The Shit Hit The Fan


Aug 21, 2009
I have just had the week from hell.

I had a knock on the door on Tuesday evening from the Guardia Civil (Spanish police) and was taken to the station. I didn't know what was going on until my lawyer arrived and he informed me that I was under arrest for fraud.

I really didn't have a clue what he was talking about until he was told some more details about it.

Basically I ran some traffic a few months ago to a French diet rebill offer and my lander (fake news) was picked up during a major Interpol investigation into "organised crime". I don't know why it would be classed as organised crime, but this is what he told me (his English is not the best).

The thing is that I didn't even run too much traffic (about six thousand dollars) and I ran through a US network to a french offer and am based in Spain, so I don't know why they would have arrested me.

From what I have understood from my lawyer is that Interpol have their sights set on many affiliates who have ran fake news sites to offers all over Europe, including France, Germany and Spain (which is why I might have been pulled) and that a lot of arrests will be happening all over the world over the next few days.

I am really shitting bricks as I am not a very big affiliate so don't have much money for a good defense if I need it, which I assume I will, and really don't think I can handle going to prison.

Did anyone's heart sink?


I was going to ask which hosting and domain registrar you were using..
I have just had the week from hell.

I had a knock on the door on Tuesday evening from the Guardia Civil (Spanish police) and was taken to the station. I didn't know what was going on until my lawyer arrived and he informed me that I was under arrest for fraud.

I really didn't have a clue what he was talking about until he was told some more details about it.

Basically I ran some traffic a few months ago to a French diet rebill offer and my lander (fake news) was picked up during a major Interpol investigation into "organised crime". I don't know why it would be classed as organised crime, but this is what he told me (his English is not the best).

The thing is that I didn't even run too much traffic (about six thousand dollars) and I ran through a US network to a french offer and am based in Spain, so I don't know why they would have arrested me.

From what I have understood from my lawyer is that Interpol have their sights set on many affiliates who have ran fake news sites to offers all over Europe, including France, Germany and Spain (which is why I might have been pulled) and that a lot of arrests will be happening all over the world over the next few days.

I am really shitting bricks as I am not a very big affiliate so don't have much money for a good defense if I need it, which I assume I will, and really don't think I can handle going to prison.

I was actually quite happy with this as I've never liked you so seeing it was a joke ruined my day :(
I thought it would be nice for a 1000th post to coincide with April 1st.

To be honest I wasn't going to write "April Fools" until tomorrow (unless someone twigged it), but the thought of hundreds of affiliates wiping their servers and hard drives clean didn't really feel that funny and I am not that much of an asshole, no matter what tomaszjot thinks.

For a min, I really though its for real. The funny thing i was wondering a few mins back how come I didn't get any april fool pranks this year lol

FUCK. Read all the way through, was getting my response wwritten in my head, and then I saw your second post.

I always forget its april fools until I go to a site like namecheap and I'm like, "WTF DID THEY GET HACKED?".

Are Spain prisons bad? I always view other countries prisons 10x worse then the US. Not UK though, I view them as the nicest prisons in the world for some reason. Maybe because they drink tea?