tips on asking for payout bump?


New member
Feb 11, 2010
so i just got back into aff marketing after being occupied with school and such for the past few months. was never really doing anything big just some small health products campaigns...

anyways i've got to ~60 leads/day on 2 dating offers (~120leads/day total) so thats about $600+/day revenue anyways im wondering how i can ask for a bump on payout. 10% ROI isnt very sexy...and im not sure how many publishers are out there pushing 120 or so leads/day.

sure i realize it isn't really that much volume, but its not nothing.

obviously with a payout bump i would be more risk loving and try some new traffic sources out, so its win-win for me and the aff network.

so, any advice?

o btw




dude, just say that...' im basically break even, id be able to scale more with a pay bump and give me more flexibility to testing other traffic sources, or new strategies"

assuming its good quality, just tell them to check it through the advertiser, or just be confident and say you know the quality good and is backing out.

if they dont give it to you, which they will...but if they dont just go to a diff network and be like///120 leads im getting X.XX what can u do for me? tell them youll run a split test if they give you a better payout.

then do that. make sure u test it
thanks a ton for the reply canucksfan...

forgot to ask one more question actually, how much of a pay bump can i ask for / expect? im working with a network that streets a really high payout on these offers

offer A @ roughly $4.60/lead
versus $3.70 @ Azoogle and $4 @ A4d. (no exact numbers there)

offer B @ roughly $6.20/lead
versus $5.50 @ NB (again not exact)

both doing same number ~60 leads. thoughts?
you have to negotiate like every other marketing/sales industry.. your ROI depends on it and the aff network does as well.. the aff network realizes that their entire business model relies on it so they are very fucking good at not letting any affiliates know the price they are receiving and very fucking good at negotiating a solid return for themselves (because most of the time no one knows how much they actually get). basically, they have the upper hand (if they are the exclusive with that advertiser). if there are more networks with the same offer (exclusively, not brokered) then you have a much better chance at negotiating hire rates because the networks will fight for your traffic. now you have the upper hand (kinda, still not really at all though). just stay in constant conversation with both networks that you have the traffic and demand more than what the other networks will provide.. this goes for weekly payouts, pay bumps, etc etc

summary: work the multiple networks thing to your advantage, ask for payout bumps each time you "up" the volume and don't be afraid to play hard ball with them
Yea ask stright up, its not a big deal - I ask my AM for bumps before I even start, I just tell him I'm going to test a offer and he goes and gives me legit bumps right away.

On some rebills I've gone from 32 to 36-38 right away and then once I deliver a good amount of leads another bump up to ~$40
Honestly, it really just comes down to talking to your AM, most affiliate managers who are worth there salt will always work with you to try and create a scenario where both pub and network are making a profit. After all, the revenue you generate is what is giving them there margins, they would rather take a smaller margin than have you leave for another network. Just my two cents.
yah thats where good relationships co into play...if you can jut ask your AM and know he'll do the best he can...and still make them $$$ then its all good. get to know your AM.

and yah it really inst that big of a deal...they wot say no, they pretty much think everyone will ask so they take that into account. but if you dont ask u wont get it.
Just run some volume. I just got given a bump today without asking (was going to ask tomorrow haha). Pretty sweet
If it's a female AM, pull your dick out. If it's Jeff G., you'll have to wine and dine him first.
Its all about establishing a good relationship with your AM. Affiliate marketing is ultimately a partnership that is intended to benefit both parties. If one of my affiliates contacts me with a request that he feels will help him with a campaign, then I'll do everything possible to help them out because what's good for the affiliate is good for the network.
Listen, just "asking" isn't going to work. BUT offering sexual favors can help your chances.