The worst personal transformation ever

Ar Scion

New member
Oct 27, 2009
I'm doing it.

For the past month or so I've been consciously observing my values and making a deliberate effort to follow them. Varying levels of success. Some things were easy. Others were hard. The good thing so far is it's all baby steps. No drastic changes.

No murderin, killin, drug-dillin. No fappin.

I'm making a conscious effort to try and connect genuinely and singularly with every person I interact with right now. I deleted everything I ever torrented. Quit smoking. Only having sex on my own terms (ghosting? lol). Trying to forgive anyone and everyone who ever hurt me. This is really hard. Also trying to respond to any and all criticism, failure, rejection, negativity and annoyance and injustice with stoicism. This is ridiculously hard. Function over form when making buying decisions.

But I foresee a problem- namely, everything I do online will have to be ethical. And that means one thing- restricting myself to product creation.

I don't wanna get into any holier-than-thou discussions. I don't got a right to condemn anyone, but I gotta ask: Is anyone here NOT compromising their ethics in one way or another to make money? Is it possible to make money without compromising your ethics?


mobile traff, social media traff, sms traff - whachu more yousa needa, Jedi?

Fuck product creation and the shitty unreliable MIDs they ride in on.
Good for you but ethics are relative. Each person has a set of ethics and values they follow, it defines most of our lives.

My ethics state if I can relieve someone of their money legally, then it was ethical.

"What is the difference between unethical and ethical advertising? Unethical advertising uses falsehoods to deceive the public; ethical advertising uses truth to deceive the public."
Personal Transformation sounds like a pain in the arse. Also how do you not have sex on your own terms? It dont stick up if you dont want it to right?
I'm probably one of the only one here who doesn't

a) regularly violate their own ethics
b) have a warped sense of ethics so I can justify my behavior
c) act as though I'm without a bit of humanity
d) affiliate market anything

So you probably are asking in the wrong place.

It's easy to be a good person. Others first - self second & a best practices approach to everything and you'll be golden.
I have to agree with dchuck here. Building long-term assets that you can sell for multiples is far better than slinging unstable offers any day. Just so you know I've gone the route of actually keeping and maintaining my own "ethics". I don't do anything and everything for money. Money isn't life.

Edit: Affiliate marketing isn't all bad. There are plenty of products that do work and provide value for the customer. I wanted to clarify that assets with value are better in the long run (common sense).
I have not done anything that is ethically gray in a long time.

I make almost all of my money through product creation and I genuinely want to make the best product I possibly can.

And, as others have said, when I am done, instead of having no assets, I have an asset that is worth a lot of money.
Product creation > the rest (ime).

It's easy to warp your ethics online or justify or even think you're way more evil than you really are - but when you're literally in charge of almost every single pixel, copy, prices, deliverables, you have a golden opportunity to follow best practice and be rewarded for it kindly.

I admire your shift, had a few in my life and I'm grateful for them. Don't be shy to launch in two's or always be thinking two products ahead, I've done almost 40 digital products now and more than half bombed, and were/are not even considered an asset (except for aff recruitment overlap and some practice/portfolio pieces to show off).. Even when you make best practice products and overdeliver 10 x, it's still easy to fail due to unforeseens so yeh try building in groups or on a schedule with healthy overlap (and in different niches until you find the niche you've been 'made for' if you will - then focus on that like a mofo).

Some of the hardest shit to do for me was: cut out bad influence (use to be a DJ/promoter, phone always ringing, chicks always distracting, money always being spent but more importantly no real focus with my time and days/months/years just fly by).. Forgiving people and being the bigger person in almost any scenario you can put yourself in takes a lot too - need to physically release energy more often lol.

I'm rambling, OP it's a good move homey - build as much stuff as you can and don't come short anywhere you'll be surprised at how much $ there is in product creation and how many aff's do in fact search for good shit they can push while being able to sleep well.

We might have different definition of what ethical is. If I happen to be a hedonist, for example, then fapping, sex, light drugs and other stuff will not mean anything wrong.

That said it is easy to earn money without compromising your own ethics as it depends on how you define what ethical means.
The worst personal transformation ever

You were probably just making a funny headline, but it really is important how you frame things in your head: this kind of thinking isn't going to be a help. Good luck with it all, genuinely.
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I don't wanna get into any holier-than-thou discussions. I don't got a right to condemn anyone, but I gotta ask: Is anyone here NOT compromising their ethics in one way or another to make money? Is it possible to make money without compromising your ethics?

It's not only possible, it's easier and less stressful in the long term.
So, are you really living according to your own "ethics" or are you actually trying to live up to some unrealistic ideal that society put in your head?
As others said above:

1. Ethics is relative
2. Make sure you have your own instead of someone else's
3. If thats so painful for you, are you sure you are ready for such transformation? If yes then
4. Go ahead and enjoy life - yes its possible to make money without compromising your values. Providing you are not going to unhealthy extremes and have VALUES, not DOGMAS.
5. Good luck :)