There comes a time in life when...


New member
Jan 25, 2009


However, there also comes a time in life when we are forced to decide one thing. That is whether or not we're just going to bury the past like it never happened or if we're going to do what we can to correct the actions which we made. Those of you here who know me know what I'm getting at. I don't have the best past with some people here and I definitely don't have the best past in life, what a shock, but it's really not.

There are some members here who I still do owe and those who want to try to come to a point to where we can work it out, please PM me and keep it in private. I'm not here to discuss it and dwell on the past. What I am here to do is make one clear statement. I can't truly fix the past, but I can reach out to those who were affected by it and try to make it right with them. I can only fix the future. As many have said before, that's the past and today is the present. My apologies do go out to those who I have affected here and I hope that we can let the past go (which I know some of you already have) and witness the changes that I'm willing to make in order to become a better person for those who have been and currently are around me.

I'm not going to sit here and go on to tell my sob story to make you all feel bad. Sure I could sit here and rant about a custody fight, divorce, & addictions but I'm not going to. Even though those are true, you all don't need to hear it nor do you probably want to.

While we do know I have my own set of skills, one of the most major weaknesses that I had is that I didn't think before I acted on many occasions, rather I acted on impulse. This also led to piss poor business decisions and eventually the fall of one of my companies. However, our mistakes are what make us the people that we are today as long as we're willing to accept the opportunity to learn from them. I know this happened back in 2010, but believe me it's been eating me up. I just didn't know how to deal with it, nor did I attempt to. However, I had a rude awakening in my life which brings me right here before you today.

You can take it, or leave it. I've proven myself as one of the best writers in the industry, but at the same time I did something that I never should have done and that was let a lot of you all down. Even some of my close friends, but here I am so hopefully that says something.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Now, let's get on with some more boobs!









Last, but definitely not least, ball on!

It's not a plea just so you know Kiopa. Some of us are human and therefore do these things to let everyone know, even the ones who don't want to know, what we have come to in life. This isn't about begging for mercy, it's about doing the right fucking thing. Whoever wants to bash, go ahead, whoever wants to face the reality that I am here and I am still willing to stand up and make things right by those affected know where to find me.

And yes I do have tough skin, I've been through a lot more shit than SOME (not all of course as there's always some who have had it worse) have. So if you want to bash, I'll only smile.

Here's one for you Kiopa_Matt. :)
BBW Warning next time dude.

Sorry, if it makes you feel better I didn't think it would offend any of you. Not like I lied and made a post with no boobs, just posted some fat ones. Next time instead of the boobs icon, I will use the bbw. Really didn't think it would be that big of a deal, I'm just here trying to do the right thing and fess up for what I've done here. That's all Drake and anyone else that I offended.
not too long but still didn't read

Not forcing, nor asking anyone to. It's here for those who do want to read it. Think of it like a library. :)

Now I'm off to work, I'll check this thread out later when I have time but there are things that must be accomplished. I really don't have time to sit here and look at the negativity, because I'm here to live a positive life.
After seeing those pics, the only thing anybody wants to do is dump bleach on their eyes.

I guarantee you that you'll think about this for a while, my point is made. :1bluewinky:

Now on a more serious note, stretch marks can be fixed, at least these girls aren't 500-600 pounds with hella jelly rolls. There are a couple here, maybe more, still would have to think where I would say...

After all, when you work hard and only focus on the big picture, you definitely can't settle for girls who have preteen bodies. You just have to have some big excitement when you call it a night.