To .com or To .info that is the question...

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I agree m0nkeymafia, IMO both domain types can be just as powerful in ranking. I'm pretty sure that it all depends on the back links and content you generate. I've seen some PR6 and 7 .info domains. I've been working on 3 projects (somewhat longterm) that are on .info domains.

If your goal is to provide a service for which people login daily or return frequently I'd suggest .com BUT if you're going for a one-off informative site (including MFA's) that ranks highly go for the .info. It's all about the projects goals.

I personally, would go with a .com . With all of the "free .info" offers that were going on a while back, a lot of .info sites seem spam/scammy to me. Not that they all are, but I feel it lacks the professionalism.
registered some .info and .com, I'll actually do a case study to see if the TLD of a site affects it ranking.

One concern is that if I supply both type of domain with the same content, will I get ding for have duplicate content?
registered some .info and .com, I'll actually do a case study to see if the TLD of a site affects it ranking.

One concern is that if I supply both type of domain with the same content, will I get ding for have duplicate content?

obv dude
Being a domainer myself and having worked briefly for a registrar...
My personal belief is that .com shall always rule.

Reason: We are conditioned to type in .com.
When is the last time you typed in .net or .info?

Now as other have stated...if you don't care about long term branding and have other items on your agenda for the name...any other extension will do.

chipmunk i think your right.

With regards to SEO I dont think it matters, but 90% of people assume domains are .com only, so if you dont own the .com you may lose out on some type-in traffic.

Unfortunately my domain has been taken on the .com side of things and I doubt I will ever get it, which means I either have to try rebrand the URL [i.e. acronym or something] then 301 to it from the old domain, or just start again. Anyone have any advice?
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