
fear not
Apr 12, 2012
:uhoh2:its full of those who don't want to share and people who need help. what's the point in that? fuck you both.
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I just read a thread from 2010 that was pretty badass. maybe you should fucking dig a little harder before you start bitching. good luck

here's a guy that knew jackshit, totally dependent on others good graces, and now thumping newbies because he's all happy to be part of the club & thinks this makes him even more the man.

what a dick. 2 steps from the doghouse & already talking shit. you'll be back there soon enough, cocksucker, your type always is.
yeah, i get the irony of my sig, that's why its there. a forum absolutely dedicated to impeding internet marketing, and nickycakes, a mod, had the balls to say it. this forum is a joke. why would anyone spend any time here except to discuss anarchy? otherwise its a huge waste of time. "kids jabbering about news", that's a huge pull.
i joined this forum expecting to talk about internet marketing, and what i found was 'Lord of the Flies'... a bunch of 8 year olds getting all territorial about their little turf.
ibid. "seasoned members" posting shit like that. no, this site isn't a joke, really its not. LOL. (dont get me wrong, its fantastic for random memes, its heaven for that)
i joined this forum expecting to talk about internet marketing, and what i found was 'Lord of the Flies'... a bunch of 8 year olds getting all territorial about their little turf.

Why do you care?
come on, ANOMOANON, nothing to say? (i mean, aside from your cute little vid trap) i'm particularly interested in your input, given that you're largely dumb as a stump & living off other people's ideas, when you thought you'd rip on me, what was you're first thought other than 'me no likeee'??
Pay your $99 like the rest of us and join STM you fucker.

are you talking to me? because i'd gladly pay $99 to learn, i'd pay $99 but i dont know what in the fuck you're talking about. educate me. and i'm not alone, there are plenty who'd pay if you fuckers would get off your dumbass high-horse and teach.
if you can't see an opportunity here instead of a chance to rail a newbie, you have no business being in business.