There comes a time in life when...

Dude's been through a twelve step program.

Good for you, man...

Now GTFO. If you were looking for redemption, you came to the totally wrong place. You have been warned.
See, I knew this sort of shit was going to happen, but it's all good. However, let me clear up some things since someone seems to be a little confused, and you may or may not be the only one.

I HAVE NOT been to no twelve step program, nor do I need to go to one. I have just come to a time where I felt that I really do need to admit for my fuck-ups in the past and let those that I affected know that I did not run away. Instead, I am still standing here even though you all are firing off your grenade launchers at me, at least certain people are. I'm still not on fire, so it must be a good day. :)

I AM NOT asking for redemption, nor do I need it from any of you. I'm here to prove a point, that I will make it right for those that were affected.
Last, but not least, I am not getting the fuck out of here. Your harsh words that you think pisses me off really doesn't do anything to me but add a smile.

Now excuse me, I must get some sleep to get called out for one of my jobs. Working online is only a second full time job for me, so even if it fell out from under me, I still would have enough to feed my kids as well as myself. But it won't, so it looks like while certain people want to sit here and start shit I'll be stacking my paper. Have a great night. :)
I HAVE NOT been to no twelve step program, nor do I need to go to one.
I think you do. It would, at the very LEAST teach you how do GROW SOME HAIR ON IT YOU LITTLE BITCH.

Now, that said, you came here basically admitting you were a scumbag who had ripped people off in the past, and you were begging forgiveness OR DID I MISREAD THAT. I believe that's step whatever in the program, so you're one ahead.

Here, let me help you edit your OP for brevity and reality:

Blah Blah, I am/was/could still be a drunken doping loser who ripped you guyz off, but I'm good now, and I need moniez, so here's the bullshit apology so I can rake you off for a few more bux, oh and...
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Now, let's get on with some more sloppy fat bitches!

Fuck You, you silly little butt-hurt toolbag. You come here looking for absolution and all you want to do is justify your own bad actions.

Once again, FUCK YOU.

Write that down.
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EDIT: don't despair op, that first chick looks as good as any I've seen here.
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I think you do. It would, at the very LEAST teach you how do GROW SOME HAIR ON IT YOU LITTLE BITCH.

Now, that said, you came here basically admitting you were a scumbag who had ripped people off in the past, and you were begging forgiveness OR DID I MISREAD THAT. I believe that's step whatever in the program, so you're one ahead.

Here, let me help you edit your OP for brevity and reality:

Fuck You, you silly little butt-hurt toolbag. You come here looking for absolution and all you want to do is justify your own bad actions.

Once again, FUCK YOU.

Write that down.​

Am I asking for money? Umm, no. And just because I didn't share my story doesn't make it a case of oh I went out one night, bought a bag of dope (and I mean dope NOT WEED), got strung out, lost all my shit, and here I am begging for forgiveness just to make another buck. That is so far from my story that it's quite funny you even think a such thing.

Look, if I was here to make another buck, don't you think I'd be selling the services that I have a proven track record for providing? I'm not here to do that and even if I was you wouldn't even know it was me. That's a fact many here know to be nothing but the truth. Instead, I gather my business from word of mouth as well as from using other marketing methods. I just came here to lay out the fucking truth about what I did and see when the true ones will come out and see it for what it truly is without all of the crying and starting shit cause it makes one feel better.

Seems like you're the one butt-hurt with all of that anger spilling out for everyone to see. Now unless you quit being butt-hurt and talk like a human being to another human being, I have nothing else to say to you. :)
Am I asking for money? Umm, no. And just because I didn't share my story doesn't make it a case of oh I went out one night, bought a bag of dope (and I mean dope NOT WEED), got strung out, lost all my shit, and here I am begging for forgiveness just to make another buck. That is so far from my story that it's quite funny you even think a such thing.

Look, if I was here to make another buck, don't you think I'd be selling the services that I have a proven track record for providing? I'm not here to do that and even if I was you wouldn't even know it was me. That's a fact many here know to be nothing but the truth. Instead, I gather my business from word of mouth as well as from using other marketing methods. I just came here to lay out the fucking truth about what I did and see when the true ones will come out and see it for what it truly is without all of the crying and starting shit cause it makes one feel better.

Seems like you're the one butt-hurt with all of that anger spilling out for everyone to see. Now unless you quit being butt-hurt and talk like a human being to another human being, I have nothing else to say to you. :)

e-stat all you want fuckers. You and I both know you would happily thrust in to any one of the womenz posted in this thread. Copyright © 2012 - WickedFire is an international registered Trademark of Coastal Synergy LLC. You may not use any of our trademarks, copyrights, content, or images without a written approval by members of Coastal Synergy LLC.
Am I asking for money? Umm, no. And just because I didn't share my story doesn't make it a case of oh I went out one night, bought a bag of dope (and I mean dope NOT WEED), got strung out, lost all my shit, and here I am begging for forgiveness just to make another buck. That is so far from my story that it's quite funny you even think a such thing.

Look, if I was here to make another buck, don't you think I'd be selling the services that I have a proven track record for providing? I'm not here to do that and even if I was you wouldn't even know it was me. That's a fact many here know to be nothing but the truth. Instead, I gather my business from word of mouth as well as from using other marketing methods. I just came here to lay out the fucking truth about what I did and see when the true ones will come out and see it for what it truly is without all of the crying and starting shit cause it makes one feel better.

Seems like you're the one butt-hurt with all of that anger spilling out for everyone to see. Now unless you quit being butt-hurt and talk like a human being to another human being, I have nothing else to say to you. :)

You may not be asking for money today, but you and I both know that day is coming. You still have yet to actually confess your sins. You keep dancing around it while not actually fessing up to anything.

Stop pussy footing around with all this fancy new age feel good bullshit. Lay out the truth. Confess your sins and let the judge/jury/and executioner decide your fate.
