The Secret to becoming a Super Affiliate

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New member
Jan 15, 2007
Minneapolis, MN
I'm going to give everyone the general knowledge, with this post, to becoming a succesful internet/affiliate marketer. Ready for the secret?

Think outside the box.

That's it. That's all there is to it. I (probably) make more money than 95% of people that visit this forum, and that's all there is to it. There is no get-rich-quick scheme in internet marketing; you simply need to focus, dedicate yourself, and most importantly, get creative and think outside the box.

If someone comes into a forum and says 'Hey, I just made $XXXX.XX doing ABC on XYZ' the niche will get killed instantly because too many sheeple with no creativity copy that exact same idea.

If you hear of someone being succesful, you should (going back to grade-school here) think of some key factors: WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and WHY.

Who was their target audience?
What offer were they pushing?
Where was that offer being offered/pushed/displayed?
When was that offer being presented?
Why was it succesful?

Ask yourself these questions, and jot down your own answers; most likely, with some thought, you'll be able to answer most of the questions. This puts you in the position to anwer this: how can you take proven, effective strategies and take them to the next level?

There is no such thing as easy money online. I guess easy is a relative term, but believe me when I say it; there are a LOT of bullshitters online that get their kicks off of being super affiliates and claiming how easy it is to make money online.

Most of these so-called internet marketing are bullshitters. Ask yourself; what have they done to help you? If you can read a blog and walk away with a sense that you have learned something, that's fantastic. If you walk away saying 'Man, I dunno how that guy does it, but I wanna be like him!' chances are that guy is a fucking joke who sits in his studio apt hoping to be somebody someday.

That's my major gripe with anyone who's really made it in internet marketing; a lot of the 'big players' never really contribute anything. ShoeMoney is popular, but why? Because he made like $500k in 2003 selling ringtones? whoop-dee-fricking doo. Succesful marketers can do that in a year. What has ShoeMoney ever done for you? Has Jeremy ever give you any advice you can take to the bank? No. You listen to his podcasts... it's all bullshit. It's "Let's listen to some bozo talk about how rich he is and how he's not going to ever help you" - I have listened to all of Shoe's podcasts, in the hope that he may eventually one-day help people, but to this point has been 0% helping and 100% bragging.

There are plethora of others who fit into this category. Any blog that brags about living the life probably isn't living it. Like I said earlier, I make a hell of a lot of money but rather than writing about how great and wonderful my life is, I do what I can to help others achieve the same for themselves.

Anyway I apologize for this rant, but the point I am trying to make: Look at what others have done to be succesful, and think outside of the box; get those brain cells grinding.

Don't waste time with folks who don't help you, and spend all of your extra time being innovative and making money. That's what we're all here for, right?

I agree with you 100%! Even though I don't do like super crazy numbers with my marketing, I still do decent for my age, and I am so damn sick of hearing all these people say how much money they are rolling in.

I also agree about the Shoemoney thing, I really don't know why he is well known either. He seems like a nice guy though, however I have never met him so its really not my place to bad mouth him or anything. I read one of his post about him being stuck in if you did that kind of money why wouldn't you just charter a jet?

Anyways I agree, and thanks for the few tips.
AIM, How much money do you have (net worth) and how much money did you make last year (2006)
@bjgolf: I agree, he does seem like a nice guy, I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. My only point is that he never offers up anything to help anyone... he simply offers up the same coolaid for everyone else to drink.

@polgymas: My net worth for obvious reasons I can't disclose but last year, through my various ventures. So Obviously I'm not a 'super affiliate' nor can I hold up some stupid 500k check but for my age (25) I'm not doing too bad.
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I was not disagreeing with you at all, I think the same thing, never gives out much good info for anyone to put to use!

Also, 160K is some heavy work man..nice!
You talk about not falling for gurus who talk about how much money they make without actually helping anyone in a post talking about how much money you make without actually helping anyone. Awesome.
aim, +rep for the most point blank kick-you-in-the-ass post. More people should look at IM this way.
You talk about not falling for gurus who talk about how much money they make without actually helping anyone in a post talking about how much money you make without actually helping anyone. Awesome.
Haha, I saw that too. But I don't think he meant to come off that way. What he just said is what I tell people, all of the time. Anyone looking for the secret, your doing it wrong.
@Lucidity: What do you want? A step by step guide? Subtitles? You're missing my point, entirely. This isn't a brag session. My point is about thinking outside the box with whatever you're trying to accomplish. Don't just follow the crowd, mindlesslessly. Analyze the crowd, figure out what works, why it works, and use that to your advantage.
I was just observing that your post was no different than what you were criticizing other internet marketers for.

I guess if there are still people who find the most cliche business catch phrase in the book insightful I underestimate the value of your post. But I would estimate that those are probably the same people who "get something" out of ShoeMoney.
The term, "thinking outside of the box" is not as simply as you put it, "That's it. That's all there is to it."

That's like saying hey all you horney dudes want to go get laid tonight, "thin outside of the box. "That's it. That's all there is to it."


If you want to really help tell us what you did to "think out of the box".
I was just observing that your post was no different than what you were criticizing other internet marketers for.

I guess if there are still people who find the most cliche business catch phrase in the book insightful I underestimate the value of your post. But I would estimate that those are probably the same people who "get something" out of ShoeMoney.

We got a bitch fight in da hizah
ubaid, uhh, he answered that
If you hear of someone being succesful, you should (going back to grade-school here) think of some key factors: WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and WHY.

Who was their target audience?
What offer were they pushing?
Where was that offer being offered/pushed/displayed?
When was that offer being presented?
Why was it succesful?

Ask yourself these questions, and jot down your own answers; most likely, with some thought, you'll be able to answer most of the questions. This puts you in the position to anwer this: how can you take proven, effective strategies and take them to the next level?
@ubaidabcd: Fine, let's think outside of the box.

Let's say you are in Ringtones. What are you bidding on? Kanye West Ringtones? 50 Cent Ringtones? How Original... Whatever niche your in, you need to be on the cutting edge.

So for ringtones, you need to check out New York & Los Angeles Radio Stations, BET 106 & Park, MTV TRL, Etc.

Let's take a look at the current TRL list:

misery business ringtone - 5 advertisers
top down ringtone - 2 advertisers
glside ringtone - NO advertisers
hip hop police ringtone - 4 advertisers

This is just a simple example of what is hot RIGHT NOW that has little to no adwords competition. Going up against only 5 advertisers is nothing. Write some compelling ad copy, get some good CTR and you'll soon be at the top for that phrase.
AIM, you've hit the nail on the head. Nice job!

I get so tired of seeing people, new or otherwise, asking "should I do this or do that?" There are plenty of legitimate questions to be asked but looking to be spoon fed someone elses techniques is just plain lazy.

I like the whole "think for yourself" concept. If you want to know if something will work, try it yourself. How hard is that? Too many people don't know whether to shit or go blind, in my opinion.

It REALLY gripes my ass when someone says, "Someone try this and report back." Fuck that! If I'm gonna try something and it works, it's mine!

Every time someone posts any kind of tute or case study here, I jump right to reading it. Do I go out and try to duplicate what they wrote? Uhhh, no. I look for ways to make what they're showing fit what I want to accomplish. Or not... I have plenty of my own ideas.

That is one of the biggest problems with IM today, I think. Too many sheeple, all trying to do exactly the same thing. No wonder G has to do some of the crap they do... like banning sites, dupe content penalties, penalties for buying or selling links, no love for recip links and the list goes on and on and on...

It's OK to ask questions about how to do something like coding or where to find something you're looking for or how to solve a specific problem. Asking for and expecting to get someones prized techniques handed to you is just plain wrong and it pisses me off.

OK, I'm done. Thanks for the eye-opener and I hope some of the people that really need it will pay attention.
@springer: Exactly. I'm glad some people understand.

Here's another example I'll just throw out there. You wanna push Nutristem offers? $63.00/sale is pretty good, isn't it?

I can about guarantee that any keywords that come to mind 'diets, supplements' are going to be completely saturated... so, how could you push this nutrisystem on an untapped niche?

Anyone ever watch The Biggest Loser on NBC? The season premier was just a couple of weeks ago. It's all about losing weight. Let's look at the competition for these keyword phrases..

'biggest loser' - 4 advertiser
'the biggest loser' - 3 advertisers
'nbc biggest loser diet' - 1 advertiser

... you can get more creative from there... I hope this helps some...
That's like saying hey all you horney dudes want to go get laid tonight, "thin outside of the box. "That's it. That's all there is to it."

No.. actually what I'm saying is that if you want to get laid, find the girl in the club who doesn't have 10 guys hanging on her, engage her and make her interested in you. Let those other 10 guys fight for the popular girl (common keywords) and spend your time on the lonely girl (long-tail / creative keywords)
No.. actually what I'm saying is that if you want to get laid, find the girl in the club who doesn't have 10 guys hanging on her, engage her and make her interested in you. Let those other 10 guys fight for the popular girl (common keywords) and spend your time on the lonely girl (long-tail / creative keywords)

the popular girl may be tougher to get at first, but with some hard work at it she's definitely the best fuck at the end of the day...
@springer: Exactly. I'm glad some people understand.

Here's another example I'll just throw out there. You wanna push Nutristem offers? $63.00/sale is pretty good, isn't it?

I can about guarantee that any keywords that come to mind 'diets, supplements' are going to be completely saturated... so, how could you push this nutrisystem on an untapped niche?

Anyone ever watch The Biggest Loser on NBC? The season premier was just a couple of weeks ago. It's all about losing weight. Let's look at the competition for these keyword phrases..

'biggest loser' - 4 advertiser
'the biggest loser' - 3 advertisers
'nbc biggest loser diet' - 1 advertiser

... you can get more creative from there... I hope this helps some...

I think you've gone above and beyond in giving two solid examples of thinking outside the box. It's NOT just a cliche.

Sadly, I don't believe many people actually ever learned how to think. I mean really think... to identify a problem and solve it. They're mostly just going along with the flow and believe they're thinking. Huge difference.
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