The Riddler in the New Batman Movie...

Also Depp basically won't do movies unless Tim Burton is the director. Burton would fuck the series up beyond recognition. Nolan has proven he is the real deal. I would much rather see them take someone people aren't expecting (like ledger) and surprising the hell out of everyone.

Also Depp basically won't do movies unless Tim Burton is the director. Burton would fuck the series up beyond recognition. Nolan has proven he is the real deal. I would much rather see them take someone people aren't expecting (like ledger) and surprising the hell out of everyone.

Burton already did Batman. The first of his Batman movies wasn't even all that bad. It just wasn't as good as the current run. It was more 'blue Batman' vs the "Black Batman" of the Dark Knight.
Levitt was annoying as Hell on SNL a while back. I was pleasantly surprised how good he was in Inception. Not as over the top theatrical as I thought he would be.

The key is whether or not he can BE the character instead of PLAYING a character that is cartoony.
I'm pretty sure he's been acting long enough to know the difference. It's not like he hasn't been acting since he was a little kid or anything. Just sayin'...
Eddie murphy just went commercial as hell and wanted those huge pay days.

You just don't lose the level of comedic skill he was showing in his prime.

With that said this could give him the opportunity to reinvent himself once more