tips on asking for payout bump?

I obviously don't speak for everyone...but after reading a few of the posts I thought I'd toss out my opinion on how I handle the situations personally.

take it for what it is worth.

I know that it make sense to just ask, or to threaten to go to another network....but alot of what you want to do is really build up a relationship with your AM over the long term.

If the first email you send in regards to a bump states that you are threatening to leave, you very well could receive the bump but it isnt really going to help in terms of your relationship with the AM. Especially if the first actual contact between the two of you is in regards to a pay bump.

Again that can work, but there are more positive and beneficial ways.

Remember that the AM's are the first ones to know about new offers, new additions to offers, upgrades to products...all of that stuff. If you can "befriend" them then you have a great chance of being one of the first to learn about new offers or new information that can help you really push your pay bump to maximum efficiency.

When it comes time to ask for a pay bump, instead consider detailing why you think you need/deserve the bump (obviously you dont have to go into full detail if you dont want to get personal or anything) and tell them what you are goign to do in order to re-invest that extra cash that you are undoubtedly going to earn.

Even if you just plan on banking the cash, buying patron..whatever...if you can create a sort of customized/ quick and easy business plan or strategy for the bump then your odds are stacked in your favor.

As with any business, on and offline, it is all about networking and building relationships. So often the best way to get a bump is to start slow, correspond with your AM, chat, discuss what is going on, be friendly, and become a person that stands out from the other whatever way that may be.

Just like with a 9-5 desk job, you dont really want to just pound on the boss' door on the first day and ask for a raise. Could work, has worked before...but isnt always a viable option. Instead you smile, chat at the water cooler, do soemthing to impress...then push for that big christmas bonus.

By connecting from the get-go and building a relationship you really have an excellent chance for your AM to throw their weight behind you and push for any sort of affiliate bump.

In fact, to be honest I have given out bumps without affiliates even requesting one...just as a reward for the effort I see them putting in and their improved performance.

I truly dont mean for this to make it sound like you should brown-nose or that AM's play favourites...but just making sure they know who you are, being positive, and building that relationship from the get-go is 90% of the battle.

And I think that goes for any business, any job, and any circle of people.

Of course, networks need your business and your effort...if you ball, just continue to ball and you will often get what you want.

Just saying...