This phone keeps selling itself to me.....

i have the touch diamond.. from htc... quite frankly... i hate it!

its battery back up SUCKS.... it cant even go for 8-10 hours without charging...

and the touch screen has gotten in bad shape and it has been around a year....! dont know which phone to buy next.. but m kinda drawn towards moto droid... lets hope its battery back up is a bit better!

I'm personally a fan of the iPhone, and the 3G and 3Gs have been able to do this for quite a while with the Logmein app, Which I found most useful because I use logmein for all my remote desktop connections..

Hell why not? its Free and allows me to connect from any device / computer without having to set up gaytastic Remote desktop ports on my router and then me trying to remember my IP or my IP changing because of my ISP..

Remote Desktop Fail / Logmein Win!