the information in the link above outing the warrior poseurs, some good stuff from saltydroid, and also the Verge article that came out a few months ago about online scams.
I don't care where anyone lives, or why anyone would be obsessed with it. It means nothing.
An apartment listing? For all you know the person living there could have hundreds of thousands
in assets and just not want to spend much on housing.

Truth is, a person's home (if they are smart) is absolutely no indication of their wealth...same as with a car. Most of the people driving flashy cars are broke.

I know a guy who lives in a very modest home....most people don't know that he owns 3 others and has no debt. He drives around in a beat up 90s honda.

The evidence goes way beyond just the houses.
Who cares.

They sell crap to gullible idiots, just like most of you fake pills to stupid people.

Same shit different market, except at least they ain't scamming people with re-bills... The hypocrisy in this industry is amazing.
whoever made this has way too much fucking time on his hands. This is coming from a guy who browsed Reddit, STS, and /b/ all day.

Agreed. I felt like it was taking me too long to skim through all of it. I can't imagine actually doing all of that research.
I think that the process by which authority is constructed on Boards like WaFo is pretty fascinating. It demonstrates that the ways we naturally gauge hierarchical relationships and prestige can be hijacked in the digital space. The kind of deconstruction this guy is doing is a valuable service. I would love to see it disseminated somehow to the unfortunate denizens of that forum.

It's easy to call all of these people ignorant, but notice how a lot of WF members above admitted to having wasted time on WaFo previously. I guarantee that there are plenty more who were taken in but would rather not say anything about it.
Don't hate. Respect the hustle.

Scraping by, living hand to mouth in the ghetto by selling out completely isn't a husle I can respect.

It's not like these douchebags actually bank, with the exception of a very few. That's the sad part.
Hi Amanda! Yeah, I remember back in the day me posting about Bev Clement begging for money (actually having Kim Standerline do it for her) and how that all played out at my own blog. Bluehost shut me down quick after that brief quote and all I did was repost the exact things Bev herself had posted at the forum, in which she talked about how she would use the money Warriors donated to travel to England to visit her mom. People were all like, "WTF? We didn't donate $5000 so you could go on vacation." They had been duped into thinking Bev needed to escape from Hong Kong and was in dire straits. Just posting what she herself admitted to in my own blog was enough to get the site hosed by Bluehost. After that I said, fuck it, ain't worth posting about Warriors no more.

Love what Jack Wadd (killer name) is doing at the antiwarrior site though. The John Durham stuff is excessively long but if you scroll back to his earliest posts about Alexa Smith and Clifton Allen Says Jr you'll find the real gems. Unfortunately he already had to move hosts once and then he stupidly hosted at Bluehost, which is about to hose the site again. His mirror site is thewarriorforumsucks dot wordpress dot com if he has a temp outage again between switching hosts again.

The main takeaway is how blatant so many of the scammers are with repeated WSO's, not delivering material to customers, remaining respected members all along, and then doing another scam offering and not serving customers. John Durham has been caught doing this three times within the past year alone and since the WaFo deletes any customer complaints about scammers in the main forum, the average Warrior has no clue about the constant scamming going on.