Tired Of Getting Bashed By Google? The One Service You'll Never Regret Paying For

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May 11, 2010
on "the internet"
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Like seriously, dark theme, flames and evil look in the logo, I’m on a masochist forum right ?

Well it seems like it seeing how some of you guys seem to LOVE getting spanked by Google every now and then.​


Have you been churning sites with 6 month life span for the last 5 years ?

Are you dreading that everything you’ve built in the past months will be completely wiped out of the face of the internet the next morning every time you go to bed ?

I used to be that guy… and even if money wasn’t too bad at times, it SUCKED. Why ? Because nobody wants to see everything they’ve been working hard for disappear overnight. And clearly, seeing how Google is going down on link building like Putin on Ukraine right now, things are not going to get better, no matter how hidden or penguin proof the link seller you’re using claims he is.

Here’s the hard cold truth you’ve just refused to accept for the past few years: You can't outsmart an army of PHD Engineers being paid butloads of money to write formulas that will put you or your clients out of business before you can even say Bing!

But there’s an alternative only a selected few may enjoy...

What if instead of cheating Google we gave them exactly what they want ? I’m not talking about natural looking link networks or artificial web 2.0s here, I’m talking about giving them what they TRULY want. Wouldn’t it be amazing to go to bed every night knowing that your sites and your client’s sites are safe and that you’re 99.9% guaranteed to expect growth next time you look at the numbers?

Many of you know us for our top notch guest posting service that was getting links on real sites.

You know, the ones where you read the news, enjoy genuine quality blog posts and the ones that now rank all over Google.

We managed to do this by growing a networks of trusted topic expert bloggers who were able to create amazing pieces big websites were literally fighting to publish first.

Well while running this service we noticed 2 things:

  • Our content was generally way superior to the content on our client’s sites
  • Our content generated a TON of traction on social media and was even collecting natural links… to the host site.

As a result, our client was getting the link from the guest post, and the guest post was getting a ton of social and link love because the content was great and we got pretty good at seeding these around the web.

Clients were happy but seriously, we were scratching our heads. Clients were literally paying good money for other people to get 10x the benefits they got.

I don’t know about you but if a piece of content is going to generate a bunch of referral traffic and even links, I’d rather have it on my own site. Plus, I’ve never Google penalise people for publishing content people love.

That’s why we’ve rolled out the service as a blog management service, helping people create content that generate the signals they need to grow on search engines and social media. Plus, we’ve added a little bit of secret promotion sauce to it to get these pieces started.

Here’s what we’ve included in the packages:

  • We match your blog with a topic expert - if we don’t have one yet, we’ll go and recruit it for you.
  • Viral content brainstorming - We analyze what’s trending in your industry and using the learnings to come up with new content angles.
  • Long tail keyword research and LSI Content writing - for a maximum of SEO Goodness.
  • Custom Media creation - We create branded explainer imagery to get you going on Pinterest, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter etc.
  • Rich content formatting - Our stuff won’t look like a wall of test, we’re going to make it easy to read, engaging, add media to it and use advanced HTML layouts.
  • Wordpress upload - That’s right, if you’re using Wordpress, just create an author account for us and we’ll do all the tedious work so you don’t have to.
  • Internal linking - you just tell us which pages you want us to juice with the content and we’ll make sure that we do so that all this content stuff is bringing bacon home.
  • Social promotion - No Fiverr fake likes or tweets here. We go out there, find relevant communities to your niche, become members of it by sharing useful stuff… including your content, get it ? ;)
  • Authority email outreach - Wouldn’t it be great if big bloggers knew about that epic content going up to your site so that they can think of linking to it when the time comes ? Well they do because we make sure they know.

What you can be sure of with this kind of service is that you will NEVER get punished for doing it on your site. It’s what users want, it’s what Google wants, and it’s what every site owner dreams to have in terms of stability.

One word of warning though. This is not a “rank overnight” type of service. This is the kind of things you keep doing in the long run in order to get the most benefits out of it. If you just want to “try and see” for 2 weeks, you may as well click on the next thread and purchase some links about to get deindexed by Google. We’re also not looking to work with anyone. We only want serious people who are looking for a mutually beneficial relationship. If your site is a quickly slapped together free wordpress theme with no real purpose, do NOT purchase this service, you’ll waste your time and ours.

On the other hand, if you have a business or property your care for in the long term with the potential to be a real long term earner for you, this is without the shadow of a doubt the best thing you will find on these forums in terms of growing it 100% ethically.

If that sounds like you, click on the button below to learn more.​


PS: While you were reading this post, a site like mashable probably earned 6-12 natural links due to their content and promotion. How about you ?

PPS: Don't believe authority sites are outranking spam? Check that video out.
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