This is scary

I'm surprised nobody has pointed out the fact that Obama never admitted to being a Muslim anywhere in that video. Even with all the semi-clever editing of the video, he still doesn't say he's a Muslim. He's just showing off his understanding of the culture which is pretty commonplace in politics, though some pull it off better than others.

That being said, he has shown himself to be a less than average President and normal, lying politician so he's a POS regardless. You can't expect change without a revolution of the existing order, but the American people have not been willing to make a systemic change in a long, long time.

But there is not a global movement of christians that believe in taking over the non-christian world by force and through terror and who are actively waging a violent, global campaign to do so by killing random civilians at random times in seemingly random places.

Apparently you haven't heard of the Christian Dominion movement.
I'm surprised nobody has pointed out the fact that Obama never admitted to being a Muslim anywhere in that video. Even with all the semi-clever editing of the video, he still doesn't say he's a Muslim. He's just showing off his understanding of the culture which is pretty commonplace in politics, though some pull it off better than others.

That being said, he has shown himself to be a less than average President and normal, lying politician so he's a POS regardless. You can't expect change without a revolution of the existing order, but the American people have not been willing to make a systemic change in a long, long time.

We're only going to get change once the two party system is destroyed. Democrats and Republicans all give each other reach arounds on Capital Hill.
Christians are shooting doctors in churches. (and have a history of doing so)

Cite statistics if you're going to make a moronic generalization like "christians are shooting doctors in churches". If you're going to say something as stupid as that, by all means present a pattern and show how they were christian.

Christians aren't slapping 10 pounds of C-4 to their kids chests and making them run into restaurants to obliterate people. What's worse is that no leadership in the global Muslim community has emerged to speak out against this "jihad".

So, I think there is a difference.
No you're right. Instead, the had the holy inquisition, crusades, and now have legions of brainwashed 2.1 children families that do their bidding for them.

Religion is religion, there's no difference aside from its name. The vast majority of religion preaches respect, peace, and mutual understanding. Then you have the extremities, of which Christianity has its fair share.

But don't, for a second, make the mistake of thinking that Christianity doesn't have its extremists. Christianity probably has the bloodiest history of any popular religion today- an unfortunate testament to the extremists that permeate all societies.
Christians aren't slapping 10 pounds of C-4 to their kids chests and making them run into restaurants to obliterate people. What's worse is that no leadership in the global Muslim community has emerged to speak out against this "jihad".

So, I think there is a difference.

Maybe you should think harder. Hitler and the Nazi's claimed to be Christian, as do modern day skinheads and Nazis. Every hear of the Spanish Inquisition? Was in the name of Christ.
No you're right. Instead, the had the holy inquisition, crusades, and now have legions of brainwashed 2.1 children families that do their bidding for them.

Religion is religion, there's no difference aside from its name. The vast majority of religion preaches respect, peace, and mutual understanding. Then you have the extremities, of which Christianity has its fair share.

But don't, for a second, make the mistake of thinking that Christianity doesn't have its extremists. Christianity probably has the bloodiest history of any popular religion today- an unfortunate testament to the extremists that permeate all societies.

Christianity doesn't allow for forced conversion. In fact, Jesus said "He that lives by the sword will die by the sword".

So whoever committed violence during the Crusades or the Inquisition in the name of Christianity wasn't really a true Christian at all. They were impostors, smearing the name of the religion.

Think about that next time you mindlessly smear them yourself.
Christianity doesn't allow for forced conversion. In fact, Jesus said "He that lives by the sword will die by the sword".

So whoever committed violence during the Crusades or the Inquisition in the name of Christianity wasn't really a true Christian at all. They were impostors, smearing the name of the religion.

Think about that next time you mindlessly smear them yourself.

That's quite a stretch you made there. It was ALL done in the name of Christ, that's the point. And there are droves of Muslims that will tell you the same about extremists and terrorists.
Apparently you haven't heard of the Christian Dominion movement.

Have they been orchestrating and carrying out terrorist attacks globally over the course of decades or are they a part of an overall movement which includes other groups(not necessarily associated, but part of a trend that includes groups that share similar ideals) that have been carrying out said acts collectively for decades, such as the following:

Fatah al-Islam
Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades
Islamic Jihad
Armed Islamic Group
Abu Sayyaf Group

Or have they done anything to deserve to be designated as terrorists as these organizations have:

List of designated terrorist organizations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(note all the arabic sounding names in the above list)

No you're right. Instead, the had the holy inquisition, crusades, and now have legions of brainwashed 2.1 children families that do their bidding for them.

Religion is religion, there's no difference aside from its name. The vast majority of religion preaches respect, peace, and mutual understanding. Then you have the extremities, of which Christianity has its fair share.

But don't, for a second, make the mistake of thinking that Christianity doesn't have its extremists. Christianity probably has the bloodiest history of any popular religion today- an unfortunate testament to the extremists that permeate all societies.

I'm really not that scared of christians. They piss me off when they try to tell me how I should think and behave but compared to their muslim extremist counterparts, they're not much more than a simple annoyance. If this were the middle ages I'd probably be more scared of christians, but it's not so I'm not.
Um, I think you Christianity-bashers are missing the big point poking you right in the face. And that point is when you turn on the TV or open a newspaper tomorrow morning, you are going to see dozens of stories of suicide bombers, 2 wars, poverty, terrorism and murder. And guess what! This is all happening because of Islamic/Muslim extremism, and the fact that no global entity in that community has stood up to speak against it.
You guys have a lot to learn about Islam. Arab countries, they promote propaganda in schools to teach the hate of Americans and Jews.

Yes Christianity has it's fair share of nuts but the indoctrination comes from the churches and not the government and isn't accepted by society as a whole.

Where you have countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Their text books actually promote the hatred of non believers and Jews.

I agree each religion has it's fair share of loons but by far Islam takes the cake.

I think any vote for Obama was a vote against the American way but that's just my opinion.


Everybody here is so focused on their own atheism and accepting that all religion is equally bad, you can't see the shit that's going on right in front of your own fucking face.

The Muslim who shot everybody up at Ft. Hood screamed "Allahu Akbar!" right before he went on his spree. And the audacity of people to believe it had nothing to do with Islam.

It's hilarious how self-righteous people here are.

UnripeArbiter said:
Christians are shooting doctors in churches. (and have a history of doing so)

No, there really is no difference.

Muslims and Christians both have their extremists.

You are quite possibly the most ignorant person I've seen here.

Would you rather live in the Christian dominated America you live in today, or the Middle East? Last time I checked we didn't have suicide bombers killing in the name of God EVERY DAY.

You idiots can't pull a few cases and use it as an argument against something that happens every day with Islam.

Every religion has it's extremists. If the religions didn't exist then religious extremists wouldn't exist.

Still would be extremists (but far far fewer)

Congratulations on making NO POINT. We understand you think all religion is bad and untrue, you've only said it 100 times. It's a shame that has nothing to do with these conversations.

Every religion has it's extremists. If the religions didn't exist then religious extremists wouldn't exist.

Still would be extremists (but far far fewer)

Throughout thousands of years of history every religion has had instances of extremism. But what's going on now, presently, in the year 2009 in the Middle East, is barbaric and an embarrassment to humanity, and it's totally baffling why there is no global outcry by members of that religion against it.

I'm going to play some Modern Warfare 2 now. I sure hope it's a Middle East mission!!
Even if Obama was Muslim, why does it matter? Wasn't this country founded on the belief that every person should be able to enjoy freedom and practice any religion without any persecution?

Now for argument's sake, let's assume that HE IS Muslim. Now what? NOTHING. It only bothers closet racists. Be honest with yourself. And for those who drew comparisons of Muslim parents sending their kids with bombs... it isn't any different than the President of the United States sending in troops to a country. And last time I checked, George Bush was Christian.
Even if Obama was Muslim, why does it matter? Wasn't this country founded on the belief that every person should be able to enjoy freedom and practice any religion without any persecution?

Now for argument's sake, let's assume that HE IS Muslim. Now what? NOTHING. It only bothers closet racists. Be honest with yourself. And for those who drew comparisons of Muslim parents sending their kids with bombs... it isn't any different than the President of the United States sending in troops to a country. And last time I checked, George Bush was Christian.

Well, I guess it wouldn't be nothing new for Obama to throw another lie out there. He claimed he was a Christian. Even though he's a supposed Christian, it's still pretty fucking scary to know he attended a blatantly racist Church for twenty years of his life.
Christians are shooting doctors in churches. (and have a history of doing so)

No, there really is no difference.

The only thing I meant by this is that all religions have their extremists, there is no sense in pointing at Islam and saying it is the only religion with crazies.

The vast majority of Islamic people aren't terrorists. I'm guessing at least 90% of Islamic people probably condemn the violence.

America is not free of its own religious domestic terrorists. Christian or Muslim.

Christians in America think their own theology is immune from extremists while pointing at the entirety of Islam and saying it's a violent theology.

People are only getting so upset because they're Christians themselves. They don't want to believe that it's possible their theology can somehow create a terrorist. But it can, look at Scott Roeder.
Even if Obama was Muslim, why does it matter? Wasn't this country founded on the belief that every person should be able to enjoy freedom and practice any religion without any persecution?

Now for argument's sake, let's assume that HE IS Muslim. Now what? NOTHING. It only bothers closet racists. Be honest with yourself. And for those who drew comparisons of Muslim parents sending their kids with bombs... it isn't any different than the President of the United States sending in troops to a country. And last time I checked, George Bush was Christian.

Thank you. :)
The only thing I meant by this is that all religions have their extremists, there is no sense in pointing at Islam and saying it is the only religion with crazies.

The vast majority of Islamic people aren't terrorists. I'm guessing at least 90% of Islamic people probably condemn the violence.

America is not free of its own religious domestic terrorists. Christian or Muslim.

Christians in America think their own theology is immune from extremists while pointing at the entirety of Islam and saying it's a violent theology.

People are only getting so upset because they're Christians themselves. They don't want to believe that it's possible their theology can somehow create a terrorist. But it can, look at Scott Roeder.

Exactly. Take a look at the Crusades as well.