The new Xbox...

Nov 7, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
Watching the live announcement / event right now.

The new name of it is actually "Xbox One"....seriously?
Does Microsoft realize that gamers worldwide has been referring to the original, first Xbox as exactly that for years now?

Way to give a new product an old, dated-sounding name.. :cool-smiley-008:

Also... is this even a game console anymore? lol... They go on and on about tv channels, media player, Skype, apps..I thought this was a GAME console?

You're right OP, I'm sure people talking about the XBox One will make everyone else think they're talking about the 12 year old original console that no one uses anymore. Marketing nightmare.
Meh... the architecture sounds really complex.. hopefully this means it will be easy for a hack to be found hehe =]. TBH though it seems that both microsoft and Sony are going with a PC hardware architecture.
Have the confirmed that they've removed the second hand games market or was that rumour? If true, they're certainly busy doing some Charlie Sheen style winning.
The conference just ended.
Cliffnotes = meh.

90% of the time was spent talking about tv, movies, media, interactivity, and the usual 'revolutionary' buzzwords.

Only a few minutes were spent talking about and showing actual gameplay footage and engine capabilities. Unless I missed it, not much was said on how games will be purchased, any definite hardware specs, or other things that would truly interest hard core gamers.

I'm sure these details will emerge in the days and weeks to come, but it's clear that they are shifting their product more over to the tv-tan masses, and away from the gamers. For me personally, I could care less about all the tv/movie/media fluff. Give me a kick-ass console with amazing graphics and that's all I need.

That being said - COD Ghosts looks pretty badass.
I hate it so far but I know I'm gonna have to buy it just because I love the EA sports games, and it seems they have partnered with Microsoft for some cool features that will be available only on Xbox One.
Was seriously underwhelmed by the self congratulatory wank fest of a launch.
They should have just opened with "It's going to play the latest call of duty, come to E3 if you want to find out more, Kthx bye"

And what's up with the design? Looks like something I'd find in my parents loft.
Was seriously underwhelmed by the self congratulatory wank fest of a launch.
They should have just opened with "It's going to play the latest call of duty, come to E3 if you want to find out more, Kthx bye"

And what's up with the design? Looks like something I'd find in my parents loft.

Lol I know, I was thinking the same. Underwhelmed is a good word here. Both for presentation, naming, and design.
and for a monthly fee with a 2 year contract and all this can be you dont own the games, direct DL so you can never sell them after your sick of them. See how awesome technology is....