Things you find in the shower...

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Outside your window
Oct 5, 2007
So I go into my bathroom last night to fertilize the toilet. As I'm sitting there I look up and to my surprise, notice a huge nasty dildo sitting upright in the shower.

I'm not talking a "back massager" kind of dildo, I'm talking anatomically correct, complete with balls dildo. The kind that stands up straight apparently. It's sitting right there on the shelf in the shower.

Now I live with a bunch of guys, one of whom likes to play practical jokes like this. So I assume that it is Jon, recently back from a trip, who has somehow acquired a dildo and put it in our shower as a joke. Ha ha.

I yell to my room mate, we'll call him Bill, "Bill, why is there a dildo in our shower?!?!"

He yells from the kitchen "I don't know?"

So I finish my paperwork and exit the bathroom, on my way to Jon's room to see if he's still awake, so I can ask him about it.

As I pass Bill I say "Dude, you shouldn't leave your dildo in the shower, that's gross." - just messing with him. At this point I was still under the impression that it was Jon's, and he had put it there as a joke.

As I pass Bill he quickly turns and runs into the bathroom (he thought that I was out of sight, but I wasn't). He grabs the dildo and puts it in his room and closes the door.

As he comes out of the room, there I am - starring at him, jaw agape. "Uhhh... that really was your dildo?"

He nervously says "yea."

Now I've known this kid for years, he's more than an acquaintance, less than a full-fledged friend. I ask him "Is there something about you we should know?"

He says "No, what's my business is my business."

I say okay, and realizing I probably shouldn't pry turn around and go into my room. That is that.

So, I mean, I don't know what to think. I've known this kid for a while, and he's never really mentioned girls before. Does having a dildo make someone gay? Do straight men have dildos? Wtf?

Never mentions girls? Owns a dildo? Definitely gay. Not that theres anything wrong with that, or huge big black anatomically correct dildos.
If he is into affiliate marketing and is on WF or has a friend who is into affiliate marketing and is on WF (which by far my knowledge is U) and possesses a dildo with ballz. He is definately Gay.
If he is into affiliate marketing and is on WF or has a friend who is into affiliate marketing and is on WF (which by far my knowledge is U) and possesses a dildo with ballz. He is definately Gay.

"Friend" is a bit strong.
It can't possibly end well but I strongly suggest you go on an intelligence mission. He'll probably be on high alert but you gotta bust that porn/toy collection wide open. My advice is to bring a rope, in the movies they always end up using it.
Dude, so he likes a bit of anal action... So what? Doesn't really mean he's gay, just means he likes things up his butt!
When you break into his room, I bet you'll find heaps of hetero porn... IT'll just be that the chicks are doing the guys with strapons is all.
I say find a porn network that has that stuff as an aff program, and sign him up under you!

MDSandB: The other option is he was showering with a GUY that likes dildos... that doesn't make him gay, but I don't know about the other guy he was sharing the shower with...
Cool, you left me negative feedback because you don't believe my story. Which, btw, is true. Believe me, if I was making it up I would have said I walked in on him giving himself an anal massage with a big red ball in his mouth or something.

See, you should wait till he passes out drunk and then do that to him, and take photos that we can then remix with Mehta's head :D
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