Tracking202 V2.0 Beta


If you can even get to that point. I've had my guy try to create something custom and no matter how hard I try to get him to create something good, it just pales in comparison to p202... perhaps I need I need someone new... or a team of someone new. It's a headache to even think about... i'd rather have someone else do it and I'll pay em.

"Your guy" sucks then because we rolled a custom tracker that eats Prosper for breakfast in less than a month. It took two of us, and one of us doesn't code...

It's not coming out any time soon, that's what Nana from 202 said on another private forum.
It's not coming out any time soon, that's what Nana from 202 said on another private forum.

well that blows, was hoping they're ready my t202 is starting to act up for some reason

guess it's Bevo for me even though i hate spreading out my data like that