TSA Pretty Fucking Proud of Themselves


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Mempho backwoods
Their top 10 good catches of 2011. What's notoriously missing? Terrorists.
The TSA Blog: TSA Top 10 Good Catches of 2011

Scroll down the comments on that page to "The Peoples' Top 24 Good Catches of 2011" (or click here <--legit link)

I think TSA should absolutely be commended for making us all feel safer and more used to intrusive, uniformed government workers, all up in our shit. Can't wait for the state-line checkpoints, the random searches at rest stops, and the rest of the anal rapeage we asked for.
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Wel, in all fairness. Nothing got blew up or taken over by terrorist in the airports or in the air. So the year was a success. I do hate going through the airport though, it's such a drag.
So what's the conclusion to be drawn? Could private security do as good a job for less money while leaving passengers with their dignity? I'm not so sure I'd quantify it as a success. More likely dumb luck. Apparently there are things they missed or didn't catch until subsequent return flights.

I found the 24 Peoples' catches more enlightening than the TSA post, though.
Wel, in all fairness. Nothing got blew up or taken over by terrorist in the airports or in the air. So the year was a success. I do hate going through the airport though, it's such a drag.

Friend of mine had a loose 9mm round in his bag he had taken to the gun range earlier that year and flew internationally to China with it in '06.

TSA... 8 billion dollar a year 'security theater'.
I love TSA!

When I get lonely I go to Metro Detroit Airport and buy
a plane ticket just for the groping and pat down.
Know a pilot who exclusively flies small Lear type luxury jets and high net worth passengers. These folks NEVER have any of their belongings searched. He helped Barry Manilow and his boyfriend move and they had loads of stuff, nobody ever looks in anything if it's being transported by a VIP type.

If the terrorists were smart, they'd enlist these folks to carry their munitions for them because there is no security, zero pat down, etc. for these people. Think Arnold Palmer, Britney Spears, Vegas headliners - they don't have to deal with any security and they'll bring absolutely everything on board a plane, including personal handguns, knives, and all the other stuff the rest of us aren't allowed to ever transport.
Know a pilot who exclusively flies small Lear type luxury jets and high net worth passengers. These folks NEVER have any of their belongings searched. He helped Barry Manilow and his boyfriend move and they had loads of stuff, nobody ever looks in anything if it's being transported by a VIP type.

If the terrorists were smart, they'd enlist these folks to carry their munitions for them because there is no security, zero pat down, etc. for these people. Think Arnold Palmer, Britney Spears, Vegas headliners - they don't have to deal with any security and they'll bring absolutely everything on board a plane, including personal handguns, knives, and all the other stuff the rest of us aren't allowed to ever transport.

You don't even need a learjet, at least if US are similar to the UK. Any private plane will do. Security arrangements a private airports are very, very different. Basically you email the authorities with your route, and sometimes they'll come to inspect. But mostly not.

Of course, if you're flying in and out of Mexico, it might be a different story.
If the terrorists were smart, they'd enlist these folks to carry their munitions for them because there is no security, zero pat down, etc.

Or they'd just get their terrorist buddies to become baggage handlers for $10/hour, and then you can shove whatever the fuck you want on the plane.

This whole security thing over the past decade... what an absolute fucken joke.
PS. And this whole security thing nowadays is because about a dozen guys, mostly Saudi Arabian, who were living in some caves in Afghanistan, hijacked a few planes over 10 years ago with box cutters.

Holy fucking hell... do we ever need to give our heads a shake as a society.
Nothing got blew up or taken over by terrorist in the airports or in the air. So the year was a success.

This can also be said for most years in the US before the TSA existed. 8 billion dollars a year to try to prevent something that was statistically less dangerous than getting killed by lightning.
What I haven't figured out is why some of this anti-terrorism nonsense has spread to the UK.

We did perfectly well without it back in the 70s/80s when we actually had real terrorists blowing shit up regularly.
This can also be said for most years in the US before the TSA existed. 8 billion dollars a year to try to prevent something that was statistically less dangerous than getting killed by lightning.
True. But they are still a necessary evil, if only for the sake of keeping people from freaking out.

I hate it too, believe me.