Thinking of buying a Dell XPS M1730

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New member
Jun 3, 2007
Anyone have one? reviews seem pretty good, well the good reviews outweigh the bad anyway, I bought a Toshiba Satellite p300 for 2 grand and the colour resolution/display is weak as piss, so I sold it to my mum for half what I paid.

So anyway if not the xps m1730 what do you guys suggest? The most important thing to me besides performance etc etc is colour it MUST have high resolution and display/colour like a desktop monitor, I want the colour to reach out and SLAP me.

I have to buy online as I'm in a small country town and it's easier, this is why I'm asking.


(price is not an issue)

the *only* advice i give people buying a laptop:
Dell's warranties -- nobody elses, not even Dell-branded Alienware's -- are awesome.
With my $400, 4 year Dell warranty, I could throw my laptop in a lake every 6 mo.s for a brand new laptop.

You're buying a laptop because you want a portable computer. Now think about the kinds of places you go, in an average day [8 hrs on the toilet, 2hrs at starbucks and all night at the kiddy pool to pick up "chicks"?], and the kinds of liquids you're surrounded by damn near everywhere you go.
Get the spill-care warranty.
I like Dell's as well, as long as you go with the long warranty.

The quality seems to be getting worse, but they send repair techs very liberally (at Dell's cost). One phone call saying it's overheating and 2-days later they show up to your house to replace the motherboard.
I like Dell too. Probably the best choice for Australia, price wise and for warranty too.

cucaloco - I know what you mean about the quality. I love my M1330 but it feels like it was made by Mattel and it's had a MoBo replaced already. My wife's one too.
I have the Dell XPS M1330 8 gigs and solid state drive, and honestly the best investment i ever made. Def get the solid state drive its worth it! The amount of Gigs is key too, 6 gigs min, but 8 preferred ;)
I have the Dell XPS M1330 8 gigs and solid state drive, and honestly the best investment i ever made. Def get the solid state drive its worth it! The amount of Gigs is key too, 6 gigs min, but 8 preferred ;)

Nice! Mine isn't solid state but I just love the size. I've had desktop replacements in the past. Give me 13 inches of LCD any day :)
Make sure you check one out in person first, a 17" laptop is really big. A 13" or 15" is much more portable.
I have a Dell XPS M1210.

That 17" laptop won't travel on most planes if you are sitting in coach. It's very hard to get it to open, impossible if the person in front of you tilts their chair back.
I'd go for a Macbook Pro, personally. It's a brilliant piece of kit and the best laptop on the market at the moment, in my opinion. If you don't like OS X, throw Windows on it and you're set.
I have a Dell XPS M1210.

That 17" laptop won't travel on most planes if you are sitting in coach. It's very hard to get it to open, impossible if the person in front of you tilts their chair back.

Yeah, I'm not really worried bout the size of it as this is gonna be my desktop replacement-come-portable computer, apparently the xps I want is pretty big.

I'd go for a Macbook Pro, personally. It's a brilliant piece of kit and the best laptop on the market at the moment, in my opinion. If you don't like OS X, throw Windows on it and you're set.

Never really looked at a mac lappy, whats the resolution/colour like on em?
i used to work for Dell, and there warranties are pretty fucking good, ive also owned a few of them. but the M17x Alienware looks pretty fuckin' sweet.
Never really looked at a mac lappy, whats the resolution/colour like on em?

The 17" is 1920x1200. It comes with a glossy screen though. Apple just upgraded the models last Monday and improved the screens quite a bit. [Edit - Just had a look on the Apple site and it turns out the 17" can be got with anti-gloss coating. Definitely worth paying slightly extra for, in my opinion.]

Check out a few reviews or, even better, go check one out in person. It's hard not to fall in love with them when you see them in the flesh.
Here to recommend the Macbook Pro also. Especially with OSX for security reasons. Don't install bootcamp/windows, just use VMWare unless you're gaming. For gaming, a lot of hacks are out for Windows games to bring them to Mac via Cider (as in, run 'natively' on mac)
I had a 17" laptop for university, and took it EVERYWHERE with me. Had absolutely zero problems with it, and when I switched to the 15" one I have now I didn't even notice a difference, so don't let that bug you.
I had a 17" laptop for university, and took it EVERYWHERE with me. Had absolutely zero problems with it, and when I switched to the 15" one I have now I didn't even notice a difference, so don't let that bug you.

It's not that anything bugs me lol, just that you here about the bullshit that goes on with laptops fucking up all the time, yeah I can get a warranty and back my shit up but I gotta fuck around send it in and wait for it to come back etc etc.

(I live out in the sticks so it's not like a dell techy can just drop in and fix my shit and if I open the laptop myself I void the warranty)

All that being said I still want a laptop, lol.
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