The Product Launch "Syndicate" Leaked Phone Call

I don't know why some people are getting so worked up about "price fixing". Almost all successful businesses do this, in one form or another. The simple fact is, unless you're in a zero sum market (where the only growth can be at the expense of a competitor), collaborating with your "competitors" is far more profitable than fighting against each other. The regulators might not like it, but the regulators don't like anything profitable.

Whether they dislike it enough to come after you is a very different matter.

It's a very different situation from, say Virgin & BA price fixing, where between them they had fiddled 50% of the entire transatlantic flight market.

Over in the UK, pretty much every major food retailer and dairy agrobusiness was in a cartel to fix the price of milk. They got a pretty hefty fine for it (£80M + in some cases), but nobody went to jail.

That said... although I've learned plenty from studying Frank Kern's style, the fact he cites out-and-out bizopp shyster Jeff Paul as a major influence does make me wonder about his character. He's also full of shit about dominating the internet marketing "community". There are plenty of IM people who have never heard of him or his buddies.