The ONLY White Hat guest posting service is back - Matt Cutts approved this message

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May 11, 2010
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Since we began doing guest posts over 18 months ago, the industry has gone through many changes. In order to ensure we were delivering the right product for the right price, we decided to do a study of a number of our competitors in the guest post industry by asking to see samples. Now, this isn’t a 100% scientifically accurate study, though it does give a good overview of the market.

We initially did not intend to make any of our findings public. However we thought it would be the best way for people to understand our products and how they fit into the market.

But first, a little bit about us: We are medium sized agency with extra capacity. We are looking to fill our capacity to WickedFire members by offering it at a reduced rate over our standard pricing. We do link building for Fortune 500 companies. We can't reveal our clients due to NDAs, but our friends on this thread will testify to what we can do. We have an actual office with real people who are not idiots (in fact they’re quite intelligent) that work together 5 days a week. So no, we won’t be beginning our emails to you with “Dear Sir”. We “get it” when it comes to link building and we understand ensuring the quality of every part of our process is of the utmost importance. From communication, to quality, to results. It’s all done right!

But enough with the sales speech, and lets look at some industry samples.

9 industry sample guest posts

Refinancing for the Self-Employed | Mortgage Refinance - $40
The only thing really going for this guest post is the fact that the content is not obviously spun. Don’t get me wrong, there are grammar errors left, right and center. Also it’s a very uninspiring article on a very dubious site. The DA and PR are average, but it’s clear the site is not exactly a fountain of user activity.

Top 7 Fun Things to Do in Singapore | Dream Holiday Blog - $40
This look pretty good for $40 actually. Acceptable content, good use of images. Again, average DA and PR but overall the site looks decent. There are no social shares and worst of all, the link has been removed! Often bloggers who run their blog mainly with guest posts will remove links (presumably because they think this stops them leaking authority or something) a few months after the link is established.

3 Valuable Tips On How To Secure Your Cloud Storage - $50
So the extra $10 here seems to buy, well, not very much. The DA and PR here are higher than in the previous examples but the price was for DA 20+ guaranteed. Obviously in samples, companies tend to show good samples. What is disappointing is the poor quality, uninspiring content. It’s not ilegible but it doesn’t exactly want to make you keep reading it after the first paragraph. The comments are a joke. That happens sometimes but the responses by the author as a bit strange.

Internet Marketing Consultants – Great Ways for your Business to Flourish | - $50
This guest post is really clutching for straws. At $50, you don’t even get a native english writer. This is content for the sake of content if I ever saw it. The DA and PR are mediocre (34/2 respectively) which is a little low for a sample. The design of the site is poor. When you see text instead of a logo, it’s a potential warning signal.

3 Reasons Why You Should Train With Weights - $60
Moving up to the $60 bracket, not much is really changing. The Article is average but very very basic with little or no creative flair. The DA and PR are both quite low (23/2 respectively) which makes me wonder what the extra cost really buys us here.

5 Benefits of Cloud Hosting You'll Go Crazy About | - $100
There is a rather large gap between $60-$100 price points. We couldn’t find many competitors that were in this range so jumping up to the $100 price point gets us….almost no difference. Ok the article is clearly written by a native english writer, but we’re still seeing it hosted on a blog which consists entirely of guest posts. There is also no meaningful social activity or engagement.

Planning a Luxury Road Trip - Road Sister - $110
This guest post is pretty good. $110 gets us good, native english content. There is a relevant stock image and even outbound contextual non-competitor links. The site design isn’t amazing and it does host quite a large percentage of guest posts, but it is not exclusively a guest posting site. The domain does have a small number of inbound links itself too. Do bear in mind that this is a sample, so one could expect this to reflect this better end of the spectrum.

All-Natural Immune System Boosters - $200
Jumping up massively to $200, we have this post. It is a very well targeted post for the industry and clearly written by a topic expert, as opposed to a general writer. The site is a very legitimate site for the industry with really good authority. The only thing lacking here is the poor social engagement. A bit of promotion to the right audiences could have really seen this post do well.

7 Ways to Promote your Site with a Bit of Money - $250
At a hefty $250, this is the most expensive guest post we found. The site clearly has a real user base as almost every article gets comments to it. Social engagement is great and the article is well written with a very good angle. Formatting issues aside, this is a great guest post which utilizes contextual outbound linking extremely well. The anchor text of the client is hard to guess as all the outbound links fit in very naturally.

What can we summarize from these examples?
  • There is a correlation between quality and price, but only when significant price differences occur
  • The sites used are, generally, very similar at all price levels except the highest.
  • Content above $100 is generally, though not always, pretty good.
  • Social promotion is generally poor, even at higher price levels

Additionally, during our research we found that:
  • Not a single supplier gave us any samples where we did not already have the site in our link partner database.
  • When the expensive suppliers spoke to us, they wanted to become our clients and outsource their work to us.
  • There seems to be a sort of grey hat / white hat split in terms of approach to guest posting with some people just looking for anchor rich links on sites with authority but others looking for white hat in the truest definition of the word.

We learned that to serve both markets, we needed to split our product into two versions. A key feature for us was that all links should be presentable to end clients and avoid anything that could be construed as a “bad link”. We would always seek to avoid blog networks and paid links, even if those were passable as white hat for now.

So here are our two products:

Standard Tier Guest Post - $70

Standard tier guest posts are for sites who need good links to pass authority. They are built with a links to be proud of mentality so any educated client should be happy with what they see here. To compare to our market study, these would typically compare to the $100-$110 range of posts (more if its to an agency client), so there is room to make a profit reselling these. Furthermore, we have the capacity and scale to output hundreds of these per month with no reduction in quality.
  • DA 20+ guaranteed (average DA 35, across the last 1000 posts)
  • 4 week delivery time
  • Choose your own anchor text (keep it natural or branded if you want higher quality sites. strictly no unnatural anchors)
  • Content brainstorming to match target sites
  • Well researched, native english content
  • Links to be proud of - Well formatted articles with images (where permitted).
  • Contextual outbound non-competitor linking
  • No Black hat blog networks or paid sites
  • Sites are manually outreached by our team of link prospectors.

Premium Guest Post - $140

Everything you’d expect from our standard tier guest posts, plus more. These would typically compare to the $200-$250 level of posts that you see in our industry analysis except we got a lot further with the social promotion so they are potentially worth even more. A great reselling opportunity for those of you with big clients.
  • High DA sites. 35+ (average DA50, across the last 60 posts)
  • 6 week delivery time
  • Genuine active sites with active user engagement
  • Exceptional content written by niche specific native english topic experts.
  • Manual social promotion to relevant outlets such as FB/G+ communities, sub-reddits, stumbleupon (our premium posts earn on average 90 genuine likes/tweets/shares per post)

Since this is a custom service, we do not take premium guest post orders without approving the order first. See below for order instructions.

Our Process
We use tools such as Buzzstream to manage outreaching to bloggers. We don't spam thousands of messages. Usually 1 in 4 messages results in an accepted guest post. We tailor our outreach messages to each specific blog. We've all gotten an email at some point from someone with questionable English asking for a blog post. It's just so obvious it’s mass outreach mail. We don't do that at all! For premium guest posting, we use a similar process but spend more time working on targeting and persuading top blogs to host our content. Our social promotion is custom designed for each guest post. There are not automated tools here, just smart people doing the right things manually.

Check out our standard process:

How do I place an order?

Standard tier $70 guest posts
We guarantee a minimum DA of 20. Our average DA over the last 1000 Guest Posts was DA35. The biggest influence on DA is your site. Great sites don’t like linking to bad sites.

Delivery time: 4 weeks for standard tier posts (you didn't think you'd get a legitimate guest post in 48 hours did you? Come on…)
Also feel free to ask on this thread for live samples.

Premium $140 guest posts
Due to the nature of this work, we need to speak with you first before you can order premium guest posts from us. We want to ensure that your expectations are in line with what is achievable and we need to first see your site before we can check this. Please fill in this form to begin your order:


Now I understand that some people may still be on the fence and that’s why we’ve reached out to the gods of Wickedfire to bless that service with their truthful and honest review because let’s be honest, when you’re one of these guys you do NOT want to spoil your reputation by supporting crappy services.

Here is what they said about this service:








What niches do you allow?
We allow everything except porn, gambling, drugs of any kind, anything illegal and payday loans. We do allow travel and we do allow insurance niches (please reach the FAQ about anchors). We do allow medical related niches, but nothing adult related.

Does my site have to meet any requirements?
Yes, you must have a decent looking site. Poorly designed sites and obvious squeeze pages won't work. Bloggers don't like linking to these. If you are unsure whether your site is good enough, please PM us and we'll let you know.

Can I supply my own content and get a discount?
No, your content isn't as good as ours and will make it harder to get genuine, quality guest posts. Thus it will take more of our time and offset any potential savings.

Are there any restrictions on anchor text?
Yes! Make it natural, please. Don't put something crazy like "click here to access the most uberly discounted payday loans with half price interest rate" (wrong on so many levels). Don't make it too long either - 2/3 words max as a rule of thumb. The more promotional/salesy the anchor text is, generally speaking, the lower quality site your guest post will appear on. Bad anchors include urls as anchors, mixed branded/money keywords, search keywords which are not naturally spoken (e.g “cheap car insurance boston”), random words ("click here" is actually a terrible anchor) and anything that is too commercial. If you want the highest Domain Authority sites linking to you, leave the anchor field blank and we’ll figure out the best one to use to get you on the best blogs.

How relevant will the blog be to my site?
Relevancy is a difficult aspect to quantify. If you have a car insurance site, we might get you a guest post on a car blog or on a finance blog. If you have a travel insurance site, we might get you a guest post on a travel blog or on a finance blog. We will exercise a bit of discretion here, while always trying to get you the highest quality sites possible. Just don't be too anal about relevancy and expect us to find 10 blogs about 1993 triangular pink tables, to link to your niche ecommerce store which only sells 1993 triangular pink tables. In this case we might have to go for yellow tables too. Ok, just kidding. We'll go for furniture or household type blogs.

Do you guarantee PR?
We find DA is a better measure. most sites we use have PR2+ anyway. If PR is important for you or your client, please contact us to discuss this prior to ordering.

Do you guarantee social shares, tier 2 links or traffic?
No, the same way you won't guarantee #1 rankings to your SEO clients. There is no way we can guarantee something which we have no control over. For premium posts, we guarantee a specific amount of work will be put into generating buzz around the guest post but we can’t guarantee a specific number of social activity as a result of this. Please PM us to find out more about what we do here.

Do you offer free samples?
We have already given out free review samples to several prominent forum members. Best bet for you is to place a small test order with us to see the quality for yourself.

I have more specific requirements, can you deal with that?
Yes we can, please contact us for specifics. We've worked with a number of multinational companies that had a range of strict requirements which we can adhere to if necessary (for additional cost). PM us.

Are the links follow or nofollow?
Do follow.

Where is the link placed?
By default, we try to place your link naturally within the body of the article. However, every blogger has different rules so it is very common that the link is only allowed to be placed in the author bio. Where the blogger allows it, we will add co-citations (links to non-competitor authority sites) throughout the article. This is a very natural and what we consider best practice, however not all bloggers permit this so it won't happen all the time.

Can you do large quantities?
Yes, please PM us to discuss.

Which tier of posts will yield the best results for my site?
Contact us and we will be able to advise what will work best for your specific site.

Can I change my order from standard tier to premium or vice versa?
Generally no, but contact us immediately after you order and we should be able to change this. If you do not contact us immediately after ordering, it will not be possible to change since we generally start work immediately.

What guarantees do you offer?
We guarantee that all the metrics we promise will be delivered as promised at time of publication. We guarantee to do your post within the promised deadline. Sometimes we will have a very high quality site as an option where we have to wait a bit longer. In these cases, we will contact you in advance and offer you the higher quality site if you are willing to wait a bit longer, else will will go with a different backup option. We guarantee links are live for at least 90 days, else we will replace for free. Generally we don’t have problems with sites going down or being penalized but there have been two or three instances where bloggers later removed links for some reason, so we protect you against this for 90 days.

4 weeks maximum delivery time for standard tier orders.
Reply to this thread for examples of our work.​
This is the absolute top shelf stuff. There isn't another service on WF that is as squeaky clean as this and still getting great results.
I use these for client sites, and have moved over from the standard guest posts to the premium guest posts exclusively now. If you have the budget, there's no question between which to choose. The premium guest posts are worth more than twice the standard ones.

They're quite simply awesome.

One of the blog posts done for my agency went viral. Metrics for the last set of 6 posts I purchased for my agency site to try them out with:

PR5 ~DA40
PR5 ~DA65
PR5 ~DA55
PR5 ~DA35
PR5 ~DA60
PR5 ~DA45

Previous batch of standard posts:

PR5 ~DA25
PR4 ~DA45
PR3 ~DA45
PR4 ~DA30
PR2 ~DA25
PR4 ~DA25
PR5 ~DA40
PR4 ~DA30
PR3 ~DA35
PR2 ~DA30
PR4 ~DA45
PR4 ~DA40
PR3 ~DA45
PR4 ~DA25
PR4 ~DA50
PR2 ~DA35
PR3 ~DA40

They're the only provider on WF I trust with stuff that my clients will see.
I'm very interested but I have a couple questions first. Do you have Skype or AIM?

Just ordered 1 x $70 post for a lead generation site.

Brand name matches the keyword and EMD.

Looking forward to seeing the post in a few weeks.
Interested. Will send form. Thanks.

We're getting back to you today!

Just ordered 1 x $70 post for a lead generation site.

Brand name matches the keyword and EMD.

Looking forward to seeing the post in a few weeks.

Got it, the team is already brainstorming the content!

We're still open for orders as well, if you want to talk before you buy, add me on Skype: Fhenrir76.

Just want to say that i've had the privilege of working with Fhenrir and his team over the past two months or so and i've been extremely impressed with the work they've done so far. Highly recommended!
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