Too lazy to make Landing Pages


The Widow's Son
Feb 3, 2009
At the quarry
How will I know which offers will work well even without landing pages (will link directly to merchant)? Do you know any network who carry such offers?

if you're too lazy, buy one of those 16 for 20 lp packs.

saying you're too lazy and asking for advice on here, it's like asking to get spinned around in circles
if you're too lazy, buy one of those 16 for 20 lp packs.

saying you're too lazy and asking for advice on here, it's like asking to get spinned around in circles

I was first exposed to AM because a network owner "hired" me to design landing pages. We had a profit sharing kind of deal. I have hundreds of landing pages at my disposal. I don't want to use landing pages for the project that I am on right now for certain reasons but I don't think I have to discuss that here.
I was first exposed to AM because a network owner "hired" me to design landing pages. We had a profit sharing kind of deal. I have hundreds of landing pages at my disposal. I don't want to use landing pages for the project that I am on right now for certain reasons but I don't think I have to discuss that here.

Then why is your thread title 'Too lazy to make landing pages'?
your also a lazy idiot, if your too lazy to write articles outsource them?

You're an imbecile who can't even read and comprehend. I said I have reasons why I want to bypass using landing pages so what's the point writing or even outsourcing articles?

I posted a question and I expect a reply that is ON TOPIC so if you don't have anything productive to say just fuck off and stay clear.
It doesn't depend on the network or the offer. The penis enlargement product seem to the best converting when it comes to direct link :)

And I am not kidding :D
It doesn't depend on the network or the offer. The penis enlargement product seem to the best converting when it comes to direct link :)

And I am not kidding :D

Thanks! I'll keep this in mind. But the site where I am going to promote the offer is one of my wholesome sites.
I have had terrible luck direct linking so far...a few sales here and there but overall not good. I asked an AM about several offers that were doing good and if any publishers were direct linking and they said only a very small minority of them were.
Here is the problem/s with direct linking.

When you direct link you are taking away an extremely important factor you can manipulate in your quest for the monies.

Building your own lander gives you options and ways you can optimize your campaign.

In order to look into this I suggest a split test. Also when you direct link always use a php redirect so if you want to add a lander later you do not have to change the linking url. Plus you can use it to split test networks.
if you are "too lazy" to make a landing page, then you are "too lazy" to make money in this industry