TSA Pretty Fucking Proud of Themselves

Top 10 catches and not a hint of terrorist activity among them. TSA just proved their worthlessness.
Yesterday in Vegas, they were using some kind of test strips and checking beverages at the gates. Yes, beverages purchased in the "secure" area...

Given the argument I had the LAST time I refused to let a TSA agent check my beverage at the gate (they lean in really closely and breathe all over your drink, bleh), I opted to "evade" their search and put my drink in my bag until they had passed.

We should all feel SO much safer now that we're protected from...explosive sodas and lattes?
TSA was not erected to protect citizens. It was erected to gain control of them, move money around, establish political favor, juice employment, etc. In that sense, it was a rational thing for Bush Jr., his handlers, and the Congress to do.

Edit: Forgot the link for the following quote.

... [Ron] Paul said a few days ago in Iowa, when he was talking about the Iraq War and his fears that we're headed for a war with Iran. "Just think of what happened after 9/11," Paul said. "Immediately before there was any assessment, there was glee in the administration because now we can invade Iraq. So the war drums beat."
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yeA_kHHLow"]Rahm Emanuel: You never want a serious crisis to go to waste - YouTube[/ame]

Voting replaces tyrants with tyrants. The road to liberty begins with the state's implosion, not with another generation of tyrants.
True. But they are still a necessary evil, if only for the sake of keeping people from freaking out.

I hate it too, believe me.

It's not like we didn't have security prior to the TSA, we just didn't have ridiculously invasive federally bloated security. More realistic would have been to set some stricter guidelines that the private security had to meet. That would have save billions and done the exact same thing.

^this all assuming the TSA is actually about increased security, but as mentioned, it's not.