Trickle Cheddar Presents... Omniboss

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The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
Rating - 100%
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Just dropped an order for Niche North, CSS Breeze and Logo Stone. Can't smegging wait.

I had to order the CSS Breeze again as PayPal rejected my first payment - so please ignore the duplicate order (that hasn't been paid).

Thanks very much! Heard brilliant things about these services.
I'm not going to rehash already hashed sheet but I'll just say that the CSS Breeze gig is eons better than I thought it was when I reviewed it and I've placed four (4) more orders since I awakened to that knowledge. Just treat it well plz guys. Ie, don't be an asshat and try to boost your listing with SB comments or some other retardation that will bring down the value for everybody.

Paid full price for a Niche North real estate package last week, will review that shit too once it drops.
Hi. Just wondering if you have an update for the orders that I placed a couple of weeks ago. Cheers.

Yes I do! I just received a large batch of content which had your articles in it. Today has been completely dedicated to prepping and getting all of those orders in "post" mode. You will likely receive a completion notification tonight, if not tomorrow at the latest.

Same goes for anyone else waiting. Lot's of work going down with lots of new content!
Yes I do! I just received a large batch of content which had your articles in it. Today has been completely dedicated to prepping and getting all of those orders in "post" mode. You will likely receive a completion notification tonight, if not tomorrow at the latest.

Same goes for anyone else waiting. Lot's of work going down with lots of new content!

No problem, will look forward to it.
Tons of Niche North went out last night. Today, later in the evening, a boat load of CSS Breeze and Logo Stone will be completed!

New orders are appreciated and are being processed awwwwwwready.
What a day, my friends. Got up earlier than I ever have, walked a 5k with my busted leg mom and short leg niece, and then went to a graduation ceremony. I might squeeze some work out in a few, but I might also pass out in the tub. Hard to predict at this point... If anything, expect a batch of reports going out at latest tomorrow evening!
Hi. Just received the reports and thought that I would pop in to say that I am very happy with the placements. If anyone is on the fence, you need to be getting in on this. A welcome addition to any link profile.
Question: How do you know this is legit?

Answer: Just watch the copycats come crawling out of the sticks.

Yep. I think JUST on Wickedfire we are up to about 15 Niche North copycats and at least 2 or 3 CSS Breeze copycats now.

You guys just remember the originator, and know that while they can copy me superficially, there's a lot under the hood they don't understand or see... This is where the rankings occur. Dat ROI is with the Omniboss.

Today's orders are about to be put in process. Gears a'churning as always!
You guys just remember the originator, and know that while they can copy me superficially, there's a lot under the hood they don't understand or see... This is where the rankings occur. Dat ROI is with the Omniboss.

Awaiting your next service
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