Turns Out WaFo Members All Do Live in Shacks

Sorry if this has already been posted, don't have time to check back two weeks here because I have other urgent gay webmaster business to get back to.

But have you guys seen this excellent series of exposes about our favorite characters (Clifton Allen Says Jr and Alexa Smith included) from the Warriorforum?

GURUS of the GHETTO: Anti-Warrior Style!

Pissed off former member is doing major detective working proving things that many of us have long known -- that Paul Myers the mod really does live in a shack: that Alexa Smith steals her pics off of Eastern European porn sites and is really a chess nerd named Timothy Nagley who lives in a basement apartment in Leeds; and more.

The guy who writes it is hilarious; if nothing else, it's worth it to see all the rauncy and fun discussion happening.

Oh, and talk about yer pedobear...turns out Clifton Allen Says Jr. married an 18 year old a while back and unless they met and instantly fell in love and got married, he was dating her when she was 17. Not bad for a balding gay webmaster.

Clicked. No roll.

I wouldn't consider 16-18 pedophilia. Most girls have matured by that age and should be able to choose (and it's perfectly legal over here. And everyone knows WaFo is full of fakers. Interesting stuff though I suppose.
^ Yeah, that detective work is a bit creepy, but no more creepy than the assholes on Wafo who scam people year after year. I wasted at least one year with those douchebags.

Scared of da Ghetto, Niggah? Don'ts! Gimme yo email addy and I's keeps it safe! Subscribe to this blog and be THE FIRST TO KNOW up in dis MoFo!
Salty Droid with ebonics, anyone? Who IS this dripping little goat's penis, anyways?

But good on him for fucking with WaFo fucktards like "Professor" Paul Myers, who is one of the most pedantic fuckheads ever to torture a keyboard. I can deffo see him living in a shack. @Rusvik: I wasted more than a year there (but I took a few bux out of it too, so...)

Good Luck Bros (ITIWOS)
Since all anyone really cares about is pics, here:






someone quote this and add cliffs for each pic
the writer is a nut job definitely a guy who stalked a girl who broke up with him, but it's pretty comical, how the fuck are there houses worth 40k in the USA?
Alexa Smith is pretty unbearable. I can't make a post in WaFo without her coming in, claiming that the only way to do SEO is through content syndication and flaming anyone who dares to disagree with her narrow point of view.
Alexa Smith is pretty unbearable. I can't make a post in WaFo without her coming in, claiming that the only way to do SEO is through content syndication and flaming anyone who dares to disagree with her narrow point of view.

i just post there and never read what they reply
Alexa Smith is a guy living in the UK.

Alexa Smith is pretty unbearable. I can't make a post in WaFo without her coming in, claiming that the only way to do SEO is through content syndication and flaming anyone who dares to disagree with her narrow point of view.