This is scary

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So what if Obama is Muslim? Bush was Christian. EQUALLY SHIT (INVALID AND MEANINGLESS) TO ME.
I couldn't give a fuck less if he is Muslim. In fact, I hope HE IS Muslim, I love how much it pisses off the morons who give a shit about meaningless crap like that. Just like I love how much it pisses off people who hate that he's black.
So why does Obama care if he's Muslim? Why did he says he's a Christian if he's indeed a Muslim?
I couldn't give a fuck less if he is Muslim. In fact, I hope HE IS Muslim, I love how much it pisses off the morons who give a shit about meaningless crap like that. Just like I love how much it pisses off people who hate that he's black.

So what if Obama is Muslim? Bush was Christian. EQUALLY SHIT (INVALID AND MEANINGLESS) TO ME.

Christians aren't slapping 10 pounds of C-4 to their kids chests and making them run into restaurants to obliterate people. What's worse is that no leadership in the global Muslim community has emerged to speak out against this "jihad".

So, I think there is a difference.
Christians aren't slapping 10 pounds of C-4 to their kids chests and making them run into restaurants to obliterate people. What's worse is that no leadership in the global Muslim community has emerged to speak out against this "jihad".

So, I think there is a difference.

Ever heard of "Oklahoma City"?
So why does Obama care if he's Muslim? Why did he says he's a Christian if he's indeed a Muslim?


The world is full of ignorant people who assume all muslims are suicide bombers, etc.

He unintentionally revealed he was a muslim in an interview over a year ago. This is old ass news.
The world is full of ignorant people who assume all muslims are suicide bombers, etc.


Christians aren't slapping 10 pounds of C-4 to their kids chests and making them run into restaurants to obliterate people. What's worse is that no leadership in the global Muslim community has emerged to speak out against this "jihad".

So, I think there is a difference.

Christians are shooting doctors in churches. (and have a history of doing so)

No, there really is no difference.

Muslims and Christians both have their extremists.

However, the vast majority of both religions condemn violence.

So why does Obama care if he's Muslim? Why did he says he's a Christian if he's indeed a Muslim?

Why do we care is the question...
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No comparison....

Ever watch the news on what happens every day in the Middle East?

No? I seem to remember a day care being blown up in OKC along with everything else. I guess that doesn't count when a white christian does it?

By your logic Obama will now strap C4 to his daughters and send them forth to blow up stuff. Since this is a year old I think we can rule that out.

And since that's the case we've also now established that only SOME Muslims - a tiny percentage in fact - are doing these things. Much like only SOME extremists from other ideologies are doing similar stuff.
You guys have a lot to learn about Islam. Arab countries, they promote propaganda in schools to teach the hate of Americans and Jews.

Yes Christianity has it's fair share of nuts but the indoctrination comes from the churches and not the government and isn't accepted by society as a whole.

Where you have countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Their text books actually promote the hatred of non believers and Jews.

I agree each religion has it's fair share of loons but by far Islam takes the cake.

I think any vote for Obama was a vote against the American way but that's just my opinion.
Christians aren't slapping 10 pounds of C-4 to their kids chests and making them run into restaurants to obliterate people. What's worse is that no leadership in the global Muslim community has emerged to speak out against this "jihad".

So, I think there is a difference.

Muslim aren't flying drone to bomb Afghan children
I don't have too much time to get into this, as I'm at work and need to get back to it, BUT people need to learn to separate the religion and the culture the religion resides.

People who are Muslim have blow each other up, so have people who are Christians and people who are Hindus and people who are Buddhists. In every situation, there have been cultural, social or economic factors that have driven these people to such an extreme. The religion is the excuse, not the reason. It's easier to kill yourself, and other people, if you get the ok, or are encouraged by the very being that created you.

If I REALLY thought there were 72 (or however many it is...) virgins waiting for me as a reward on the other side, I'd consider donning a C4 vest too.
No, there really is no difference.

There's not a difference if you disregard magnitude and consequence.

There are random crazy people of every religion. But there is not a global movement of christians that believe in taking over the non-christian world by force and through terror and who are actively waging a violent, global campaign to do so by killing random civilians at random times in seemingly random places.

I'm an atheist/agnostic too so I think both belief systems are retarded, but to not regard radical islam as more dangerous than radical christianity is simply willful ignorance or a result of an unfounded bias against christianity(or an over-calibration of your fairness meter).

I understand the liberal temperament, I think I share it, but starting from a place where everyone and everything is equal does not mean that after examining the facts, you must end up there.

The original post is retarded though.
Christians aren't slapping 10 pounds of C-4 to their kids chests and making them run into restaurants to obliterate people. What's worse is that no leadership in the global Muslim community has emerged to speak out against this "jihad".

So, I think there is a difference.

There is something fundamentally wrong with your world beliefs when you give your self the right to generalize in such way. People like you ruin the fun for everybody else.

Jihad is not something bad. I'm sorry if you aren't interested enough to find out what it really is.