Things you find in the shower...

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My first thought was "someone had a girl over and had a really good time" :D

But who cares? :sleep: So what if he's gay. The real question is: are you secure enough to handle living in a house with a *gasp* gay man? :eek: If you are, then don't sweat it, if not, move out and find female roommates. Then you'll have a whole new set of problems. :anon.sml:

(like all the smiley? :rasta: I was bored)

I dont think I would be secure enought to live with a gay guy. I would not be able to fall asleep on the couch.

mubin, that is bull and you know it.

Most gay men are not attracted in someone who isn't gay.

I have alot of gay friends and not one of them ever came on to me.
but then, I am just ugly as shit.

alrite, lets say you fall asleep on the couch. this dude comes and sits next to you to watch some tv. "Queer eye for the straight guy" or a Bono video comes on, he gets a little excited, starts feeling himself up... and you wake up. Will that not make you question your manlieness?
alrite, lets say you fall asleep on the couch. this dude comes and sits next to you to watch some tv. "Queer eye for the straight guy" or a Bono video comes on, he gets a little excited, starts feeling himself up... and you wake up. Will that not make you question your manlieness?

Obviously, you are having issues with your manliness. Nothing in the world would ever make me question my gender or my hetero lifestyle.


Ever read about that study they did in England? Basically they asked men about their feelings regarding homosexual men. Afterwards, they were shown homo porn.

And only the homophobic gay bashers got excited.

Now go and question your manliness while crying like a little girl.

Obviously, you are having issues with your manliness. Nothing in the world would ever make me question my gender or my hetero lifestyle.



Not even Bruce Willis in Die Hard 4.0? I call BullShit.
Emp's got a point. If you can't handle living with a gay guy, then take a long hard look at your own sexual identity.
I worked at a bar years ago. We ran a gay night. They assumed I was gay ('cause, you know, why else would I work there *rolls eyes*) and hit on me a lot. It was actually kind of flattering, but did it make me feel uncomfortable? Only once, and that's because one guy who wasn't a regular tried to stick his tongue in my ear while ordering.
Did I find myself having raging hard ons because of all this man flesh around me every other Friday night? Again, no (although the cute chicks they brought with them from time to time, another story)

Not even Bruce Willis in Die Hard 4.0? I call BullShit.
Fuck you! People are staring at me now for laughing so loudly!
At this rate, I won't be able to use this cafe much longer heheh


But obviously, you have found your gay niche. Go bears!

Totally agree with Harvey. I was in a similar situation tending bar during gay nights and ended up getting hit on all the time. Although I must say that they can tell if a guy is straight from a mile away, yet sometimes they still try it for fun.

I must admit that ever since working those kind of nights i love chilling in gay bars. I love the atmosphere and the fact that there is a lot less testosterone flying, plus there's less competition on the cute girls ;)
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