right, becuse its wickedfires job to provide you with an internet marketing education, i forgot.

oh thats right, i also forgot it was against the rules to joke around with people.

yea and its sooooo abnormal to be hazed in a new virtual/social enviroment.

you've wasted how many hours being angry now?
drave has venom.. fire.. intensity... he's ballsy I like that ...
took on anomoanon like he was buttah..
Let's let him in guys, he's an asshole marketer with entitlement issues.

Someone post the link to the insiders, baller's club and let him in.. he is a brother...
^ Are you sure he's ready for the Premium Membership? Let's wait for a mod's opinion on that..
ITT: bittersweet tears. Go suck a bag of dicks, phaggot op.

Nobody in this industry will help you out, everybody is just after the money. Go set up a few camps and blow a few bucks and learn it the hard way like everybody here did. Either you have enough balls and enough intelligence to make it or it will be a short ride for you.

You won't find a mentor or some badass blueprints to success here... only gay webmasters.
I realised quite quickly that there's nobody who will give out sure fire ways of making money in IM nor any other industry for that matter. However there are people on this site who give out some truly golden tips and hints that will cut your learning curve down by a lot and save you money and time that would otherwise be wasted while you learn from your own mistakes.

The risk of being dickrolled is worth it.
I realised quite quickly that there's nobody who will give out sure fire ways of making money in IM nor any other industry for that matter. However there are people on this site who give out some truly golden tips and hints that will cut your learning curve down by a lot and save you money and time that would otherwise be wasted while you learn from your own mistakes.

The risk of being dickrolled is worth it.

This is true. No one is going to give you their exact method. That's like the guy that was spamming the hell out of pinterest. He gave an interview, everyone copied, and then it got killed. If you search through old threads you will find little tips. Some work still, some don't. Someone mentions a topic and you think oh that's interesting. Then you search for that here, on google, etc. I found enough info here to get started when I joined in 2007. If you want to avoid the dick rolls then pay for a forum. The paid forums have a lot of good info, but they have less of the BS (which is just part of how WF works).

*I'm scarred for life from dick rolls. I cannot hear that stupid spin me round song without flash backs (then that douche FloRida had to remake it). I think I once left the window open for 32,000+ spins.

Edit: This is the only sure fire method. Find an offer. Buy some ads. Manage to get a high enough conversion rate that you have some margin in between. It's all just evolving ways to arbitrage higher payout offers (unless you own the offer/product) with lower cost ads.
Shut the fuck up you butthurt little faggot. The value in the forum here isnt in any post or thread, it's in the users. Grindstone's helped me learn more about SEO than all the SEO information on this forum combined. It is your fault you suck at networking not ours.

TLDR - Get fucked faggot.
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

its good you brought that up because i feel like i'm caught in a landslide. sometimes it seems like there's no escape from reality. at times like this, i remind myself its a good idea to open your eyes. it does alot of good to look up to the skies and see.

honestly, i'm just a poor boy, and to tell the truth i need no sympathy from you guys. my philosophy has always been 'i'm easy come, easy go', and alot of the time that works out.. not always.. a little high, a little low. you can't go wrong just keeping that perspective, any way the wind blows.

doesn't really matter to me.
You expect too much.

Here's some advice. If you're not making money, get off the forum and do work. Nobody taught me what to do and I still made it. We can educate the shit out of you but if you're not putting in the time you're not going to make it.

I'll bet many of the basic tactics have been posted on here. Basic doesn't mean bad. Saturated doesn't mean impossible.

Yeah, I'm new here but not new to free IM forums or IM.
Shit man you complain on literally the most real marketing info packed forum? Are you serious? Yes people won't spoon feed you and lately there's been a lot of joking around because people wised up to keep specific stuff for themselves BUT if you can't see value in this place no one can help you.

OK I'll tell you something others won't, YES there's less "real info" shared on this public forum but people that do volume you can't even imagine are still here. So we joke around with our peers, you get to know them and maybe make a few friends. Do you want friends that kick ass in the thing you're learning? But no, you want them to spill out their whole business process on a forum for thousands of leeches and copycats to read.

Also, do you know what I did? I read years old threads because real marketing info never gets old. Underlying principles that got a thing to work 5 years ago still work right now. I don't even know why I'm telling you this.

See a poster that posts 1 good post, I read whole post histories of people that post here. I still do if I see someone that knows what he's talking about. Yup click on the persons name, statistics, show all posts, spend a couple hours. Read every fucking post they ever wrote.

But you can't be bothered with this. No problem man.
Shit man you complain on literally the most real marketing info packed forum? Are you serious? Yes people won't spoon feed you and lately there's been a lot of joking around because people wised up to keep specific stuff for themselves BUT if you can't see value in this place no one can help you.

OK I'll tell you something others won't, YES there's less "real info" shared on this public forum but people that do volume you can't even imagine are still here. So we joke around with our peers, you get to know them and maybe make a few friends. Do you want friends that kick ass in the thing you're learning? But no, you want them to spill out their whole business process on a forum for thousands of leeches and copycats to read.

Also, do you know what I did? I read years old threads because real marketing info never gets old. Underlying principles that got a thing to work 5 years ago still work right now. I don't even know why I'm telling you this.

See a poster that posts 1 good post, I read whole post histories of people that post here. I still do if I see someone that knows what he's talking about. Yup click on the persons name, statistics, show all posts, spend a couple hours. Read every fucking post they ever wrote.

But you can't be bothered with this. No problem man.

actually i posted requesting info on how to keep domains private & got slammed like i was asking for the keys to the castle. i never asked for any secrets or processes, but i was met with nothing but abuse. of course i wouldn't ask for hard-gotten secrets, for the very reasons you state, but a simple request like that? that says this forum is chock full of 18 year old dipshit corleone-wannabe's. keep defending them.
Don't know how to keep domains private?
