Transform 1 blog post into _363_ ... & make them all _3X_ more unique...

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seems interesting ... but i can't get into this program without seeing some positive reviews ...

Waiting on a bunch of people.

There's a 30 day guarantee though.
Try it out, and if you don't like it I'll refund you tonight.

the price(147$) is for 100 blogs .. if i only want to use your plugin on single blog then what would be the price..?

The offer here (if you use the coupon) is $147 for UNLIMITED blogs.
So make sure you use that coupon and get the $150 discount :)
Noob questions (trying to wrap my head around this)

1) You make one unique post and it grabs content from other sources to snowball new pages of content (on the same topic), without spinning the other content.

Does that cause dupe content issues?

2) You mentioned "live server" (not local host) for specs. I have a dedicated server, would that work? (don't know what you mean by "live server")

1) You make one unique post and it grabs content from other sources to snowball new pages of content (on the same topic), without spinning the other content.


Does that cause dupe content issues?

I think I'm going to write a detailed document and put it on it's own domain to explain this every time I'm asked :)

Basically - don't worry about dupe content.

2) You mentioned "live server" (not local host) for specs. I have a dedicated server, would that work? (don't know what you mean by "live server")

I just meant a server that can be accessed over the internet, and not a server running on your computer.
Jesus christ, if I add this to my wtb's 10 minute posting intervals, the fucking internet is gonna collapse!

How taxing is this on resources?
Jesus christ, if I add this to my wtb's 10 minute posting intervals, the fucking internet is gonna collapse!

How taxing is this on resources?

It's lightweight.

But run the numbers...

Posting every 10 mins is 144 daily posts.
Play around with the tool on the sales page.
Those numbers are for EVERY post you make.

With just 3 levels and 3 sources, considering your 144 daily posts you'd make an estimated 5,616 extra daily posts.

So you might want to use conservative settings, or lower your WPTB post rate. All depends on what you want that blog to do really.

Use wisely :)
You're either on localhost, or Windows - and it's not designed for either of those.

This is installed on Rackspace cloud, set up as linux and all other scripts I have ( I have bought a ton ) have worked perfect out of the box.

No localhost and no windows here
Working fine!

Two minor issues:

It appears to depend on the theme that you're using as to whether or not it can draw the keywords from content (in log file: "couldn't get keywords from content (pid=33)") in order to generate the snowballs. I tried out a few themes, this being the only variable being changed, and snowball functioned fine with some, but not with all.

PHP has to be set as an Apache module (not fastCGI application or CGI application) otherwise the plugin still shows PHP mode as being on even if set to off - if the server has Plesk, at least.
added you to skype, but havnt seen you on. hopefully i catch you later

Just pinged you now. Early morning for you atm so I'll catch you later today.

Working fine!

Awesome :)

It appears to depend on the theme that you're using as to whether or not it can draw the keywords from content (in log file: "couldn't get keywords from content (pid=33)") in order to generate the snowballs. I tried out a few themes, this being the only variable being changed, and snowball functioned fine with some, but not with all.

I bet it's this:

some themes don't use the standard WP functions to manage post content. The only way WPS can see and manipulate (and get keywords from) posts content is it a theme's plays ball.

So some themes that use non-standard WP functions might mess this up. Other plugins may well break with this too.

PHP has to be set as an Apache module (not fastCGI application or CGI application) otherwise the plugin still shows PHP mode as being on even if set to off - if the server has Plesk, at least.

I don't *think* this would have any effect.

My first guess is that these 2 modes may have 2 different php.ini's, with differing settings.

Any website demo that we can check?

Yeah: Wedding Spark | Just another WordPress site

I turned off the debugging info from showing publicly as some people weren't getting it and thinking it showed to everyone.

Hey Andy could you hit me up on IM whenever you have a minute? I have a few questions on this.

PMing you...
WP SnowBall Version 1.1

Here's an explanation of the new features in this version:


1. Added plugin status check to debug box info

Useful so you can see in the post if there plugin is active - or if there's any problems. I've been caught out wondering why no snowballs were being made before without this

2. Manual SnowBall requeue ability

If you don't like the snowballs collected for this post, you can re-queue the post and start the process anew.

The great thing about this is, you can click this on any post on your blog to start the snowballs rolling - even if it's nothing to do with WPS



Run time snowball process data added to log

This is a full, detailed activity dump of exactly what WPS has doine during the last snowball process.

This is great to confirm things are working as they should be (the output should always start with "START" and end with "END").

Also if you do have any problems, sending me this data in a ticket will let me get to the root of the issue and get it fixed in minimum time.



1. Added category placement options to settings tab

There's been a number of requests for this feature. The default way snowball works is the "Parent" mode shown above. This puts all snowballs in the same category as their parent post.

But you can also now choose to put all newly created snowballs in a specific category. This can be useful if you want to keep all WPS activity separate from the rest of your blog.

2. Keyword selection options added to settings tab

"Auto" is the default and works very well. It determines the relevant keywords from within the post content, and uses these keywords to find content for child snowballs.

However if you want an extremely tightly focused theme on the blog then you can choose the "Category Name" option. What this will do is, instead of finding keywords from the post content, it will always use the parent posts category name to find new content.

So if the parent category name was "Wedding Ideas" all the child snowball posts would be about this and nothing else.

I'll quickly compare this with the "Auto" version, which might select keywords like "Ideas for wedding", "Wedding plans" etc.

3. User Lock added

If you've got other people using your blog but don't want them to meddle with the WPS settings, then enter your WP username here.

It will lockout anyone but that username from using the plugin.


There were a number of bug fixes as well, but they're never as interesting as new features

If you've got any questions about the above features, or ideas for new ones let me know.

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