The worst personal transformation ever

Also trying to respond to any and all criticism, failure, rejection, negativity and annoyance and injustice with stoicism.

Hey I'm guessing you mean stoicism in the classic Roman sense, not the modern day meaning.

This is very difficult as you noted. The best advice I can offer is (A) a true sense of self worth grounded in whatever "does it" for you, so you can then use your (B) iron will to focus on it. Seems like failure and rejection and negativity is all over the place, and starting out trying to just let it slide is rough. But it does get better.

Much of the classic Roman stoic techniques were, imo, ways to prepare yourself mentally for an inevitable defeat/rejection/etc, so when it does occur it's just business as usual. It wasn't a way to just overwhelm yourself with the shit of life like the cynics, but rather to get on with your life knowing that you'll be fine when it goes bad.

There is also a large overlap between some of the Buddhist teachings about suffering and the stoic middle ground. If you care about rejection, and failing, and negativity it's going to affect you.

Oh, and if you're scared of rejection from girls specifically, just go approach 20-30 of them one day, hit them with the shittiest line you can think of. Make a game of being blown off publicly and you'll lose your fear pretty fast. Which now that I think about, inoculating yourself against bad situations by putting yourself in them, was a stoic technique espoused by Seneca.

Yeah, this wasn't about ethics, but that term is so loaded and relative it's hard to discuss.

So, are you really living according to your own "ethics" or are you actually trying to live up to some unrealistic ideal that society put in your head?

That's a good question. Blind sheep annoy me so much I promised never to let myself become one.

But I went through an epiphany during the worst moments of my life a few months ago and suddenly everything started making sense. All the moral quandaries, personal failings, ethical and societal failings, double-minds, doubts, skepticism just seemed to resolve themselves.

It made me change my whole outlook on life. My peace of mind shot through the roof, I became more optimistic. Stress didn't unravel me as much as it usually did.

And you know how when your life is in trouble everybody comes to you with advice? Well I literally did the opposite of what EVERYBODY said. Without exception.

All I know is I wanna stick with it and rebuild my life from the ground up.

I know this sounds way far out for people. Too much WTF to be real. I feel ya. And this whole schtick about being "ethical" probably goes against every bone in the wickedfire body.

So I don't blame the skepticism.

Next on my plate is starting a periodic self-starvation/fasting routine. I wanna be able to go a few days at a time dealing with hunger without self-destructing. It's healthy, it helps focus, but it's hell if you have no self-discipline and eat mindlessly.

I tried it for one day and I had to check myself about forty times as I was heading to the refrigerator and/or pantry.

I'll hazard that a large number of the WF population are a bunch of fatasses. Me included.

Do you think you can handle one day on just water?
Do you think you can handle one day on just water?
I did the lemonade diet/fast for 30 days. It is totally doable.

And I am really proud and pleased you're taking a journey of self-discovery. I remember some of our earliest conversations here.

Also, there are quite a few people doing stuff which isn't ethically gray. Most of the scumbags moved on 2 years ago.
oh for fucks sake.

Damn straight. I have everything I've ever wanted, including free time and possessions, and I got it by living that way.

I can remember my rent being due in 5 days with only $100 in my pocket and I gave a homeless man $20 of it. Had no idea where $ was coming from, or how it'd work out, but I did it any way. Giving and putting others first has -never- caused a problem or presented a negative in my life.

I got to the top ~1% by putting others first.

Just imagine if you lived in a place where everyone did that? You'd have 6.5 billion people putting you first, instead of just one.

Will that happen? No - but I can't expect others to follow a rule I don't.
I got to the top ~1% by putting others first.

'others' meaning everyone except everyone below you, you mean? don't get me wrong, i don't practice fanatical altruism either... then again, i don't claim to.
I'm compromising my manhood just to post in this thread...but, what the hell...balls deep in WF fags all up in this thread...
'others' meaning everyone except everyone below you, you mean? don't get me wrong, i don't practice fanatical altruism either... then again, i don't claim to.

No, everyone.

It's hard to tell people to do nice shit for others without coming off as a dipshit, and harder still because if you don't tell anyone the good shit you do people think you're full of shit and don't take the advice to put others first, but if you do they think you're an attention whore, one of those fucking 'holier than thou' tards, or full of shit and still don't take your advice.
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Damn straight. I have everything I've ever wanted, including free time and possessions, and I got it by living that way.

I can remember my rent being due in 5 days with only $100 in my pocket and I gave a homeless man $20 of it. Had no idea where $ was coming from, or how it'd work out, but I did it any way. Giving and putting others first has -never- caused a problem or presented a negative in my life.

I got to the top ~1% by putting others first.

Just imagine if you lived in a place where everyone did that? You'd have 6.5 billion people putting you first, instead of just one.

Will that happen? No - but I can't expect others to follow a rule I don't.

Put your money where your mouth is and pay off my student loans. I could use about $50,000.
No, everyone.

It's hard to tell people to do nice shit for others without coming off as a dipshit, and harder still because if you don't tell anyone the good shit you do people think you're full of shit and don't take the advice to put others first, but if you do they think you're an attention whore, one of those fucking 'holier than thou' tards, or full of shit and still don't take your advice.

i agree 'doing nice shit for others' is admirable, but there's a gap between that & 'always putting others before yourself'. unless you labor day in & day out in the streets of calcutta, giving away every resource & every ounce of energy to those who need it, you're not quite at that level in practice.
Damn straight. I have everything I've ever wanted, including free time and possessions, and I got it by living that way.

I can remember my rent being due in 5 days with only $100 in my pocket and I gave a homeless man $20 of it. Had no idea where $ was coming from, or how it'd work out, but I did it any way. Giving and putting others first has -never- caused a problem or presented a negative in my life.

I got to the top ~1% by putting others first.

Just imagine if you lived in a place where everyone did that? You'd have 6.5 billion people putting you first, instead of just one.

Will that happen? No - but I can't expect others to follow a rule I don't.

That's bold. I heard a similar story from a friend. He had 20 bucks worth of disposable income and gave it to someone because he thought it was the right thing to do.

Out of the blue, someone turns around and gives him a check for 500 dollars. For absolutely no reason.

I'm compromising my manhood just to post in this thread...but, what the hell...balls deep in WF fags all up in this thread...
Ethics are definitely not relative. To get to the state of thinking that someone has to have ignored their conscience for a good amount of time.

OP, best bet is to try and genuinely help people, whether it is through creating a service, product or whatever.
assets ftw. I am living off of non-compromised ethics, a lot of people here are

What type of assets are the majority of you referring to? Offline local brick and mortar? Established sites with direct user income? Residual income from organic sites? Just curious, I have been building organic for years but interested to hear how everyone else is diversifying. It's a part of life for those of us with chronic paranoia about future wealth (regardless of what your financial planner tells you.)

Good luck OP, my hat is off to you on your hard as shit transformation. There are two battles to fight to here; your own ethics or knowing that your competitors are banking 10x harder by slightly compromising their own ethics. Personally I am more conservative to avoid the legal headaches and to sleep better at night.

Unfortunately the big and exciting numbers that we all enjoy chasing are typically connected to shady business models and back-end monetization.
I'm not compromising my ethics at all and I make more than enough money to be comfortable. Just look at Gary V for advice on how to grow a legit business.
Good for you man, After the whole Acai thing I did this same thing and changed how I did business. I have worked on creating quality sites and product creation since and I have done just fine.

The main thing you will notice is that its easier to promote products of quality and you have more control over your income since you are creating it.
What type of assets are the majority of you referring to? Offline local brick and mortar? Established sites with direct user income? Residual income from organic sites? Just curious, I have been building organic for years but interested to hear how everyone else is diversifying. It's a part of life for those of us with chronic paranoia about future wealth (regardless of what your financial planner tells you.)

Good luck OP, my hat is off to you on your hard as shit transformation. There are two battles to fight to here; your own ethics or knowing that your competitors are banking 10x harder by slightly compromising their own ethics. Personally I am more conservative to avoid the legal headaches and to sleep better at night.

Unfortunately the big and exciting numbers that we all enjoy chasing are typically connected to shady business models and back-end monetization.

in my case I'm referring to my subscription software as a service product (serpIQ). Unless something catastrophic happens, it's stable income, and if ever I'd like to sell it, it has accounting records and predictable forecasts into the future upon which I can base a reasonable bid for the company/product (IE: resell value)