The Secret to becoming a Super Affiliate

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No.. actually what I'm saying is that if you want to get laid, find the girl in the club who doesn't have 10 guys hanging on her, engage her and make her interested in you. Let those other 10 guys fight for the popular girl (common keywords) and spend your time on the lonely girl (long-tail / creative keywords)

HAHAHAHA.. that's awesome. Comparing pussy to keywords. +rep

Yeah, as drunk as I am, this thread does deliver quality.

I'm going to bookmark for future sober reading next morning.
aim, nice post.

As with most insightful posts, 95% of those who read it
will either dismiss it or simply not act upon it.

The other 5% will act upon it. A few will ponder it and
ask questions in pursuit of gaining insight. There is hope
for them to migrate into the 5% who act.

That will always be the case with any insightful thought.

What you said in your original post is true. It has made
me money. Most will dismiss the insight. A few of us
listen. And even though a few of us have been acting
on this for years, reading it again renews the spark.

Your post, necessarily vague, has already given me an
idea to expand an already-profitable campaign.
aim, i don't know where you came from (not that i'm anybody for that matter) but i like your style. Plain and simple, just get down to business. Teaching someone to think outside the box is like trying to teach someone how to run a business. Sure there are plenty of books on it, but in the end your experience is what will seperate you from everybody else. So, its been said before... just fucking try. There are a million ways to think outside the box and there is no way to know which way works until you've tried it yourself.
There is one positive aspect of the IM industry having too many people attacking the same thing and that is being a merchant, fuck some products I've put out did well just because people began doing the same shit over and over, it didn't bother me any just increased sales.
the popular girl may be tougher to get at first, but with some hard work at it she's definitely the best fuck at the end of the day...

Just cause a chick is hot and popular doesn't make her a good fuck - you will make yourself believe that sometimes just so your not disappointed - the hidden gems are usually the most rewarding - ie: the hot chick that goes to work and goes home but no one ever seems to notice because she is not in the spotlight
Thanks for all the positive comments. There is a huge portion of the AM industry that just 'follows the crowd'. In order to be succesful, you can't just follow the crowd; you need to look at where the crowd is going and figure out a better way to get there.

Offline marketers have been doing this for decades; I actually get a lot of my ideas for creative thinking from television. I see what sorts of commercials come on during different types of shows.

For example, if I see that during South Park there are a lot of commercials for some ringtone offer, and maybe girls gone wild, you have to assume there has been some market research that connects that audience with those types of offers.

Okay, let's take a look at the competition. Do a search for South Park:

Sweet, only three advertisers (at the time of this writing). Comedy Central, AOL Video and some random ringtone offer.

Let's load up AdWords Traffic Estimator Tool:

Enter these values:

Keywords: South Park
Max CPC: 15
Daily Budget: $100.00

The results tell me that 'South Park' has a huge search volume, with an average CPC of only .07 cents with a daily budget of $100.00, Google estimates you'll get 382-535 clicks per day.

Cool. So how do you leverage that cheap traffic? Push the same types of offers that you see while you are watching Southpark on Comedy Central... dating, mobile ringtones/wallpapers, etc.

Just get creative; think outside of the box, and you WILL be succesful.

I've always been confused about thinking outside of the box, this explains it all very well. I actually made a post here asking what does "thinking outside the box mean", but nobody really had a good answer.
Just cause a chick is hot and popular doesn't make her a good fuck - you will make yourself believe that sometimes just so your not disappointed - the hidden gems are usually the most rewarding - ie: the hot chick that goes to work and goes home but no one ever seems to notice because she is not in the spotlight

why are the chicks popular in the first place? there's obviously something good about them...
Don't fuk with sup3rnova he is an uber affiliate! His 1st post was by far the most valuable post in this thread. Go read it again. Chasing long tail is for broke ass noobs.
why are the chicks popular in the first place? there's obviously something good about them...

Yeah, you are right. There is something good about them.

But you walk into the club with the mindset that you're going to get laid. In the end, that's all you care about.

So you walk in and start scoping the place out. You notice a couple options:

A.) the uber hot chics. There are a lot of them in the club, but DAMN, there is so much competition. We'll call these the short tail: Everyone would LOVE to have them, but there is a lot of competition, and those that are competiting have shitloads of money to throw at them.

B.) The not-so-hot chics.
There are a lot of these girls too, but lucky for you there is almost no compeition. We'll call these the long-tail.

Now you have some choices to make. You came into the club with one intention; getting laid. You can either compete over a.) uber hot chic with lots of competition or b.) so-so chic with no competition.

BOTH options can help you reach your end goal. One option is MUCH more likely to get you there.

Option A might win you bragging rights, but B is still money in the bank.

There you go.
let me contribute some 'out of the box' ideas..

I once bid on a song title (ZERO competition), and link directly to flycell ringtone offer page. The CPC is about $0.20, I made 4 leads after about 80+ clicks, not too shabby.

Unfortunately the campaigns has poor CTR, the CPC raised. I've paused the campaign, guess I need to tweak it again.

Another idea...
I offer to set up wordpress for some guys for free, provided they purchase a hostgator package from me ($100 commission). They did and i earned couple hundreds easily. now since I've been in this game for long, setting up wordpress is sooooo easy with FTP and all, it took me only minutes. What's more, I now have few leads who are proven to be customers. Think what can you sell to a newbie webmaster? plenty.... of course i aint talking about get rich quick ebooks. Now i really got to think how to scale this idea..

This is the power of out of the box thinking. If I am like the PPC herds, bidding on keywords like " hosting" , "cheap hosting", my money will be burned quicker than I can imagine. heck, even the keyword "hostgator" has fierce competition! what's more, you need to constantly tweak your offer, ad copy and what's not.

Now back to work !
Yeah, you are right. There is something good about them.

But you walk into the club with the mindset that you're going to get laid. In the end, that's all you care about.

So you walk in and start scoping the place out. You notice a couple options:

A.) the uber hot chics. There are a lot of them in the club, but DAMN, there is so much competition. We'll call these the short tail: Everyone would LOVE to have them, but there is a lot of competition, and those that are competiting have shitloads of money to throw at them.

B.) The not-so-hot chics.
There are a lot of these girls too, but lucky for you there is almost no compeition. We'll call these the long-tail.

Now you have some choices to make. You came into the club with one intention; getting laid. You can either compete over a.) uber hot chic with lots of competition or b.) so-so chic with no competition.

BOTH options can help you reach your end goal. One option is MUCH more likely to get you there.

Option A might win you bragging rights, but B is still money in the bank.

There you go.

Either way you could still catch an STD so it's a win-win situation.
@Cylai; great idea. Taking this a step further, if you still work a regular job, you could post something up on the breakroom wall offering to set someone up with a website for free, and then run them through your hostgator affiliate. Or you could put up a posting in a University, or local grocery store, usually for free.

@ubaid; Good point... What's the take away here... both the short-tail and the long-tail can burn you, so be careful where you allocate your resources? ;-)
Yeah, you are right. There is something good about them.

But you walk into the club with the mindset that you're going to get laid. In the end, that's all you care about.

So you walk in and start scoping the place out. You notice a couple options:

A.) the uber hot chics. There are a lot of them in the club, but DAMN, there is so much competition. We'll call these the short tail: Everyone would LOVE to have them, but there is a lot of competition, and those that are competiting have shitloads of money to throw at them.

B.) The not-so-hot chics. There are a lot of these girls too, but lucky for you there is almost no compeition. We'll call these the long-tail.

C.) The chics who are too smart to get wasted and go home with any lame guy at a club. :error: You realize that you could end up with a clinger, a psycho or a bimbo who doesn't know how to give head. You return to your apartment, wake up sober and chase tail on 5th Ave. or Rodeo Drive, where you at least have a decent shot of dating someone hot, smart AND famous.

Yeah, you are right. There is something good about them.

But you walk into the club with the mindset that you're going to get laid. In the end, that's all you care about.

So you walk in and start scoping the place out. You notice a couple options:

A.) the uber hot chics. There are a lot of them in the club, but DAMN, there is so much competition. We'll call these the short tail: Everyone would LOVE to have them, but there is a lot of competition, and those that are competiting have shitloads of money to throw at them.

B.) The not-so-hot chics.
There are a lot of these girls too, but lucky for you there is almost no compeition. We'll call these the long-tail.

Now you have some choices to make. You came into the club with one intention; getting laid. You can either compete over a.) uber hot chic with lots of competition or b.) so-so chic with no competition.

BOTH options can help you reach your end goal. One option is MUCH more likely to get you there.

Option A might win you bragging rights, but B is still money in the bank.

There you go.

ok time to start talking in semi-literal terms

Option A will also win you 4-5 figures/day if you learn how to become a pimp. Option B won't really do that.

if you have the balls to lose a few grand during the startup of a campaign and do some HARDCORE testing on the "hot chicks", you can spin it the other way around in your favor and start banking.

or you can waste your time on "free car insurance quote helper auto car dodge in illinois united states" keywords
Enter these values:

Keywords: South Park
Max CPC: 15
Daily Budget: $100.00

The results tell me that 'South Park' has a huge search volume, with an average CPC of only .07 cents with a daily budget of $100.00, Google estimates you'll get 382-535 clicks per day.

Cool. So how do you leverage that cheap traffic? Push the same types of offers that you see while you are watching Southpark on Comedy Central... dating, mobile ringtones/wallpapers, etc.

Just get creative; think outside of the box, and you WILL be succesful.

Unfortunately the Quality Score is nailing people doing this type of stuff by jacking up the minimum bids unless you get a "Great" QS.

For example I created a test campaign using the term "south park" (purely for example purposes) & sent it to a ringtone affiliate here in Australia & it jacks the minimum bid up to $0.25 (there's no-one else bidding on the term).

So you have to think outside the box again & target the niche terms to get the lower bids.
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