Time Management

Don't get too bogged up. Have at most 3 projects to work on. Fuck getting a real pomodoro just get the pomodoro app for your iphone. I set it to 40 minutes of Day of defeat source, 10 minutes to grab a snack or do some pull ups/push ups, and then 10 minutes of work. EVERY HOUR. That's 240 mins a day of pure work. and I guarantee I get more done and make more money than you with this simple trick.

EDIT: I just stayed up for 36 hours straight.

ive had focus booster for a couple months, its good shit

Yeah I have really been liking it. I don't use it all day but when I have some really boring shit to do it helps create a sense of urgency and I definitely get a lot more done.
Ive posted this before, but Ill do it here too. Here is how i try to manage my time:

Here is my breakdown:

1. GTD method - organize my desktop this way and also my tasks
2. 80/20 rule - Work on the things that make me money
3. Eat That Frog -Work on biggest task or one I hate first
4. Pomodoro - Give myself a set time to do the task, also give myself breaks
5. Time Boxing - Just get shit done, dont perfect it
6. Using Doit.IM as my manager for all this

So bascially I break shit down as listing all my tasks in Doit.IM in a GTD type of process.

I then go back through and highlight all the 80/20 shit that makes me money so that I focus entirely on making money activities.

Out of those projects, which ones do I hate the most or are the biggest Frogs for me? Those come first.

I then set my pomodoro for 25 minutes and timebox my way through the project, getting done what I can the best I can in that 25 minutes. Sometimes I need a 2nd pomodoro for the project, but thats OK cause pomodoro allows that.

Once I break through my Frog for the day, i hit all the other 80/20 shit until those are done and then start hitting my 20/80 shit in my Doit.IM list with again, pomodoro and timeboxing.

So everything I do is timeboxed within pomodoro and managed in Doit.IM ( unless i am on Mac, then I use Omnifocus or Things ). I always work my 80/20 shit first before my 20/80's or other non money making activites and out of those I also do the Frog first.
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i like concentrate better than focus booster for pomodoros. my productivity 'setup' is concentrate + omnifocus. i'm trying to get in the habit of doing two hours of straight to-do planning before going to sleep every night.
Ive posted this before, but Ill do it here too. Here is how i try to manage my time:

Here is my breakdown:

1. GTD method - organize my desktop this way and also my tasks
2. 80/20 rule - Work on the things that make me money
3. Eat That Frog -Work on biggest task or one I hate first
4. Pomodoro - Give myself a set time to do the task, also give myself breaks
5. Time Boxing - Just get shit done, dont perfect it
6. Using Doit.IM as my manager for all this

So bascially I break shit down as listing all my tasks in Doit.IM in a GTD type of process.

I then go back through and highlight all the 80/20 shit that makes me money so that I focus entirely on making money activities.

Out of those projects, which ones do I hate the most or are the biggest Frogs for me? Those come first.

I then set my pomodoro for 25 minutes and timebox my way through the project, getting done what I can the best I can in that 25 minutes. Sometimes I need a 2nd pomodoro for the project, but thats OK cause pomodoro allows that.

Once I break through my Frog for the day, i hit all the other 80/20 shit until those are done and then start hitting my 20/80 shit in my Doit.IM list with again, pomodoro and timeboxing.

So everything I do is timeboxed within pomodoro and managed in Doit.IM ( unless i am on Mac, then I use Omnifocus or Things ). I always work my 80/20 shit first before my 20/80's or other non money making activites and out of those I also do the Frog first.

This is great, +rep. Had to google a few things here but looks like a good process. Why doit.im over one of the (many) other similar tools?

Did anyone learn any of this stuff during high school? I never heard a word of this in school (maybe a little bit in college during organization classes but nothing nearly this practical) and frankly I think it is fucking ridiculous.
I used it because for the most part at the time, I wanted something that was web based AND desktop based.

Everything else is either all desktop or all web, and this fit into both nicely. It was also very very easy to use.
Ive posted this before, but Ill do it here too. Here is how i try to manage my time:

Here is my breakdown:

1. GTD method - organize my desktop this way and also my tasks
2. 80/20 rule - Work on the things that make me money
3. Eat That Frog -Work on biggest task or one I hate first
4. Pomodoro - Give myself a set time to do the task, also give myself breaks
5. Time Boxing - Just get shit done, dont perfect it
6. Using Doit.IM as my manager for all this

So bascially I break shit down as listing all my tasks in Doit.IM in a GTD type of process.

I then go back through and highlight all the 80/20 shit that makes me money so that I focus entirely on making money activities.

Out of those projects, which ones do I hate the most or are the biggest Frogs for me? Those come first.

I then set my pomodoro for 25 minutes and timebox my way through the project, getting done what I can the best I can in that 25 minutes. Sometimes I need a 2nd pomodoro for the project, but thats OK cause pomodoro allows that.

Once I break through my Frog for the day, i hit all the other 80/20 shit until those are done and then start hitting my 20/80 shit in my Doit.IM list with again, pomodoro and timeboxing.

So everything I do is timeboxed within pomodoro and managed in Doit.IM ( unless i am on Mac, then I use Omnifocus or Things ). I always work my 80/20 shit first before my 20/80's or other non money making activites and out of those I also do the Frog first.

I'm really having a hard time getting my head around this...

One post n00b fucktard resurrects 3 month old thread and a bunch of veterans waste time answering the little cunt instead of tearing him/her/it a new asshole...

In a "Time Management" discussion thread, no less.

There are 4 basic types of people:

and reflector.

First two, manifestor and generator have the actual energy and capacity to do things.
The different between manifestor and generator is that manifestor knows exactly why he's doing a certain thing while the generator just does shit. Manifestor has vision and is a go-getter, the other one needs to wait for an invitation and then figure out if it's the wrong or the right thing to do.

The majority of people on earth are generators, followed by manifestors and projectors. Reflectors are about 1% of total population.

The deal with projectors is that they can intuitively recognize the strengths of other people and build amazing teams, knowing exactly how to direct the people. However, projectors do not possess any energy of their own, so they need to get permission to use other people's energy, which comes naturally to them.

That's why this time management shit doesn't work for everyone, but only for certain types.

So if you're a no-energy type (reflector or projector) then managing your time and actually doing certain things from day to day will ultimately make you unhappy and bitter. It'll feel like you're fighting an uphill battle. (I'm a projector so I know)

You can figure out which type you are by going here -

Jovian Archive - so far, all my shit has been right on the spot and has helped me tremendously.

/voodoo shit
I use a combination of my phone's calender and an actual datebook. Nothing like writing it down to help remember it. You also can't press the dismiss button on a datebook...which I do a lot with my calender on my Droid