The "unreliable Tyler" - Tyler Lemieux (designer)


Opulence, I has it
Feb 10, 2010
Одесса Мама
Anyone talked to Tyler Lemieux recently on skype?

I know he's not the most reliable person around, but I ordered a design from him and he just bailed. I know he does that sometimes, just wondering if he's just ignoring me and talking to other people or if he really disappeared. Or died. Hope not. :uhoh2:

LOL, Tyler L should have a meme against him. Search for him on the forums... he has a very bad reputation. One I can vouch for. He's ridiculous.

Very talented but so unreliable.

edit: When using him, never pay upfront. Get your money back if you have.
Yes. Everyone on the planet needs to know 2 things about Tyler.

1. He's probably the best photoshop designer I've ever encountered. Ever.
2. He'll accept the job eagerly at low ball prices. Once you've paid, you can forget about getting the work, getting a reply in a reasonable time, etc.

It's really tempting, but don't do it. You will hate yourself and you'll end up stalling your projects for months pulling out your hair with this guy.
I was lucky with him.. Had him work on 3-4 projects finished every one.. We agreed on a final project and never got it going but I also never paid him.

He is extremely gifted and is a pretty nice guy though.
Why do you guys keep hiring someone who's earned the nick name unreliable Tyler?

Sounds like a simple solution to me..

There can only be 1 Lemieux
If anyone wants to work with someone who ISN'T a flake and needs content written, PM me! Try me out - you won't regret it! I'm looking for regulars & will value every relationship formed.
If anyone wants to work with someone who ISN'T a flake and needs content written, PM me! Try me out - you won't regret it! I'm looking for regulars & will value every relationship formed.

How about you take out an ad in the bst, you fucking scrub? Maybe you're a great writer but you sure as fuck don't know how to read.
If anyone wants to work with someone who ISN'T a flake and needs content written, PM me! Try me out - you won't regret it! I'm looking for regulars & will value every relationship formed.

Do not PM spam me again. If you are not confident enough in your service to buy a thread, I have no confidence in your service. Be aware, you can get banned for PM spam here.
If anyone wants to work with someone who ISN'T a flake and needs content written, PM me! Try me out - you won't regret it! I'm looking for regulars & will value every relationship formed.

Nicely done.

How about you take out an ad in the bst, you fucking scrub? Maybe you're a great writer but you sure as fuck don't know how to read.

Do not PM spam me again. If you are not confident enough in your service to buy a thread, I have no confidence in your service. Be aware, you can get banned for PM spam here.

made me lol hard
