The Shit Hit The Fan

I always view other countries prisons 10x worse then the US. Not UK though, I view them as the nicest prisons in the world for some reason. Maybe because they drink tea?
Wut? I thought our prisons were the worst.

Mind you I'm not talking about it in terms of food, shelter, overcrowding, hygiene, etc. (which probably isn't too bad compared to most other countries), I'm referring to the rapes, violence, murder, gangs and the totally fucked up unreasonable and crazy prison "culture" in general.

My impression is that in most other countries prison is a case of -

"do your time in a shitty cell, occasionally get beaten by the guards, come out malnourished and possibly sick"

but here it's like -

"don't drop the soap; stay away from blind spots if you want to keep your intestines; if you reject a sexual advance by a shot-caller be prepared for violence (and possible future ambushes for the rest of your time inside); if you're invited to a prison gang you're fucked whether you join or not; if you join a prison gang you will have to work for them even when you're out;" etc.

Are Spain prisons bad? I always view other countries prisons 10x worse then the US. Not UK though, I view them as the nicest prisons in the world for some reason. Maybe because they drink tea?

Don't know, never been to prison, but by the looks of a few documentaries I have watched the US maximum security prisons look much worse than many of the others. Proper dangerous. I think I'd prefer to go to one here in Spain any day over the US
Didn't read this until April 2nd.

Isn't it depressing that a few years ago this would have been an obvious joke, but today it wouldn't actually be a surprise?