These school shootings...

Are these shootings staged?

  • I think the government may be behind it

    Votes: 6 19.4%
  • Stfu you evil nazi with your conspiracies

    Votes: 13 41.9%
  • Where pictures of boobs

    Votes: 12 38.7%

  • Total voters










As someone who is an occasional listener to alex jones, I do NOT think the government is behind it however I 100% think they were just waiting for the next shooting to take advantage of to push the ultimate goal of completely gun control. Once they've successfully taken away our "assault weapons" using the sandy hook and aurora shootings they will start pushing the statistics they held back during the "assault weapons" ban. They will push HARD for a handgun ban because handgun accounts for over 95% of all shootings. Keep in mind they are intentionally hiding this from us now and not even one major news network has acknowledged this except for when they have guests on.

But it won't matter because the brainwashed people will already have forgotton about the "assault weapon" ban in the chaos of the next tragic shooting they use to push their agenda.

They are going to completely disarm us.

They are going to do it incrementally.

They "mass shootings" will not stop appearing in the media like the superbowl until guns are completely banned.

Media will move on and act like no more shootings happen, like ever, after the complete gun ban and act like only crazies still have weapons.

Next they will be going after hunting knives.
I don't see an uptick in the number of shooting deaths, so I don't see any reason to blame uncle sam for causing the shootings.

I DO see the media reporting things on the front page constantly that they wouldn't normally report on, which is a tool that the powers that be often use to their advantage. (We saw it proven many times with the Ron Paul campaigns... Sometimes multiple times daily!)

I don't believe this conspiracy for the same reason I don't believe HAARP controls the weather: It's far easier to REPORT weather doing something else than it is to change weather. (Which again, we saw first hand during the Tampa GOP Convention to hurt Ron Paul people.)

They are going to completely disarm us.
I agree they'll try. And they'll keep trying for a long time... But I do not agree that they'll succeed.

Now we have three weapons that uncle sam can't fight that didn't exist a few years ago:

1. Good Data encryption for everyone. (Thanks Kim!)
2. Bitcoin
3. Printable guns

The citizenry would be able to win if this goes the way you're talking about.
Please enlighten is all on how it will go once printable guns hit the street, D. I'd be interested in hearing your idea of how events will unfold...

Well unless printers can spit out gunpowder for bullets who really cares what they can print right? It's like saying printers could fix alcohol prohibition because they can make a bottle.
Well unless printers can spit out gunpowder for bullets who really cares what they can print right? It's like saying printers could fix alcohol prohibition because they can make a bottle.

If you ban bottles then only gangsters will have bottles. FUCK YOU DCHUCK THE FASCIST!

Well unless printers can spit out gunpowder for bullets who really cares what they can print right? It's like saying printers could fix alcohol prohibition because they can make a bottle.

[ame=]Just Try and Make Your Own Gun (Coil Gun) - YouTube[/ame]
Well unless printers can spit out gunpowder for bullets who really cares what they can print right? It's like saying printers could fix alcohol prohibition because they can make a bottle.
Gunpowder is just some sulfur and shit bro, it can't be monitored like guns are, and neither can bullets. (yet.) There are certainly ways around both.

The most likely solution being that people who can't get it otherwise buy ammo over the black market via the other two technologies I mentioned... All untraceable to governments. Silk Road is already set up to do this now.

...And don't give me that shit that the feds'll crack these technologies... People who are passionate about these technologies will keep 1 step ahead of the Feds and 20 steps ahead of our politicians.

Hmm, that was a rail gun... A pretty funny video about making a railgun, and how damn simple it is to make one.

Good post, thanks.

what is this, starship troopers?

Gunpowder is just some sulfur and shit bro, it can't be monitored like guns are, and neither can bullets. (yet.) There are certainly ways around both.

The most likely solution being that people who can't get it otherwise buy ammo over the black market via the other two technologies I mentioned... All untraceable to governments. Silk Road is already set up to do this now.

...And don't give me that shit that the feds'll crack these technologies... People who are passionate about these technologies will keep 1 step ahead of the Feds and 20 steps ahead of our politicians.

Hmm, that was a rail gun... A pretty funny video about making a railgun, and how damn simple it is to make one.

Good post, thanks.

silk road is an example of something that is used by people who would be criminals regardless of whether silk road existed or not. It won't ever become a place that will create criminals out of the curious.
silk road is an example of something that is used by people who would be criminals regardless of whether silk road existed or not. It won't ever become a place that will create criminals out of the curious.
Sometimes you speak perfect english and I can understand your trail of thought just fine. This is not one of those times.

By bringing up the silk road I was in no way referring to the criminals, or any adoption rate into a criminal life. I was clearly trying to show you that the tech exists and is in use now for people to buy ammo online without uncle sam knowing about it, or being able to do anything about it if they started banning ammo.

Think about the synergy between the three technologies I mentioned:

One lets you communicate freely, without guvment snooping. Another lets you and businesses MAKE weapons that have already been banned. A third lets you PAY for them so that you don't even have to make them yourself, or lets you pay for the supplies you'd need to accompany them... All three without gov intrusion.

Surely you have to see how this might help some sort of uprising that could take place one day if things keep going the way they have been?
Sometimes you speak perfect english and I can understand your trail of thought just fine. This is not one of those times.

By bringing up the silk road I was in no way referring to the criminals, or any adoption rate into a criminal life. I was clearly trying to show you that the tech exists and is in use now for people to buy ammo online without uncle sam knowing about it, or being able to do anything about it if they started banning ammo.

Think about the synergy between the three technologies I mentioned:

One lets you communicate freely, without guvment snooping. Another lets you and businesses MAKE weapons that have already been banned. A third lets you PAY for them so that you don't even have to make them yourself, or lets you pay for the supplies you'd need to accompany them... All three without gov intrusion.

Surely you have to see how this might help some sort of uprising that could take place one day if things keep going the way they have been?

I honestly don't believe there will be an organized, armed uprising of any scale capable of doing any damage to our government any time soon. There might be some chaos and rioting, but it will all be quelled eventually by the infinitely more powerful and organized law enforcement and military forces.

And while I do think the technologies you listed can all be leveraged to do what you're describing, my point is that they are far too niche and small scale and specialized to have any real lasting impact via a DIY uprising. There just aren't enough folks in the world who could organize themselves to the point of being a threat to the government who also have a massive stockpile of 3d printers capable of creating guns.

What you're describing is an idealistic revolutionary scenario that I don't think is ever going to come to fruition. Of course, I could be wrong, this is just my opinion.
I honestly don't believe there will be an organized, armed uprising of any scale capable of doing any damage to our government any time soon. There might be some chaos and rioting, but it will all be quelled eventually by the infinitely more powerful and organized law enforcement and military forces.
You have it way too good down in "hey brah." I think your lifestyle is keeping you isolated from feeling what many americans are feeling, such as the reason that most guns and ammo are sold out right now nationwide. You never seem to feel the threat that the liberty movement, the Anarchists, and the rest of the malcontents see & feel daily... Which doesn't make you bad or stupid or anything, but it does preclude you from seeing the motivation behind such uprisings in the future.

Here's how such a scenario would likely go down: In 4-10 years, the police state will be so strong and the dollar so weak that the percentage of the population willing to endure the standing government will approach the 50% mark. At this time, many videos, both educating and calling for insurrection will be widely available too because the guv can't stop mega key encrypted files...

Ideas will spread through those files. Lots of ideas, things that cannot be shared on youtube. There will be no "against the terms of our service" takedowns at that point, everything from child porn to nuclear weapon plans will be shared alongside the good stuff.

10 years ago, your prediction of how it would turn out was most likely right... But now these tools are becoming mainstream. A far larger percentage of the population would be able to get their hands on printable weapons BECAUSE a far larger percentage of the population will be pissed off about how they've been misled by the guv and media their whole lives. (Thanks to the afore-mentioned ideas spreading.)

I'm not even predicting that it will come to a bloody battle at that point. Perhaps the threat of an armed uprising is enough to wake the rest of the public up to put better politicians in place just in time... Either way it goes, Mass education on truth will spread and that's always a good thing.

My point is that this country is mostly in denial still, but that's about to change, whether they like it or not. Conditions are rapidly approaching that will force them to.
You have it way too good down in "hey brah." I think your lifestyle is keeping you isolated from feeling what many americans are feeling, such as the reason that most guns and ammo are sold out right now nationwide. You never seem to feel the threat that the liberty movement, the Anarchists, and the rest of the malcontents see & feel daily... Which doesn't make you bad or stupid or anything, but it does preclude you from seeing the motivation behind such uprisings in the future.

Here's how such a scenario would likely go down: In 4-10 years, the police state will be so strong and the dollar so weak that the percentage of the population willing to endure the standing government will approach the 50% mark. At this time, many videos, both educating and calling for insurrection will be widely available too because the guv can't stop mega key encrypted files...

Ideas will spread through those files. Lots of ideas, things that cannot be shared on youtube. There will be no "against the terms of our service" takedowns at that point, everything from child porn to nuclear weapon plans will be shared alongside the good stuff.

10 years ago, your prediction of how it would turn out was most likely right... But now these tools are becoming mainstream. A far larger percentage of the population would be able to get their hands on printable weapons BECAUSE a far larger percentage of the population will be pissed off about how they've been misled by the guv and media their whole lives. (Thanks to the afore-mentioned ideas spreading.)

I'm not even predicting that it will come to a bloody battle at that point. Perhaps the threat of an armed uprising is enough to wake the rest of the public up to put better politicians in place just in time... Either way it goes, Mass education on truth will spread and that's always a good thing.

My point is that this country is mostly in denial still, but that's about to change, whether they like it or not. Conditions are rapidly approaching that will force them to.

I doubt we'll have 3d printers within 4-10 years that can 1) print a gun barrel that won't just explode upon firing and 2) will be affordable enough for this oppressed population you're describing to purchase.
I doubt we'll have 3d printers within 4-10 years that can 1) print a gun barrel that won't just explode upon firing
Barrels can't be made of plastic, but there are no restrictions on gun barrels, or any other part of a gun that isn't called the "lower receiver" because you can't ban steel ingots and bars. Both are completely indispensable in industry. Most plastic guns will just have 1 plastic part in them: the LR.

2) will be affordable enough for this oppressed population you're describing to purchase.
Um, you've got some odd preconceptions of who is most likely to be upset at their government... Remember, uncle sam works by bribing the poor people with money stolen from the rich and middle classes.

Why would you think the poor people would revolt??