
I'm not quite sure how you can quote/prove an offline statement online.

Lets take an analogy so you guys can understand it better:
It's the same as me quoting a local doctor on something on his own research when online resources say differently, in this case my local doctor is this guy when he was infamous: Jack Andraka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And no, I'm not going to learn medicine just to explain it to a bunch of guys on a forum, I'm going to trust my doctor because he's a credible sources of the information to me.

Anyway, no point discussing it till I talk to him about it. Noted down a couple of points to talk to him about.
Some guys are interested in bashing a random guy online who is unaffected by it for their own amusement when they themselves have no more credible sources than hearsay from sources they haven't even seen(which in itself makes my source more credible than theirs), while some are genuinely interested. The first ones remind me of BHW and it's mob mentality.

The "online" part is irrelevant. Here is the problem, you talk abou mob mentality and reminds you of BHW.

1. You said nothing. Absolutely gave no facts. you just gave the "illusion" of some guy that may or may not exist told you to not use it. Shit like that gets called out quick on Wickedfire. Something like that might fly at BHW, but as you notice, you're here for a reason. Cause we're not full of shit like BHW, WaFo, DP, and all the other noob hosting forums.

2. Mob mentality, more like Fact mentality. At least give out what the guy was talking about, like being a problem in the "algo". I had to come in with that, you said absolutely nothing and want us to go off of your "info". What info?

3. BHW comparison, I spoke of this in my previous statement, but it's important to re-iterate it. We're a group of internet marketers at the top of our game because we can spot bullshit in a story. That story would fly at BHW and people might actually start believing people when they just make statements without facts or opinions, but we catch shit like that quickly. Again, there is a reason you're on here versus on there, and that's what you've got to understand, we're not full of shit, so when you come in and give an opinion on a post, actually state either facts or what you think/heard is the problem. You said, "I don't want to discuss it on an online forum". So WHY even make the comment. If we're completely wrong, why not just keep it to yourself?

4. If you make a comment or statement based off of guesswork it's call conjecture, you actually said nothing. That reminds me of all those eBook with long ass sales pages, that say a whole lot of nothing, but if I buy it for $9.97, I'll get that one secret that will make me rich. Look at those sales copy, they actually said nothing about the product, just drum of the "illusion" the product is the next great thing.​

That's the problem. Step back and look at the situation from a macro level, and put yourself in the shoes of someone reading your statements and this thread which is actually looking for encryption. You just threw no statement scare tactics at them, for doubt. That something a government agent/agency would do when faced against an impossible to solve encryption software. "Well just elude it's un safe, to throw doubt, and less people will use it." :anon.sml:

Let's wait for the fact/opinions and then continue the discussion, but in the meanwhile, and you should know this by now, when there are no facts or opinion stated, trolling will ensue until we have something to grasp and talk about. Lettuce be cereal, you knew what you were stepping into since you've seen it done time and time again. Bring facts/opinions, then we can argue about who is right and who is wrong. At this point, all we know, is "no statement".... so... troll commences in 5, 4, 3, 2....

The "online" part is irrelevant. Here is the problem, you talk abou mob mentality and reminds you of BHW.

1. You said nothing. Absolutely gave no facts. you just gave the "illusion" of some guy that may or may not exist told you to not use it. Shit like that gets called out quick on Wickedfire. Something like that might fly at BHW, but as you notice, you're here for a reason. Cause we're not full of shit like BHW, WaFo, DP, and all the other noob hosting forums.

2. Mob mentality, more like Fact mentality. At least give out what the guy was talking about, like being a problem in the "algo". I had to come in with that, you said absolutely nothing and want us to go off of your "info". What info?

3. BHW comparison, I spoke of this in my previous statement, but it's important to re-iterate it. We're a group of internet marketers at the top of our game because we can spot bullshit in a story. That story would fly at BHW and people might actually start believing people when they just make statements without facts or opinions, but we catch shit like that quickly. Again, there is a reason you're on here versus on there, and that's what you've got to understand, we're not full of shit, so when you come in and give an opinion on a post, actually state either facts or what you think/heard is the problem. You said, "I don't want to discuss it on an online forum". So WHY even make the comment. If we're completely wrong, why not just keep it to yourself?

4. If you make a comment or statement based off of guesswork it's call conjecture, you actually said nothing. That reminds me of all those eBook with long ass sales pages, that say a whole lot of nothing, but if I buy it for $9.97, I'll get that one secret that will make me rich. Look at those sales copy, they actually said nothing about the product, just drum of the "illusion" the product is the next great thing.​

That's the problem. Step back and look at the situation from a macro level, and put yourself in the shoes of someone reading your statements and this thread which is actually looking for encryption. You just threw no statement scare tactics at them, for doubt. That something a government agent/agency would do when faced against an impossible to solve encryption software. "Well just elude it's un safe, to throw doubt, and less people will use it." :anon.sml:

Let's wait for the fact/opinions and then continue the discussion, but in the meanwhile, and you should know this by now, when there are no facts or opinion stated, trolling will ensue until we have something to grasp and talk about. Lettuce be cereal, you knew what you were stepping into since you've seen it done time and time again. Bring facts/opinions, then we can argue about who is right and who is wrong. At this point, all we know, is "no statement".... so... troll commences in 5, 4, 3, 2....

If it looks like a duck...

He told me, I forgot, but it's easy to decrypt....

He told me, I forgot, but it's easy to decrypt. He's been offered a pretty decent post at C|A(fuck you, google alerts) so I'm willing to take his word for it.
IMHO, it being open source should be...
I can attest to that. And your bank has to...

I can attest to that.
And your bank has to provide a reason code to represent it, and as far as I can see there isn't a reason code it would fall under precisely.

Reason Code 30 Services Not...
"Stay the fuck away from TrueCrypt" ~A...

"Stay the fuck away from TrueCrypt" ~A professional cryptographer
I got a bunch of complete subnets, would doing a...

I got a bunch of complete subnets, would doing a few hundred thousand searches for "Seoweave scam", "Greg Fowler scammer" help?

Maybe it will get him in trending. Lets see how it pans out.
Mine had 6 million rows.. And yeah it gave the...

Mine had 6 million rows.. And yeah it gave the error that it failed loading, but it removed dups from the whole file just fine.

Did you even try doing it?
Can I get an invite to the Skype group please?...

Can I get an invite to the Skype group please? Id: Leemoorwf
There haven't been enough political...

There haven't been enough political assassinations recently...
Hey Cardine, I emailed you a few days back...

Hey Cardine,
I emailed you a few days back regarding your API but haven't received a response yet. Could you look into that please?

I like the part where he uses | for the 'I' in CIA. No way they'll track him down now.
Situation Resolved

*Attention, Attention, Attention Whore here... :D*

The situation has been resolved. It was a mis-understanding on Leemoor's part. The dude was saying it they were having a hard time DECRYPTING it. Which is good news for all your gay porn, everyone. So that's that.

I'll just leave with you a quote

Grindstone: "That what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence" [referring to another topic when quoted]

Carry on...
You forgot the email part CCarter.

I did misunderstand/mishear him before, but that doesn't make a difference to the original statement as TrueCrypt not being unbreakable. The misunderstanding was a mixup of terms.

When I said
"He didn't use the word impossible, but yes, as hard as decryption normally is, but possible."
I meant in computation resources. I'm not a hacker like CCarter is and didn't use the correct terminology.

I'll talk to him again in an hour to clear my own doubts and understand it in more detail, but probably won't be updating here. Have fun trolling. I'd rather focus on making money than defend myself here.