The Omniverse Package - Footprint Reduction Sale!

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The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
Rating - 100%
137   0   0

Let's go ahead and get this out of the way:
No Adult, Pharma, or Casino/Gambling. Diet and Dating must be cleared with me first.
Turn-Around-Time is max 28 days but it never takes that long. That's just allowing some extra time in case a team member gets sick or has an emergency.
For the Bonus Free Gallery Links on the Juice Pro and Omniboss options, you MUST use different sites than your main site you are ordering for.​

So What Are We Looking At Here?
Here's the deal. I'm generally a busy person with lots of projects moving at once. The stars aligned with Uranus and it just so happened that every one of my projects is in a kind of "waiting" mode. Waiting on a coder, waiting on a virtual assistant, waiting on some writers, etc. It all lined up magically and left me twiddling my thumbs. I have things I could do, but I'd rather get into a win/win situation with my Wickedfire brethren.​

To not create further confusion, let me say say flat out that this is not a new service. It's a sale! It's an opportunity. I know there are plenty of you guys out there like me who don't even like to spam our pumpers. Lots of people want their spam tiers away from their money site. I'm with you.

This is a great chance to juice up:
  • That New White Hat Micro-Niche Site
  • Your Big Brand Authority Site
  • Your Pumpers
  • Your Clients
  • Your Tier 1 Articles Around the Net (Order for a site that's not yours and use the inner page slots to push up your tier 1's?!?!?)
  • I ask you not to spam these directly, but you could build a clean tier to my pages and push juice through them as well. So many options.

That's Cool and All, But What Are the Stats?

You guys know these offers. But let me list the stats below:

The CSS Galleries
- PR3, PA46/DA38, 7 years
- PR3, PA36/DA28, 6 years
- PR3, PA43/DA35, 8 years
- PR4, PA53/DA43, 7 years
- PR3, PA42/DA31, 6 years

The Logo Gallery
- PR2, PA30/DA27, 2 years

The Design Review Sites
- PR4, PA57/DA50, 5 years
- PR4, PA46/DA36, 7 years

Can you say... Bad Ass? Each one is clean, white hat, legit, and driving ranking signals up Google's backside.

I'm keeping this little section small, because I'm not trying to get attention by name dropping, but it's fair to let you guys know the ridiculous list of 100's of positive reviews (and absolutely zero negative reviews ever) these services have gotten. There's not enough room to list all the names, but just going down the list of names on my Omniboss banners, we're talking about Bofu2u, SecretAgentDad, Eliquid, Grindstone, CCarter, Tavin, Bloghue, Kaedus, Stackcash, Falian, Droplister, Broland, MeatyTreats, and more. Which is to say, this is the real deal. No bullshit hype, false impressions, random hopes that it's true. This, my friends, is the tried and true, approval-stamped by every top dog from Wickedfire.

So You Say This is a Sale? What's My Savings Then?

I'm locking you into pre-defined options, called Juice Lite, Juice Pro, and The Omniboss. The reason for that is that it'll be what helps further build these up and crush the, for all intents and purposes, non-existent footprint even further into the ground. But the more profiles we add, the more confusing this gets for the Gorg-Mind and the more pages we get indexed. It's a win win for everyone (especially those guys who scooped up the sitewides!).

For every profile that gets ordered, I'm slapping up one or two more per site, randomly, of various authority sites. Each one is already loaded with on average about 100 authority sites, and the general ratio is 2:1 authority sites to buyer sites. I want to crank that higher as well as increase the number of profiles altogether.

I wasn't lying when I told you guys I'd be making these better and better and better!

Oh, so the savings!

Averaging out the costs of all services involved, and then subtracting the cost of the options...

  • Juice Lite - Normal Value $205 - Sale Price $149 - $56 in Savings!
  • Juice Pro - Normal Value $315 - Sale Price $199 - $116 in Savings!
  • The Omniboss - Normal Value $650 - Sale Price $399 - $251 in Savings!

You simply won't find that kind of value for clean white hat link packages anywhere else. It ain't happening.

I'm only letting 5 Omniboss packages go. I'm going to hook five people up with so much juice, trust, and authority that Duck Duck Go explodes, Bing goes back to the drawing board, and Google rolls out another batch of WW2 propaganda to scare everyone else that see's your results.

Here Is Your Chance (And Mine, Thank You!)

This is your 2 week window to get in cheap, pump up however many properties you have, and help me completely smash out the already insanely low OBL footprint here. These properties are your long-term juice pushers that will keep your sites ranking and banking for as long as you stay in the game. Mine are going nowhere!

Invest in your business, invest in your future. Take action TODAY to ensure you're making forward progress towards your goals. Let me use my expertise to take you there. Click the giant image above or the life-giving link below to join the rest of us at the top. I'll see you there!

Note: For the Freebies that come along with the Juice Pro and Omniboss packages, you must use a different website. It's a bonus that's there to help you juice up another property and also to help reduce the footprint. I forgot to mention this, my bad. If you use only one website for your order, you must use a different site for the freebies!
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The Universe is Diversifying. Is Your Website Doing The Same?

Did I mention that this is a great way to dilute the anchor text ratio's for your homepage?

Each gallery provides two different types of URL anchors and an image anchor to your homepage! (Not to mention the anchored inner page links)​

Why Colonize the Planet When You Can Take Over the Galaxy?

Did I mention that this is a great way to have your site not only look more natural but boost the overall metrics domain-wide?

The Gorg-Mind knows that SEO's like to snipe one page for one keyword. If you're doing your testing, then you suspect correctly that there is some threshold that pops when all of your inner pages are getting as much love as the homepage. This helps get that done. Long-tails start coming in all over the place. (And we know, long-tails convert like a mofo)​
NOTE: Thanks for the orders, fellas! Please note, for the Bonus Free links, you must use a different website, so we can mix up the OBL's as much as possible!


A Fundamental Force of the Universe is Electro-Magnetism...

Are you aware that the Gorg-Mind likens itself to a planetary ecosystem?

Electro-Magnetism, a reconciled fundamental super-force. When the poles (trends and focus) of similar sites and pages (niche habitat) all point in one direction, it generates electrical power that can drive your site to the top. Do you understand what I'm getting at? If not, think about it, but don't worry. I'm building a micro-habitat just for you. But only if you align yourself magnetically with the best.​

Two More Forces are Encapsulated Within this Micro-Habitat

The Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces of Google are Niche Relevancy

I know about niche relevancy (Niche North was the first of it's kind, possibly the most copycatted service in SEO). I also understand atomic and quantum particles and how their interactions create the universe. The strong nuclear force only occurs on the tiniest of scales. Any larger, and the/your universe will collapse/deindex upon itself. The weak nuclear force binds all that you see, quite literally. I'm applying both for you, properly. This knowledge is disastrous when misunderstood and misapplied, leading to deindexing and penalty. Let an actual Nuclear Engineer handle these dangerous materials for you. I once maintained nuclear clearance. Now I've got Cosmic Clearance.
NOTE: The Omniboss Packages are running low! If you want to take advantage of an insane amount of juice, trust, and authority, today is your day!


Authorities Attract a Constellation of Real Sites Surrounded By Real Sites

Did You Know That It's Pretty Obvious to The Gorg-Mind What Sites Are "Real" Or Not?

There are a lot of on-site metrics that can be collected by a search engine even without the site signing up to their Analytics software. Separate by niche, Organize data, Normalize the Bell curve, check who links to who, and see who's an outlier or not... It's fairly obvious what should/is being done with that data. Real sites are surrounded by real sites that are surrounded by real sites, like a giant nested set of Ptolemaic Epicycles. Don't know what I mean? Get your game up, but let me help you in the mean time, with my real sites linked to by real sites.​

Big Boys Fight For Their Place in Orbit

Did You Know That Without Angular Momentum, Planets Would Fall Out of Orbit And Into Their Stars?

So Maybe You've Made it to the Top 10, 5, 3, or even 1. You know those days where you check your stats and you're thinking "WTF!?" and realize you slipped to spot #2 or #4 for a part of the day? Yep. To keep your orbit/spot in the SERPs, you need to maintain a certain velocity or you'll fall victim to gravity/link loss. Even worse, some other site will overtake you because they are hustling and you're not. So how can you get this done? Are you going to just snag some spam and call it a day? Google will hit you with that coronal mass ejection so fast, the only star you'll be orbiting is Duck Duck Go (way off over there...). Hasta Lasagna, try not to get any on ya. Don't compromise the work you've already put in. Find some quality links and drip them in before it's too late.​
I ordered the Omniboss. I'm pumped - I spread the backlinks across three different sites.

It's the only link building I'll do for the next month or two and it took me 5 minutes to order.

Insane deal - And really it just saves me the frustration of filling out 10 wufoo order forms.

The Universe/Googleverse Rewards Perseverence

Did You Know That Age and Size Play A Large Part in the Algorithm?

There are a lot of factors you can fake on the internet. But some that you can't fake are age and size. Age of your domain, age since your content was indexed, age since your backlinks were indexed. There are ways to attempt to fake this that The Gorg-Mind is already watching and patching up. So the point is, get started on your authority project NOW.

Size also matters. We all know that these thin content pages and thin sites aren't hacking it any more. The number of indexed pages on your site plays a large role in clearing these thresholds of authority and trust. Like the giant oak tree, the last one standing, he grew and grew, and each branch sprouted more branches/topics until the tree was indestructable. Links to and from these sites work wonders. Seek to make your site indestructable. In the meantime, rest easy, knowing The Omniverse Sites are Gigantic and Still Growing!.​
NOTE: Only 1 Omniboss Package Left!


Join Forces With The Best Today.

Everyone else keeps moving forward while you hesitate.

Comfort zones are for Earthlings.

We are denizens of the...​


You Danced On The Event Horizon While Others Went Through...

Five brave bosses scooped up their nuts and dove straight into the wormhole! On the other end, their sites will be spewed out of what we call in physics a "white hole." They abandoned the black hat blackhole method where you get sucked into the non-index void, and instead opted to be catapulted at supraluminal speeds to the top of the SERPs.

It is not too late for you to take advantage of this special deal. Many have already (to your benefit!). Will you choose the Juice Lite (an okay decision, I must say) or will you feed your hungry site a package of that Juice Pro?

The deal will end when this thread closes. If you're interested, don't wait. I will not honor this extremely ridiculous discount once this thread locks!

Juice Lite and Juice Pro
Still Available!
The drips are happening! Some people have been contacted already but the Omniboss packages are going to take a little longer before full reports are ready. Everything is motion nonetheless. Keep an eye out on those inboxes :)
Many have taken advantage of this incredible discount.

If you're an existing customer of mine, you know how ridiculous this is, and it might even be worth your time to cook up a new site, order the Juice Pro package, and let it all sit and age until you can turn your attention to that new site.

If you're curious about what I'm offering but have never worked with me, PM me, ask me questions, give a Juice Lite a test run. Every package represents deep savings that will only last for 4 or 5 more days. Whether or not you have regret about this later is up to you. I'm here if you're ready to rank.
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