The shit religion of peace ... part ? [NSFL]

No..not at all. I'd condemn the actions of a lunatic. The difference between my argument and yours is that I recognize that every x% of the human population is mentally diseased and is capable of such actions. You falsely attribute it to religion in the case of Islam while ignoring that most murders are committed by Christians.

Even little children are aware that despite the secular views that the U.S. government claims it has, the very pledge of allegiance has very heavily Christian religious rhetoric in it. The U.S. is primarily a Christian nation. Obviously you can see how this would be a problem with Islamic nations when we go there and depopulate vast regions in the name of "democracy" (a thinly veiled attempt to westernize a region with a much older sophisticated culture).
I don't like religion, I do like spirituality.

But I don't mind people killing each other though.

In fact, I wish Christians were less pussy and killed each other way more.

If Americans/Europeans/Other 1st world'ers had that type of backbone that Muslims have, global banking elites wouldn't stand a chance.

Imagine telling a bunch of Muslims:

"Oops, our buddy bankers who gave us a ton of money lost it all, so we are going to have to take your money and give it to the bankers"


"greece lost all their money, so we are taking your money to give to them"

LOL, you'd have the head of all those corrupt, Armani wearing welfare queens hanging from street lamps.

In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that the media demonetization of Muslims (not that there aren't real reasons to be critical) has a good deal to do with the fact that they don't take shit from imperial powers.

Keep looking in judgmental horror at people who can take justice into their own hands (even if misguided), while us as a race/group are too cowardly to defend our basic rights.

So ... you agree with mob violence and revenge killings?
No..not at all. I'd condemn the actions of a lunatic. The difference between my argument and yours is that I recognize that every x% of the human population is mentally diseased and is capable of such actions. You falsely attribute it to religion in the case of Islam while ignoring that most murders are committed by Christians.

Even little children are aware that despite the secular views that the U.S. government claims it has, the very pledge of allegiance has very heavily Christian religious rhetoric in it. The U.S. is primarily a Christian nation. Obviously you can see how this would be a problem with Islamic nations when we go there and depopulate vast regions in the name of "democracy" (a thinly veiled attempt to westernize a region with a much older sophisticated culture).
They are not 'mentally diseased' - they are an inevitable byproduct of religion. Whenever you replace critical thinking with brainless religious dogma you will get this as a byproduct. If the so called christian west was as christian as those men are muslim, you'd have a similar situation here. This is why it's so important to promote reason and logic - how to think as opposed to what to think. Fuck religion and fuck apologists.
no reasons to promote such worst it less than a spammer or hacker.why moderated not banning him who is sharing such things and promoting violence between communities.
They are not 'mentally diseased' - they are an inevitable byproduct of religion. Whenever you replace critical thinking with brainless religious dogma you will get this as a byproduct. If the so called christian west was as christian as those men are muslim, you'd have a similar situation here. This is why it's so important to promote reason and logic - how to think as opposed to what to think. Fuck religion and fuck apologists.

There is no doubt that the U.S. harbors a more educated populace, ergo much fewer people per capita are prone to such acts of barbarism *in the name of religion*. That being the case, the "benign" religious element we have here is responsible for creating a nation that has more capital punishments per year than ALL middle eastern countries combined. I wish people would keep that in mind when adopting a holier-than-thou attitude towards Islam.

There are also many things wrong with Christianity..I can go into it if you want but it's almost 5 a.m. here so I dunno.

At the end of the day, fuck fundies of any religion.
I don't like religion, I do like spirituality.

But I don't mind people killing each other though.

In fact, I wish Christians were less pussy and killed each other way more.

If Americans/Europeans/Other 1st world'ers had that type of backbone that Muslims have, global banking elites wouldn't stand a chance.

Imagine telling a bunch of Muslims:

"Oops, our buddy bankers who gave us a ton of money lost it all, so we are going to have to take your money and give it to the bankers"


"greece lost all their money, so we are taking your money to give to them"

LOL, you'd have the head of all those corrupt, Armani wearing welfare queens hanging from street lamps.

In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that the media demonetization of Muslims (not that there aren't real reasons to be critical) has a good deal to do with the fact that they don't take shit from imperial powers.

Keep looking in judgmental horror at people who can take justice into their own hands (even if misguided), while us as a race/group are too cowardly to defend our basic rights.

that sounds like timothy mcveigh... or those OWS bozos who tried to blow up a bridge in ohio because they really really like 'v for vendetta'.
You guys are getting your panties in a bunch.

This is a recycled video:

The Jawa Report: New Beheading Video Surfaces (UPDATE: Recycled Video)

"Death to America,Saudi Arab,Qatar who are supporting these Ruthless Terrorists against Syrian Government. Now the whole world is with Bashar Al Assad who will destroy Free Syrian Army the Terrorist Organization."

The original video is called "'Free Syrian Army Beheads Civilian'.

Now what?
Will you condemn the actions of the muslims in that video ?

Yes, I some guy on the internet condemn the millions of murders that take place around the globe. People who torture animals suck also. I condemn them.
They are not 'mentally diseased' - they are an inevitable byproduct of religion. Whenever you replace critical thinking with brainless religious dogma you will get this as a byproduct. If the so called christian west was as christian as those men are muslim, you'd have a similar situation here. This is why it's so important to promote reason and logic - how to think as opposed to what to think. Fuck religion and fuck apologists.

There is no doubt that the U.S. harbors a more educated populace, ergo much fewer people per capita are prone to such acts of barbarism *in the name of religion*. That being the case, the "benign" religious element we have here is responsible for creating a nation that has more capital punishments per year than ALL middle eastern countries combined. I wish people would keep that in mind when adopting a holier-than-thou attitude towards Islam.

There are also many things wrong with Christianity..I can go into it if you want but it's almost 5 a.m. here so I dunno.

At the end of the day, fuck fundies of any religion.

Yup, it's 5a.m. and you failed to understand what was said. Read it several times if you have to. Basically saying the same thing you did: "fuck fundies of any religion" - whether that's christianity or islam. It wasn't about christianity vs islam. It was about Reason vs Religion (of any kind).
It amuses me how most people don't see that Muslims act how Christians did 200 years ago.

In other words all religions have issues, especially the ones that abide to the whole "spread the word" mentality.
It amuses me how most people don't see that Muslims act how Christians did 200 years ago.

In other words all religions have issues, especially the ones that abide to the whole "spread the word" mentality.

True dat

People don't realize that Islam is like only 1400 years old. Christianity over 2,000 years old. Judaism over 5,000. Hinduism like what 10,000 lol? Takes people a couple thousand years to move on I guess.

BTW video in the OP is sickening. I couldn't watch the whole thing. The guys who did this deserve the electric chair.

I never believed in the "Arab Spring". When everybody was getting excited that Egypt and Tunisia overthrew their governments, I knew it would strengthen the underground Islamist groups. Those were actually 2 peaceful countries in the past decades, now let's sit and watch as the Islamist groups take over...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but their book, the one that codifies their religion, it says right in it that you must kill anyone who turns their back on the religion.

So if an organization, any organization, has an official rule that they murder anyone who tries to leave their group, how is that organization not banned and stamped out in every civilized country?
Are you a touchy, easy-to-hurt muslim bro? if so, go fuck yourself (and Mo while you're at it).
Fucking idiot.You just want here slaughters in every street of the world.why you the son of bitch promoting Islam as a slaughter religion.Muslims are stupids and they even do not know what is written in their books.If you will promote such videos, they will own it and every one day they will act as vampires and will start eating you people.Do you want to be eaten.?
Fucking idiot.You just want here slaughters in every street of the world.why you the son of bitch promoting Islam as a slaughter religion.Muslims are stupids and they even do not know what is written in their books.If you will promote such videos, they will own it and every one day they will act as vampires and will start eating you people.Do you want to be eaten.?

I smell a new sig.
Are you a touchy, easy-to-hurt muslim bro? if so, go fuck yourself (and Mo while you're at it).

Bro would you tell the founding father bros to go fuck themselves?

Even if they were staunch Christians (or deists, whatever), plenty of the Founding Fathers had a healthy admiration for the Muslim faith. Thomas Jefferson, for example, taught himself Arabic using his own copy of the Quran and hosted the first White House Iftar during Ramadan.

John Adams hailed the Islamic prophet Muhammad as one of the great "inquirers after truth." Benjamin Rush, who was so Christian he wanted a Bible in every school, also said he would rather see the opinions of Confucius or Mohammad "inculcated upon our youth" than see them grow deprived "of a system of religious principles." Benjamin Franklin once declared: "Even if the Mufti of Constantinople were to send a missionary to preach Mohammedanism to us, he would find a pulpit at his service." Even George fucking Washington personally welcomed Muslims to come work for him at Mount Vernon.

So, why all this Founding Father/Muslim love? Probably because Sultan Mohammed ben Abdallah of Morocco was the first world figure to recognize the independence of the United States of America from Great Britain in 1777. Another reason was that the Founding Fathers were smart enough to distinguish between terrorists and everybody else on the whole damn planet, as demonstrated in the Treaty of Tripoli in 1797. It was in this agreement that the U.S. declared: "The government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian Religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Mussulmen [Moslems]."

5 Ridiculous Things You Probably Believe About Islam |

a slaughter religion


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Wow calm down guys. He wasn't beheaded because of religion. He was beheaded because he loved juice. Why is everyone so quick to pick on innocent Muslims?
