The Newsroom on HBO

I have no clue what this is about but it sounds like its gonna be a good show from the things I've been hearing about it.
Saw the previews and it looks good, but I have a suspicion that it being from HBO might just make it turn out to be liberal/left leaning.
This looks good but I smell something fishy about this
Yeah it's a soap about a news studio... And this main character is going to protrude that there is still people with integrity involved in the industry responsible for the idiocy the first 6 minutes of the show was trying to point out.

Besides that rant in the beginning it looks pretty dull. Drivel for intellectuals interested in politics and all that bullshit (SORRY LUKE).

Look out for the love interests, the stereotypical cast getting into every cliche imaginable with just a little bit of that anti-state thrown in which won you over from the loveable and courageous hero who will continually inspire you to... receive more opiate doses from the boob tube while sitting on your ass.

Shit. :321:
Thought it was worth a watch. I'll watch the next couple... if they are good, I'll continue watching.

I pretty much never watch TV, and this full episode happened to be online on youtube. The first 8 minutes got me to watch the other 52.
Saw the previews and it looks good, but I have a suspicion that it being from HBO might just make it turn out to be liberal/left leaning.

And this...

Yeah it's a soap about a news studio... And this main character is going to protrude that there is still people with integrity involved in the industry responsible for the idiocy the first 6 minutes of the show was trying to point out.

Besides that rant in the beginning it looks pretty dull. Drivel for intellectuals interested in politics and all that bullshit (SORRY LUKE).

Look out for the love interests, the stereotypical cast getting into every cliche imaginable with just a little bit of that anti-state thrown in which won you over from the loveable and courageous hero who will continually inspire you to... receive more opiate doses from the boob tube while sitting on your ass.

Shit. :321:

I caught the rant from the first 8 minutes back when they were running it in promos. Finally, a show about politics that tells it like it is! I was sorely mistaken...

The rant was provocative and (I suspect) did a great job of luring in the statists. A mostly liberal crowd who came to be appalled, with some teabaggers sprinkled in, who identified with the anti-state sentiment of his speech.

Within ~30 minutes the story turned into how the newsroom was going to spin the catastrophe they were covering, so it would provoke government into providing a solution. The first of many victories in restoring American greatness. In other words, exactly what statists wanted to hear.

The Bill Maher viewership is going to eat this shit up.
holy shit that was fucking awful. some of the most contrived television I've seen in a while.

All I could imagine while watching it was a bunch of state school journalism majors circle jerking with their reporter notepads about how fucking awesome their profession will be.
It's an Aaron Sorkin show, so it'll likely stay top notch. He did West Wing, Studio 60, Sports Night too - all very well put together.
Yeah it's a soap about a news studio... And this main character is going to protrude that there is still people with integrity involved in the industry responsible for the idiocy the first 6 minutes of the show was trying to point out.

Besides that rant in the beginning it looks pretty dull. Drivel for intellectuals interested in politics and all that bullshit (SORRY LUKE).

Look out for the love interests, the stereotypical cast getting into every cliche imaginable with just a little bit of that anti-state thrown in which won you over from the loveable and courageous hero who will continually inspire you to... receive more opiate doses from the boob tube while sitting on your ass.

Shit. :321:

By far my favorite new WF member.