The world’s SECOND pregnant man prepares to give birth

These views suck I like to reorganize the forum by "most viewed threads" in order to find the most helpful threads. This just screws it up. In fact, it is the 19th most popular thread in this section.

I think the Wagenheim version of the photo is missing.


Don't tell anyone I did this.:party-smiley-004:
If you are a woman and you become a man then have a baby, does that make you a triple gay?
Basically some random lesbian who was artificially inseminated is gonna have a baby and this is a big deal? That kid is gonna be fucked along with their other two 'children'.

Apparently her lesbian lover had this done:

"Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus. Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO) is the removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes."

WTF is wrong with people? And the money quote:

‘No pregnant person should be denied healthcare just because they are a man.’